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Pharmacist prescribes abortion pill by mistake.

Kata Ha Jime

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it's alright lads, by tomorrow we would have all forgotten about it. No big deal I guess.


Bollocks, really TripleA listen, you came into a thread about an accident involving a 19 year old who may accidentally have an abortion by a mistake in the medical profession, essentially you could be construed as saying this story means jack shit because you think she shouldn't be preggers in the first place and its sod law it happened.

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I wasn't talking about her was I?. I didn't come in and say I hope her child doesn't make it. I made a general statement about teenage pregnancy. If anyone chooses to come in, read the first 3 posts and leave then that's their fault, not mine.

Its a thread about her possibly losing her child! You wouldnt go into the Dark Knight Rises thread and talk about Darren Bent scoring for England. A 19 year old girl could lose her kid and you reply with "19 years olds shouldnt have kids". Come on now. The comment was out of order.

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Oh those?. I deleted them because not only do I imagine this thread getting locked as soon as a mod sees it anyway, but I am about




^^^ that interested in this thread now.


To sum up all the exciting posts I deleted, here's a quick summary -


I don't think teenage pregnancy is a good thing

As gutting as it must be for that girl, i'll have forgotten it even happened probably by tomorrow

I think a bunch of grown men starting a posse on a wrestling forum and hijacking threads with unfunny bollocks is really, really sad, and no amounts of bragging about how much they love pubs will make them any cooler.


There, thrilling.


Also Butch, you're right. If people have conviction, they'd leave their posts there for all to see.

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for anyone interested Butch said his missus was a 4/10, however he didn't say 19 year old's shouldn't be having kids in a thread about a tragic accident involving an ADULT potentially losing a child. Then he started whinging about people on a forum pretending to be the Wolfpac while they castigated his bullshit points, then he posted a picture of Ole Anderson for whatever reason, he also said HE would forget about it tomorrow while previously talking for all of us saying we would forget about it as well. Can't see why a Mod would delete this either, it is a debate after all, what's wrong with that. In summary



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They would. But I didn't have conviction in the one I deleted, because it was a bit nasty, and was having a pop at your missus. I don't know her, it wouldn't be fair, and your tribute to Joey Deacon tonight is nothing to do with her. And I do apologise for having a dig at a lady for an uncalled reason. So I got rid ASAP. You're still a dick though.

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Its not just us three who thought it was a dickhead thing to say though. This thread will be locked, no doubt and rightfully so, but your constant defending of it is ridiculous. Its not a case of anyone ganging up on you at all. And people get along with other people on forums, and enjoy certain peoples posts. Just like you and your Mafia game pals that is exclusive to just you and some people trying to guess who Sting is(?) and enjoying yourselfs while doing it and I like certain people on here, and have a laugh with them as well. I like Air_raid and the King of Swing as well, who took exception to your post, and they dont have the Ole sig so its not some gang attack with fake feelings on the matter. Makes no difference to whether or not people feel your comments in this thread were right or wrong. Some people may find it piss funny. I certainly didnt, and whats worse is you playing the victim in it, when all it needed was either to be ignored or just to say "I didnt mean it like that, soz if it came across like that". No need to throw you toys out and start editing your posts.

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Oh you went and actively searched for a picture of my girlfriend to use in an argument against me on a wrestling forum?. That's not absolutely sad at all. I'm sure you can brag about it to your mum and dog over breakfast tomorrow about how you totally showed me!.

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I think it's fair to say, that in the afternoon there'd have been more than us three Ole Sigs who'd be fucking horrified by it. It's nothing to do with the sigs, and your PCCCCC paranoia, it's because we're awake the same time as you, and we're calling what you said fucking nasty shit, as most people would have done if they were online as well. So get off your fucking soapbox.

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ironically I don't even know what the pCc is, what a naive prick I am.


In fairness TripleA, Butch did delete his post and explained it and personally apologized, you deleted yours then had to re-bullet point them and throw in your mental insults about the wrestling posse. It's not like the paid members aren't all "freemason" eh :p The forum posse stuff is great, it's turning TripleA into the forums David Icke

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I couldn't give two shits if he deleted it right away. He went out of his way to look up my girlfriend and slag her off to a bunch of strangers. Whether he or you or anyone else thinks I'm a dick, do I go scouring the internet for information or pictures of your loved ones to slag them off?. No, because it's a total dickish thing to do and it's been reported.

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it's been reported... well I guess if you want to win an argument, telling your mum to tell the boy off works on a forum best. By the way hardly any of us know who your missus is nor do most of us seemingly we care since the post no longer exists and his apology is still on the forum for everyone to read, whereas your banal points were tragically deleted for all to see




"youuuuuu smeg"

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