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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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The current theme of "Serving those who Serve", emphasises the increasing need to help the men and women who are serving today, as well as ex-Service people and their dependants.

Well, there you go.


That's why you'll never see a completely positive response from Celtic fans.


Hardly rocket science, is it?

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The most disappointing thing about this situation is that the Green Brigade's banner has given the press exactly what they wanted and something to grab hold of so that the Dallas/SFA scandal will just fade into the background and never be talked of again.


Poorly timed, as we had a chance to really make a difference I believe.

Yup, in-depth segment about the Green Brigade's banner at the top of Reporting Scotland tonight. About twenty seconds coverage of Scotland's head of referees making an anti-Catholic joke through his SFA email address followed.


That said, apparently two of the people who Hugh Dallas forwarded the email to both sat on the committee which didn't demote self-confessed liar Dougie McDonald. I'm not sure that this story can fade into the background. There are a few more worms to wriggle out of the can yet.

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The most disappointing thing about this situation is that the Green Brigade's banner has given the press exactly what they wanted and something to grab hold of so that the Dallas/SFA scandal will just fade into the background and never be talked of again.


Poorly timed, as we had a chance to really make a difference I believe.

Yup, in-depth segment about the Green Brigade's banner at the top of Reporting Scotland tonight. About twenty seconds coverage of Scotland's head of referees making an anti-Catholic joke through his SFA email address followed.


That said, apparently two of the people who Hugh Dallas forwarded the email to both sat on the committee which didn't demote self-confessed liar Dougie McDonald. I'm not sure that this story can fade into the background. There are a few more worms to wriggle out of the can yet.


First off, you made it obvious why the Dallas story should be ignored...IT WAS A FUCKING JOKE. Get a grip lads. It wasn't anti-catholic at all, it was a sterotype joke, same as an Englishman making a joke about the jocks.


Those Celtic "fans" on the other hand. Vermin.

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The most disappointing thing about this situation is that the Green Brigade's banner has given the press exactly what they wanted and something to grab hold of so that the Dallas/SFA scandal will just fade into the background and never be talked of again.


Poorly timed, as we had a chance to really make a difference I believe.

Yup, in-depth segment about the Green Brigade's banner at the top of Reporting Scotland tonight. About twenty seconds coverage of Scotland's head of referees making an anti-Catholic joke through his SFA email address followed.


That said, apparently two of the people who Hugh Dallas forwarded the email to both sat on the committee which didn't demote self-confessed liar Dougie McDonald. I'm not sure that this story can fade into the background. There are a few more worms to wriggle out of the can yet.


First off, you made it obvious why the Dallas story should be ignored...IT WAS A FUCKING JOKE. Get a grip lads. It wasn't anti-catholic at all, it was a sterotype joke, same as an Englishman making a joke about the jocks.


Those Celtic "fans" on the other hand. Vermin.

I'm not sure that anyone connected with the SFA should be using organisation accounts to forward "jokes" relating to child abuse. If that happened at my place of work, and I suspect at most other decent organisations, the culprit would be looking for employment elsewhere.


As for the Green Brigade, their methods may have been questionable but they - like you or I - are entitled to express their opinion.

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This Celtic-Poppy-Gate story keeps on going..



Celtic aim to ban those found responsible for a giant anti-poppy banner displayed at the weekend.


The protest unveiled on Saturday read: "Your deeds would shame all the devils in Hell. Ireland, Iraq, Afghanistan. No bloodstained poppy on our Hoops."


Celtic issued an apology for any offence caused and will launch an investigation aimed at banning the perpetrators from home games.


All 12 SPL clubs will wear poppies on their shirts next weekend.


"It's clearly regrettable that a weekend of so much excitement on the pitch has been dominated by reporting of events off the pitch," said Doncaster in relation to the banner at Celtic Park and crowd trouble during the Edinburgh derby.


"We have invited comments from Celtic, Hibernian and Hearts on the back of the weekend's events and are awaiting the reports of the match delegates."


A section of Celtic fans have long campaigned against the wearing of poppies.


But Doncaster said it was now an established practice in the SPL for all clubs to wear poppies on their shirts on the weekend of Remembrance Sunday.


"We would welcome the fact that Celtic have moved quickly to apologise," he said.


"I would also point out that all 12 of the SPL clubs will be wearing poppies on their shirts next weekend in support of Poppy Scotland for the third year in a row."


Doncaster would not be drawn over whether the banner was a breach of stadium rules forbidding political demonstrations but added: "There have been a number of instances of inappropriate behaviour at games.


Celtic responded to the controversy by issuing a statement which said: "The actions of this small minority have no place at Celtic Park and, clearly, we apologise for any offence caused."


A spokesman later added: "The club is currently carrying out an investigation into this matter. When it is concluded, it is the club's intention to ban those identified as responsible from Celtic Park.


"Celtic fans have rightly earned a magnificent reputation for their positive behaviour and backing of the club.


"It is extremely disappointing that the actions of a small minority have embarrassed Celtic and tarnished the club in this way."


The charity Poppy Scotland described the banner, displayed during the 9-0 win over Aberdeen, as "disrespectful".

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so celtic fc are going to find the culprits involved and ban them for life? they still haven't found the coin throwers, lighter throwers and the mobile thrower, what chance have they got in finding them


juan guy indeed


i think hibs could cause a upset tomorrow

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so celtic fc are going to find the culprits involved and ban them for life? they still haven't found the coin throwers, lighter throwers and the mobile thrower, what chance have they got in finding them

Just the same as Rangers never have any intention of finding the fans who do the exact same type of thing, only in a blue jersey.

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The Green Brigade are a stain on the Celtic support that needs to be removed. I don't want to hear how good they are at generating atmosphere or singing songs, some of which are sectarian anyway. I was at a league cup game a few seasons back just when the Green Brigade was really starting to get noticed and the way they behvaed that night was an utter disgrace. There was two women I'd say in their 60's who were unlucky enough to be sitting in seats on the edge of the Green Birgade's area. The two women were not physically going to be able to stand throughout the 90 mins but that didn't stop the Green Brigade guys around them standing and jumping for the entire game while singing songs that no decent Celtic fans want to hear. The two old dears ended up asking a steward to move them seats and they ended up further down the rows getting soaking wet as it was pissing down. I sat in section 112 for 14 years, the last 3/4 of which I saw up close numerous incidents of these idots behaving in this way.


Soapy, we hold no moral high ground over anyone nor the right to declare the fans of another club scum while the Green Brigade remain an active part of the Celtic support.


I wholeheartedly support Celtic's attempts to ban them from the ground. These people aren't Celtic fans, they're yobs and thugs hiding behind the Celtic badge and they are a stain on the name and reputation of Celtic.

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Let's not mince words - I don't think I've ever posted on here giving the Green Brigade praise for their antics. I think they have created a dangerous culture for the club and they have given birth to a new kind of supporter that is really dragging us back into the dark ages. This is because I've noticed that a lot of younger fans (mainly between the ages of 14-25) have tried to attach themselves to the group and then, in turn, involve themselves in a lot of the murky areas the Green Brigade sink into. Look at the Rude Bhoys up in the corner between the Jock Stein/North Stand upper - essentially, just another mob of pissed wee twats jumping about for 90 mins. I understand that there's a problem at Parkhead in terms of atmosphere for any games that aren't a Rangers match, a European tie or an important league game at the end of the season that will factor hugely in the title race - but this is the same with all of the big grounds in the UK, like Ibrox, Old Trafford, Emirates etc.


This is a very difficult subject for Celtic to approach, and it's one that needs to be handled with the utmost care as there is massive potential for an explosive inter-support rift here. The Green Brigade bring a lot of colour and noise to games - this cannot be used as a tool for them to excuse some of the disgraceful behaviour they impart. I'm not saying the poppy banner is an example of this (as stated earlier, I feel this is an example of peaceful protest) - but the issue of sectarian singing is one that can always be held against us as long as they have free reign.

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Official statement from the Green Brigade:




At half-time during today's match against Aberdeen we displayed message banners calling for `No bloodstained poppys on our hoops' in protest at the Club's decision to once again wear the poppy on our shirts during next week's game at St Mirren (a match our group will not attend because of this decision). This is in support of an appeal by Poppyscotland to all SPL clubs. Poppyscotland describes its role as `supporting heroes' and state that `the poppy has become a symbol of remembrance and for the sacrifices made by our Armed Forces'. Our group and many within the Celtic support do not recognise the British Armed Forces as heroes, nor their role in many conflicts as one worthy of our remembrance.



Earlier this year, the Saville Report on Bloody Sunday confirmed that 14 unarmed civilians were murdered in Derry in 1972 by the Paratroop Regiment. They were among hundreds killed by the British Army during the most recent phase of conflict in Ireland. More recently, the British Armed Forces have murdered and maimed many thousands more innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. The poppy remembers not just our grandfathers who fought the Nazis but also those who sank the Belgrano and brutally occupied the streets of Belfast and Basra. While we recognise the right of individuals to remember their dead and that many within the Celtic support will wear the poppy in memory of family and friends lost in WW2 and other conflicts, we cannot accept the imposition of the poppy onto our shirts.


As far back as April, representatives from the Green Brigade, Celtic Supporters Association and Celtic Trust met with Peter Lawwell to express our united opposition to the Club imposing the poppy on the first team jersey. We also know that the AICSC and many other individual supporters had called on the Club to reverse their position of previous years and take the poppy off the shirt. Following our meeting in April, the Club were contacted on several occasions for further dialogue on the issue but informed us that they were still considering their position and would get back to us.


The first any group knew of the decision was after it had been made, and publicly announced. We share the views of the AICSC whose recent statement on the poppy stated that `to see the jersey being used as a medium for such a divisive symbol and the message it communicates is deplorable', and that it showed a complete lack of respect for the support, further highlighted by repeated declarations on the official website of Celtic's delight to be wearing the poppy and supporting Poppyscotland. It appears rather than leave his politics at the door, chairman John Reid, the former Armed Forces Minister and Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Defence, has forced his onto the first team jersey.

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That was actually a fair minded statement until the part with John Reid. It just makes the whole statement seem like an angle to get at him.


Personally I don't have a problem witht he club putting the poppy on the shirts even although I don't choose to wear one myself. Aidan Corrigan posted the club's mission statement a page or 2 back and that mission statement was drawn up, IIRC, in collaboration with various supoorters groups. So what do we do now that it doesn't the Green Brigade's current agenda, tear it up?

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