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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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I was there today and I thought the ref had a very good game though I suppose I may think differently if I saw a few of the replays. Not sure about the second penalty I suppose as I was at the other end of the ground but the game was over by that point anyway. Shame for Aberdeen as if their goal had been allowed to stand they'd have been right in it but as it was Celtic immediately went up and scored. But if the guy was offside when the ball was headed though then it was correct to chop it off whether he touched it in or not as he was clearly interfering with play.


Some of the Aberdeen fans are a bit nuts though. A guy behind me started shouting with his voice cracking with emotion at everyone else behind him for not singing enough and another fan walked down to the front of the stand at 3-0 and threw his scarf onto the running track before walking out. Very odd - I mean you're down to 10 men and playing the best footballing team in the country.



Are you referring to Celtic here?


EDIT : Also, I echo the fact that some are saying.. Celtic' whining about decisions has come down to the fact that, Referees are SCARED to do anything against Celtic now. Any 50/50's will generally go toward Celtic, and I see referees walking on eggshells while taking control of their games for fear of requests for "Clairty, Transparency and accountability", among other lovely little buzzwords. I suspect if the penalty/red card incident had happened up the other end of the pitch, a red card would not have been awarded, penalty, yes, but, red card, no way.


Go through some Celtic games, since the campaign for clarification kicked off, refs are scared to award anything against Celtic for fear of being labled "part of the establishment"


I am yes. The league table (just) indicates this to be true as well.

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I was there today and I thought the ref had a very good game though I suppose I may think differently if I saw a few of the replays. Not sure about the second penalty I suppose as I was at the other end of the ground but the game was over by that point anyway. Shame for Aberdeen as if their goal had been allowed to stand they'd have been right in it but as it was Celtic immediately went up and scored. But if the guy was offside when the ball was headed though then it was correct to chop it off whether he touched it in or not as he was clearly interfering with play.


Some of the Aberdeen fans are a bit nuts though. A guy behind me started shouting with his voice cracking with emotion at everyone else behind him for not singing enough and another fan walked down to the front of the stand at 3-0 and threw his scarf onto the running track before walking out. Very odd - I mean you're down to 10 men and playing the best footballing team in the country.



Are you referring to Celtic here?


EDIT : Also, I echo the fact that some are saying.. Celtic' whining about decisions has come down to the fact that, Referees are SCARED to do anything against Celtic now. Any 50/50's will generally go toward Celtic, and I see referees walking on eggshells while taking control of their games for fear of requests for "Clairty, Transparency and accountability", among other lovely little buzzwords. I suspect if the penalty/red card incident had happened up the other end of the pitch, a red card would not have been awarded, penalty, yes, but, red card, no way.


Go through some Celtic games, since the campaign for clarification kicked off, refs are scared to award anything against Celtic for fear of being labled "part of the establishment"


I am yes. The league table (just) indicates this to be true as well.


Celtic are winning, but, I wouldn't say they are the best footballing team in the country.

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Celtic are winning, but, I wouldn't say they are the best footballing team in the country.

Who would you say is then? Any answer other than Motherwell is wrong, by the way.


I don't know, but neither of the OF are certainly the best "footballing" team in the country.


Motherwell have played some nice stuff this season.


Depends if by "in the country" if you're referring to Scotland, or the UK as a whole. (as is so often the case), either way, I still don't think Celtic are the best footballing team in the country. The OF have been medicore at best mostly. this season.

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Tin hat on.


I think the whole point Celtic fans are making is that they get the decisive decision in the cup game or when 4-0 nil up in a league game. Not when they really need it at 1-1 in a league game. Like erm....... the penalty Ragers got this weekend, Compare and contrast.

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I think the whole point Celtic fans are making is that they get the decisive decision in the cup game or when 4-0 nil up in a league game. Not when they really need it at 1-1 in a league game. Like erm....... the penalty Ragers got this weekend, Compare and contrast.

So, Celtic fans believe they don't get a fair shake from officials in the games that matter? I think it's safe to say that nearly every football fan in the country thinks that of their own team.


I'm sure that most non-Old Firm fans would agree that we never seem to get the decisions we deserve when playing against either of them.

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The cash problems at Rangers must really be biting hard when you're reduced to unveiling your new home strip in the middle of a public park.


They had to rush while they still had a grown-up player to model it.

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The cash problems at Rangers must really be biting hard when you're reduced to unveiling your new home strip in the middle of a public park.



It might be Kelvinside Academy's playing field - Rangers trained there when a certain Craig Whyte was a pupil (conspiracy!).

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thank goodness for that, 3 points and now the pressure is all on the dhims, 3 red cards which were all correct as each one was a goal scoring chance, 2nd penalty shouldn't have been given as it was outside the box.


looking forward to sunday

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April 19th2011

Live bombs sent to Lennon,McBride and MSP.


By: Phil Mac Giolla Bhain




Paul McBride QC, Neil Lennon and Trish Godman, the Labour politician, were sent live bombs which were only intercepted at a late stage last Friday 15th April.


These devices have been described to me as

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