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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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Here's a stat for you to be really proud of, Ally. Two thirds of religiously aggravated violence in Scotland is anti-Catholic. Catholics form about 16% of the population. That means that a Catholic is roughly four times as likely to be a victim of violence on the basis of his religion as a Protestant. If you think your "harmless" songs aren't a factor in the mindset that enables and encourages that, you're an idiot. If anyone who looks at the actual facts really thinks both sides are as bad as each other, they're innumerate, ignorant, or a bigoted scumbag themselves.




If there are more Protestants than Catholics, then by definition of "Religiously aggravated assault", Catholics are obviously going to have the highest victim rate.


Here's a fact for you Kenny, WE live in a PROTESTANT country, looked over by a Queen. I sometimes think that secretly you love that. Because if you lived in a catholic country you would be able to play the Mr Oppression card you play so fabulously well.


For the record, I'm neither protestant or catholic. And this is the Scottish FOOTBALL thread.

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Cool. Can I start singing about being up to my knees in nigger blood at Diouf and Edu? They should get over it. It's a WHITE country.


You're a walking parody. We don't sing foreign folk songs glorifying the deaths of people from the country we live in.

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With yesterday being the first time I've ever watched an Old Firm game with a Rangers fan, I now appreciate more than ever the more heightened menace and poison of the Rangers support as a collective. There is obviously examples - my mate in question being one. He went crazy when his team scored and there was some mild joking about Fenians (he is a baptised, practising Catholic who supports Rangers cos of his dad's side). He didn't mean it and if anything, it was more a parody of the kind of knuckledragger you would see at Ibrox. After the game, it died down and everyone calmed down and got on with the drinking. This is cos he is a sensible person who "gets it".


I'm not making any apologies for the Rangers fans though. It's hard to put a finger on it but they create what can only be described as a sinister atmosphere, I would say. There's no joy from anyone, no smiling and joking among pals in the same way we do. Songs of hate about hanging Neil Lennon high, faces contorted with rage and just a general feeling of foreboding. My cousin's man felt threatened by his own kind in Manchester, especially cos he had his wee boy with him. To me, I think it's patently obvious to anyone on the outside looking in. Things will be conducted in the manner that suits Rangers best: if we win, Celtic are fucking shite and a laughing stock. If we lose: this will not be tolerated. We are the people. We will not stand for this. Beat/stab/gouge at any fucking Fenian bastard you see.


I never heard any celebration of Rangers yesterday when the goals went in. I never heard the support sing about the team or their achievements. As per usual, I heard a song about a 1930s razor gang who killed Catholics for fun followed by a ditty of hate about the same Church and the eradication of chapels which 'sadden the eyes'. That's Scottish FOOTBALL for you, Ally.

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I never heard any celebration of Rangers yesterday when the goals went in. I never heard the support sing about the team or their achievements. As per usual, I heard a song about a 1930s razor gang who killed Catholics for fun followed by a ditty of hate about the same Church and the eradication of chapels which 'sadden the eyes'. That's Scottish FOOTBALL for you, Ally.



Nobody celebrating. I suppose I also imagined the fans singing 'Champion

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I never heard any celebration of Rangers yesterday when the goals went in. I never heard the support sing about the team or their achievements. As per usual, I heard a song about a 1930s razor gang who killed Catholics for fun followed by a ditty of hate about the same Church and the eradication of chapels which 'sadden the eyes'. That's Scottish FOOTBALL for you, Ally.



Nobody celebrating. I suppose I also imagined the fans singing 'Glasgow Rangers, Champions, ooooo'. You're full of it, and your pretence that Celtic's fanbase are full of fun-loving saintly sorts who never have a bad word for anyone whilst Rangers' fanbase is full of miserable angry bastards who use the football as an excuse to beat the 'enemy' is biased conjecture. You said yourself that your Rangers-supporting pal could quite easily have a laugh with it, yet you suggest that he's the only one? Tripe.


Two people arguing over absolutely nothing. Do you not see you have both been sucked into the idiotic nature of it? Rangers AND Celtic have a bunch of fucking idiots in their support. Tit for tat. Big Jock knew , Richard Gough, famine, Ibrox Disaster and so on and on.

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Oh I agree, Biff. However, I'm willing to admit that there are cunts on each side instead of pretending it's all that nasty other lot's fault.


What you have to understand though is for some reason, and I say this as a complete neutral ( Mothers side support Rangers, Fathers side Celtic) Celtic are playing the role of victim this season, in regard to the SFA rigmarole, which has obviously rubbed off on alot of their support. Conspiracy and what not aside, Both clubs NEED to address this instead of shying away from it. Rangers fans singing Billy Boys is embarrassing in this day and age and why the fans perservere with doing so I will never understand. They're hardwired when they come out the womb. This shite is holding Glasgow back.

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Likewise, but what gets me is ones like Kenny who say "I'm Sick of people saying that people are just as bad as each other on both sides"...


It's bloody true.. I'm a Rangers supporter and some of our supporters are pillocks, but, there is a fair fraternity of the Celtic supporters who are just as bad! There's dafties on each side of the OF support. I work at the grounds, and I've seen both sides acting like (and getting arrested/ejected for..) acting like idiots.


BTW, Remember the huddleboard? The board that published the home addresses of Rangers players and encouraged members to use them... Yeh, Greatest fans in the world for sure.

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I have a feeling that part of the reason Rangers aren't addressing it is that the club is so deep in the shit we can't afford to turn people away. I'm sure the odd person will be banned or arrested but the ground isn't full like it used to be, and banning people represents revenue lost - guaranteed revenue in the case of some season ticket holders. Of course, they could just do it anyway, but then we'd go bust and there'd be nobody for Celtic to moan about...


Joking aside, it's a serious problem, but it's one that I fear will continue to be ignored.

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I should point out that I'm no fan of rebel songs at football games. It's just that I was at my first game in ages and barely saw or heard anythingg dodgy at our end, but repeated renditions of a vile song at the other end.


Also, those stats came from some reading I was doing for other reasons recently. I think it's worth noting that only 14% of religious violence is thought to be football related. It's my belief though, that tolerating songs like TheBilly Boys creates an atmosphere where anti-Catholic attitudes are considered OK. When a sixth of the population experiences two thirds of the violence, you have to look at all the reasons. I think looking at the most public and vocal is the best place to start.


Ally, I'll ask again. Nigger blood - yes or no?

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I have a feeling that part of the reason Rangers aren't addressing it is that the club is so deep in the shit we can't afford to turn people away. I'm sure the odd person will be banned or arrested but the ground isn't full like it used to be, and banning people represents revenue lost - guaranteed revenue in the case of some season ticket holders. Of course, they could just do it anyway, but then we'd go bust and there'd be nobody for Celtic to moan about...


Joking aside, it's a serious problem, but it's one that I fear will continue to be ignored.


I think they are doing more than some people acknowledge and certainly more than they used to.


The internal CCTV system at Ibrox is the best in the country by a long shot and when i've been working i've seen people plucked out from the crowd and ejected. Mostly for stupid stuff like sneaking in bottles and being caught taking a swig or having a fly cigarette and of course the Celtic fans who were caught snorting coke during an OF game a couple of years back but i've also seen people pinpointed based on what they were gesturing or singing (no sound though) at which stage a officer would go to the vicinity and if it's bad enough have a quiet word and if it was kept up they'd be ejected. This was all down towards the corner where the away fans sit so i'm not sure if it's replicated in other areas of the ground but i've heard second hand from colleagues saying folk(s) have been punted from the club deck for singing certain songs after other Rangers fans complained to steward and police and this wasn't just at OF games either.

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I have a feeling that part of the reason Rangers aren't addressing it is that the club is so deep in the shit we can't afford to turn people away. I'm sure the odd person will be banned or arrested but the ground isn't full like it used to be, and banning people represents revenue lost - guaranteed revenue in the case of some season ticket holders. Of course, they could just do it anyway, but then we'd go bust and there'd be nobody for Celtic to moan about...


Joking aside, it's a serious problem, but it's one that I fear will continue to be ignored.


I think they are doing more than some people acknowledge and certainly more than they used to.


The internal CCTV system at Ibrox is the best in the country by a long shot and when i've been working i've seen people plucked out from the crowd and ejected. Mostly for stupid stuff like sneaking in bottles and being caught taking a swig or having a fly cigarette and of course the Celtic fans who were caught snorting coke during an OF game a couple of years back but i've also seen people pinpointed based on what they were gesturing or singing (no sound though) at which stage a officer would go to the vicinity and if it's bad enough have a quiet word and if it was kept up they'd be ejected. This was all down towards the corner where the away fans sit so i'm not sure if it's replicated in other areas of the ground but i've heard second hand from colleagues saying folk(s) have been punted from the club deck for singing certain songs after other Rangers fans complained to steward and police and this wasn't just at OF games either.


I echo this.


I do a lot of work in the control rooms of football matches at most stadia in/around glasgow, and, there's a lot more "dealing with things" goes on than people give the police/stewards credit for.. Just because they don't get a microphone and say "WE'RE ARRESTING A GUY FOR SINGING BILLY BOYS" to all 50,000 in attendance, doesn't mean that people aren't getting dealt with.

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