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Egg Shen

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3 episodes down of Fight Master (Episode 4 airs tonight). I think it's been great so far, surprise of epsiode of 3 was Joe Riggs who came in looking like a freakin' beast (poor Rob Mills), i can't believe Riggs is only 30!


The selection's are all done apart from one, not quite sure how they'll fill that slot but the selection process episodes were very entertaining, like mentioned above Warren & Shamrock are great, Shamrock's playing for the camera whilst Warren is a legit excitable little guy in my opinion, i magine he's exactly the same off camera as he is on.


Looking forward to how the proper episode pan out starting tonight.

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I have to concede to Dai above, it is very much like TUF in terms of structure now, with the added twist of 4 camps competing other than 2 camps.


However, 3 of the coaches are new to reality MMA coaching, and coupled with the production values being strong, it still feels quite fresh to me. We will see how it pans out in later episodes.


So far I have really enjoyed it, as EBB says I am amazed Riggs is only 30. It was 8 years ago he was fighting Matt Hughes!

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episode was quality as well, they crammed in 2 fights so it seems like in-house stuff will be kept to a minimum and the show seems to focus more on the coaching techniques and the relationships they have with the fighters, nothing wrong with that.


The actual fight selection process i liked as well, woulda have liked to have seen more of the discussion of why guys got seeded higher than others but it was pretty cool, it a little unfair to the lower seeded guys who don't get to select who they wanna fight.


The Lozano/Travers fight was good shit, i had 19-19 same the official score but round 3 was anyone's, im taking it that Lozano's top position at the end stole him the round but it was ultra-close, Travers has some chin.


Greg Jackson is doing my head in already, it's interested to actually be able to hear everything he says in the corner and the only thing i can say is that he must talk and give instructions like he does to try and infuriate the opponent to make mistakes, shouting 'that missed' or 'holy cow you're outkickboxing him' in that annoying voice of his must drive guys mental, Jackon's certainly unique but i found myself rooting for Lozano just to get one over on Greg :D


good episode.

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I still haven't got round to watching any of this :( keep meaning to but never seem to get time. How many episodes in are we now?


EDIT - nevermind, 4 right? Should have read Ebb's post better, it's in the first fucking line!

Edited by wandshogun09
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bit of Bellator news...


former BAMMA Champ Rob Sinclar's first fight for the promotion has been announced, he'll be fighting un-retiring Rich Clementi in the opening round of the next 155lb tournament. Another Brit, Martin Stapleton debuts too against last season's finalist Saad Awad Speaking of that tournament, the field is fucking stacked:


Marcus Davis (22-9 MMA, 0-0 BFC) vs. Alexander Sarnavskiy (23-1 MMA, 2-1 BFC)

John Alessio (34-16 MMA, 0-0 BFC) vs. Will Brooks (9-1 MMA, 1-1 BFC)

Saad Awad (14-5 MMA, 2-2 BFC) vs. Martin Stapleton (12-1 MMA, 0-0 BFC)

Rich Clementi (45-22-1 MMA, 2-2 BFC)vs. Rob Sinclair (12-2 MMA, 0-0 BFC)


oh, speaking of un-retirers, Kurt Pellegrino is making a comeback too...MMA fighters are just as bad as pro wrestlers.


Tonight, Spike! are airing a 30 minute special on the Russian fighters in Bellator, could be a good watch, i always harp on about the Russians and if you don't have much knowledge on em or are new Bellator i recommend you get on the case because they are f'n awesome.

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Really enjoying Fight Master at the moment.


Last nights episode was pretty good. It's really not looking good for Warren's camp. 2 fighters down and his next fighter is up against Riggs next week if I remember correctly. We also seen a totally stupid decision from Ismael Gonzalez, who decided to pick Joe Williams who was ranked bottom thinking it was an easy fight, but turned out he picked one of the best wrestlers and he had no wrestling/takedown defence at all and got totally dominated. Totall baffled me. I also quite enjoyed Shamrocks interaction during this fight, certainly wasn't as annoying as Warren in the first fight and Jackson last week


I think the only negatives for me about this series is that I would have liked to have seen a bit more reaction from the fighters about there ranking positions. Sure a lot of them would have had things to say about it. Also, does seem quite a random order to put the fights in and it's hard to keep track of which fighters are were in the rankings tbh. I seem to forget pretty easy. But then again maybe thats a good thing cause im more into the fights and not thinking about the rankings.

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Bellator have sacked Paul Daley and Maiquel Falcao. It's to do with their recent, violent brushes with the law.


I was expecting the Falcao release but I thought Daley was on track. He'd said recently his case had been resolved but it obviously hasn't from reading MMAJunkie's article and the quotes from Daley's manager.


Shame. I'm a big fan of Daley as a fighter, it's just unfortunate that the choices he's made keep holding his progress back. The Koscheck incident and UFC sacking, these assault charges and the Bellator release. He's soured the #1 and #2 MMA promotions in the world from using him. I guess this means more Semtex on BAMMA and Cage Warriors shows from now on. He's running out of options Stateside and the charges mean he's unlikely to get a Visa anyway so WSOF and RFA aren't likely at this point either.


Falcao just seems to be a magnet for bother. Talented fighter (although frustrating to watch at times), but I don't blame Bellator for cutting ties. He just seems like a bad apple. The UFC want nothing to do with him and sacked him off a win, now Bellator are distancing themselves. This will sound bad but I get the feeling things won't end well for Falcao. He seems like a proper headcase and carrying on like that, getting into street brawls and all that, in a dangerous and volatile place like Brazil, is a recipe for a bad ending.

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Is that the one where blokes are smacking them with Jim Duggan 2x4s? If so, yeah, mental stuff. That all started with him shoving a woman as well didn't it? Which he apparently makes a habit of because Dana said the reason they sacked him was because he'd assaulted a woman as well.

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Next show is Wednesday, so im assuming its friday again.


As for the footage i dont think Falcao shoved a woman but it involved a woman. The dude he was with (who was on TUF Brazil i believe) got laid out with a Duggan 2x4 and the dudes just start punting his head, full on. Last i heard he was in hospital with serious head injuries. Falcao is ok.

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Did anyone catch Bellator - The Russian Invasion? if not get on it, it was bascially a countdown to the Askren/Koreshkov fight that happens tomororw night whilst giving a brief history of the Russian's in Bellator, it's only twenty minutes long, well worth seeing.


Here it is


Speaking of the show tomorrow, it goes down like this:



Michael Chandler vs. David Rickels - for lightweight title

Ben Askren vs. Andrey Koreshkov - for welterweight title

Muhammed Lawal vs. Jacob Noe - Summer Series light-heavyweight tourney final

Ryan Martinez vs. Vitaly Minakov - Summer Series heavyweight tourney final

Jared Downing vs. Patricio Freire


it's a fucking loaded card.


Can't really see past wins for Chandler and Askren in the title fights, Rickels sheer toughness and will to scrap will make the Chandler fun whilst it lasts but Chandler is on another level.


The Koreshkov/Askren fight simply depends on whether or not Koreshkov can stop the takedown, no one has so far...Askren to win, hopefully he's agressive like he was against Psycho. As much as i love the Russian's i kinda like watching Askren's middle finger towards all the fans who don't appreciate his style so im ok either way this goes.


King Mo!! there's genuine bad blood here and Mo has stated he wants to hurt Noe, this one's gonna be messy.


Minakov should take out Martinez save for Martinez landing a sledgehammer, if Minakov wins we get a Russia vs. Russia heavyweight title fight.


...and to open up we get one of the Pitbull Bro's.


It's gonna be a good night.

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Yeah I can't wait for this one. What a card. Can't see past Chandler and Askren wins.


Can't wait for the King Mo fight too. One of my favourite fighters for sure and he really doesn't like Noe. So this should be a great watch. Think Mo will just be too good for him and hopefully we see a 1st/2nd round KO.


Not sure weather to watch live or wait out till Friday and watch it on VIVA as I need to be up early on the Thursday, but really not sure if I'll be able to avoid spoilers.


I definitely need to check out The Russian Invasion thing too. Totally forgot about it.

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