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MMA: Past Fight Discussion

Egg Shen

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Frankie Edgar is great. I don't care how he draws he's just someone I love to watch fight. He's got a bit of a Gatti quality to him and not just the New Jersey link. He's tough as fuck. The word tough is overused but Frankie is tough.


Not just the Maynard fights, what about all the leg kicks from Aldo? Leg kicks which destroyed Faber yet Frankie ate them and was the fresher fighter late on. Or the upkick from Benson where he fought 4 more rounds with a smashed face? Come-from-behind KO on Maynard, dominated Penn the second time, got robbed against Benson, gave Aldo all he could handle. Frankie's awesome. Like Gatti, his style should sell him enough. I don't get why he's not more popular.


Agree on Anik. Robotic, dull, lifeless. Shoehorns his shit "hurtin' for certain" catchphrase into almost every fight. Seems a nice enough bloke but everything about him screams QVC presenter. When a great moment like Wand returning to Japan and KOing Stann happens you want some emotion not Dr RobotAnik reading his notes.

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I do not dislike Edgar as such, as a fighter he is one of the finest lighter weight fighters of this era. As a person though I am indifferent and so is the public. Take Matt Hughes for example, I hated that fucker at his peak and would look forward to him fight in the hope he would lose. In contrast, I was a huge GSP fan and, so when he beat Hughes for the title in 2006 it was one of my favorite MMA moments ever.


Edgar does not make me care one way or another, I do not root for him or against him. He is a exciting fighter and he is said very tough and has heart. But there is little flash and style to him, Aldo has out of this world leg kicks, BJ had the flexability and Anderson has the head movement. Edgar just gets on with things there is very little for fans to sink there teeth into.


I see the Gatti comparison but they are night and day as Gatti had the heart of the audience. I remember when the likable Alfonso Gomez beat Gatti, and despite Gomez being a nice chap you really felt for Gatti, not just because of the Ward fights he had a certain charm to him similar to Wanderlai Silva these days. And there lies the difference, Gatti had a certain amount of charm and style which Edgar lacks.

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Fair point but I don't really know what it is Gatti had that Edgar supposedly lacks. It wasn't like Gatti was some glib speaker, particularly funny or good at selling himself or whatever. Gatti caught on because he was one of the most exciting guys to watch bell to bell, ridiculously tough, huge heart. This is Frankie Edgar as well. I wouldn't say they're night and day. And Edgar's beat some top top guys which Gatti didn't quite do. Gatti beat some very good fighters but no-one you'd say was the counterpart to BJ Penn or Gray Maynard.


Edgar's fights with Maynard (2 & 3), Aldo, Benson (1), Griffin, Sherk, fuck even the Veach fight was really good - I don't get why people are so indifferent.


I prefer Gatti became he's one of my legit favourite fighters ever. Gatti and Benn are my Wand and Shogun of boxing. But I don't know why Edgar isn't more popular. I mean why is GSP so massive? It's not like he's much of a personality and his fights aren't very exciting these days. Yet he's Mr PPV.

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GSP for whatever is said is extremely affable, he is very humble and softly spoken. He has a body to die for as well, I think we all look at GSP and wish we had that body. He is the type of guy you could put on a poster. Women seem to like him as well.


Edgar is a pretty average looking bloke. If you past him in the street you would not bat a eyelid. GSP is also a national hero in Canada and a extent of crossover appeal in America that has slowly built up over the years. He appeared in TUF, shagged Mandy Moore and has been on some of the biggest PPV's going. GSP was one of the most promoted fighters when MMA was at its most popular.


Edgar is rarely in a dud for sure, only the first Maynard fight buried on a prelim was boring. You may have stumbled on something with Gatti, whilst Gatti never beat anyone top-flight he in process did not upset the apple cart. Edgar did that with BJ Penn who is beloved by a vocal section of MMA fans (me included) Maybe that is a reason.

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You're probably right on GSP. I think he also benefited by being the good guy counterpart to Matt Hughes. Hughes was cocky AND had reason to be which really rubs people wrong. He was dominating and letting everyone know it so GSP putting an end to that while also seeming like the nicest man alive endeared him. I actually always really liked Hughes as a fighter but he was a cock and I remember seeing him on TUF 4 when he was ribbing GSP at that restaurant and I really wanted GSP to twat him. GSP has a lot going for him but I think the rivalry with Hughes was the catalyst for his success.


Frankie hasn't really had that. Penn was his Hughes and as you say, Penn was loved so it could have had the opposite effect to GSP/Hughes in a way. I think Rashad went through something similar when he beat Liddell and Griffin back to back. Both were massively popular at the time and I don't think Rashad's ever been forgiven in the eyes of the majority of MMA fans. Doesn't help when he fights like he did against Nog though.

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on the subject of Edgar, i think it all comes down to charisma and presence. If you look at music, there are countless amazing singers but there's only so many superstars, some people just have that special something that sets them apart, it's hard to say what it is, it's just something you have or you don't.


It's the same way in fighting, you can have be tough, talented and have great fights but you need that special something that sets you from the pack. Unfortunately for Edgar it seems he doesn't have it, and it aint through lack of trying for sure.


As for Rashad Looking like Carlton Banks, bollocks! there's only one Carlton lookalike in MMA.

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Everything you say is right EBB, but he could do more outside the octagon.


- GSP shagged Mandy Moore that got him some mainstream attention.


- BJ Penn did that stunt with jumping out the swimming that became a viral smash.


- Frank Shamrock did all sorts to promote himself during the first Strikeforce show, both online and in the local San Jose area


- Tito Ortiz hired a manager who advised him on the image and practices that made him a star.


I agree Edgar does not have anything that leaps out charisma or presence wise, but he could do more.

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That 3 years has flown.


Just been listening to this;



It's Stephen Quadros reminiscing for 20 minutes about the Pride days. Good listen.


Also, not a past fight or relevant to anything really but I just found this while pissing about on Google;




Hulk Rogan.

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Seeing Rogan and Quadros in the same post reminds me of the rumor they had a fight in a nightclub toilet in 2004. It was rumored Quadros gave Rogan a bit of a pounding.


I think the rumor was debunked, but it is true Rogan turned up at UFC 46 with a shiner. I kinda hope it is true, they did have bad feelings as Rogan once said on air sarcastically "Steven Quadros? He loves me"


Will have to listen to the Quadros interview later, always liked him.

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Quadros giving Rogan a pounding in a nightclub toilet...surprised TMZ didn't run with that one.


I've never heard that story. The Rogan shiner could have been from anything though, he's trained different martial arts for years. Would be pretty funny if it's true though.

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ive never heard that rumor before, i had no idea there was any ill feeling between the two.

The rumor is probably not true, but there was ill will between them as Rogan's sarky comment shows.


For what it is worth I think Quadros is a fantastic commentator and one of the most undervalued talents in MMA. Him and Rutten were really good together and one the finest duo's in MMA commentary history. They had a different style to Rogan and Quadros and were more relaxed, but this was before Bas became a walking parody and at least tried.


I am amazed Quadros does not get more work with Zuffa. He was welcome to work on the Pride section on the last UFC game, so I take it there is no hard feelings. He is a good play by play man, he knows his stuff bit does not become a robot. He has a energy to him that Anik could only dream of.


Mauro was really good, he carried Frank Trigg in the later days of Pride and made Trigg quite bearable in my opinion. Mauro gets his due though as he will be on the clock for Floyd's boxing match in a few weeks on Showtime.

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