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I wasn't making a statement by voting for the BNP, I was making a statement when I posted;


I'm willing to run the risk of them getting a few quid in order to see them over there acting up and generally bringing down the tone.

Like I said, if we get a referendum on the European situation i'll take it seriously. Until then, i'm happy to see the likes of Griffin walking their corridors and spending their money.


While I appreciate you're clarifying what was said, you were absolutely making a statement by voting for the BNP. Anyone who votes for them is making a statement, which is that they support them.

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Got the Dorset UKIP News through the door today, phoned for a free info pack and going to stick a sign up in my window in support. They are the only party that clearly stand out as the one I agree with.


I can only assume you saw me referring to Harry's post as 'the stupidest thing I'd ever read' and decided you needed to up your game.

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While I appreciate you're clarifying what was said, you were absolutely making a statement by voting for the BNP. Anyone who votes for them is making a statement, which is that they support them.

Whilst I appreciate your opinion, it doesn't really matter to me.


I don't "support" the BNP at all, and not for the "they are nasty racists" reason that the majority would wheel out, but simply because I consider myself a nationalist, and the BNP are very much pro-Britain.


Voting for them in an election that shouldn't have even taken place had the Government lived up to it's duties does not mean I support the BNP, despite what you and others may think.


Also, depsite fact that your views differ from mine, i'll refrain from calling you stupid.

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While I appreciate you're clarifying what was said, you were absolutely making a statement by voting for the BNP. Anyone who votes for them is making a statement, which is that they support them.

Whilst I appreciate your opinion, it doesn't really matter to me.


I'm sorry, but you appear to be confusing 'opinions' with 'facts'. Nothing I said there was an opionion. You voted BNP. You made a statement by doing so, whether you intended to make that statement or not. If you vote for them again, you will confirm that statement.


I don't "support" the BNP at all


Except for voting for them.


Voting for them in an election that shouldn't have even taken place had the Government lived up to it's duties does not mean I support the BNP, despite what you and others may think.


That's what a vote is. A vote of support. Do you really not understand this?

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Much like the ethnic minorities who see joining the BNP as a way to cause trouble from within, it's a means to an end.


Or is it as black & white in that instance as well? They've joined the party, therefore they must be party supporters.

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Got the Dorset UKIP News through the door today, phoned for a free info pack and going to stick a sign up in my window in support. They are the only party that clearly stand out as the one I agree with.


I can only assume you saw me referring to Harry's post as 'the stupidest thing I'd ever read' and decided you needed to up your game.

Eh, everyone is entitled to their opinion mate, no need to use that tone just because I don't hold the same opinion as yourself.


I see UKIP as a true alternative to the Lib-Lab-Con.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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Eh, everyone is entitled to their opinion mate, no need to use that tone just because they don't hold the same opinion as yourself.

Exactly Duane.


I personally don't have any interest in UKIP, but it's good to see someone actually putting some thought into it and checking out the different parties to see which has something to offer them.


That's what it's all about.

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Much like the ethnic minorities who see joining the BNP as a way to cause trouble from within, it's a means to an end.


Or is it as black & white in that instance as well? They've joined the party, therefore they must be party supporters.


Well, that's a strawman and a half.


Someone who joins a party in order to try and influence the direction of the party is obviously more of a grey area. If they vote for them as well, then they're just idiots. However, someone who joins them with the intention of trying to damage what the BNP would perceive as their aims, I would see as being misguided, but I can see the point.


However, that's nothing like what you're doing.


Unless you can explain how your voting for them will somehow achieve the same aim of trying to change them, I don't see the link. All you're doing is supporting them by voting for them. You're not doing anything negative to them. If you've actually got some cunning plan, please let us in on it.


Unless you're linking ethnic minorities trying to bring down the BNP to the BNP trying to bring down the European Union. But that would be a very stupid link to try and make.

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This really is going to be a terrible general election imo.


I'll probably go with the Dems even though I think they will probably be to EU freindly for my liking and Clegg is a complete non entiry but if I had to choose between Labour and the Tories then I would stick with Labour.

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Unless you can explain how your voting for them will somehow achieve the same aim of trying to change them, I don't see the link. All you're doing is supporting them by voting for them. You're not doing anything negative to them. If you've actually got some cunning plan, please let us in on it.

What you have to realise is that I don't really give a toss if the BNP gain ground in England. All I know is that they are anti-EU, and having them in there causing the kind of trouble that people like them don't mind causing is okay in my book.


The BNP have absolutely no impact up here in Scotland, so i'm not concerned in the slightest about them receiving money as they will most likely not be using it to establish a foothold here.


The more recent BNP showings in Glasgow have consisted of a couple of misguided pensioners and some chavs. That won't change.


In short, the BNP vote may cause a few problems down in England, and in the corridors of EU power, but I care not a jot about the former, and would like to see them cause grief in the latter.

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Ah, so your whole 'support for the BNP' thing means that 'if it doesn't affect you, it doesn't count'?



It's more along the lines of 'if it doesn't affect me, plus it causes any kind of unrest with regards to the EU, then it's all dandy'.

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Ah, so your whole 'support for the BNP' thing means that 'if it doesn't affect you, it doesn't count'?



It's more along the lines of 'if it doesn't affect me, plus it causes any kind of unrest with regards to the EU, then it's all dandy'.



So, when you say you 'don't support the BNP', what you actually mean is that you 'do support the BNP, as long as the ethnics they dislike don't live near you'?

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So, when you say you 'don't support the BNP', what you actually mean is that you 'do support the BNP, as long as the ethnics they dislike don't live near you'?

Erm, not quite.


I never mentioned anything about ethnics not living near me, did I? I said that the BNP are a non-entity up here in Scotland.

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