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It's a TV programme. How it is interpreted is up to the person watching it. I find it hard to see how it could be read as a vindication of leftist ideas, however. Baltimore's been run by the Democrats since time immemorial. Clay Davis is a democrat.

Jesus. Please stop seeing everything as black and white, repubs vs dems, labour/tory left vs right. How can you be this thick?


Yes you can interpret TV shows any way you like, but if you're happy that drug addicts (even when you've been shown the full tragedy of their back story/mental health problems/societal problems/upbringing/surrounding/life chances) are left to die in the gutter unless they're lucky enough to pull themselves out of it, then a. you've completely missed the point that the programme makers were trying to convey and b. you're a fucking psychopath.

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the state education system in Britain is an utter joke

Bring back the cane I say. Whack the fuckers. Seriously, something needs to be done to parents who let their little cunts behave badly at school. I fucking hate apologists who couldn't give a shit about their kids as long as they are off their hands from 8:30 until 4pm each day.


and it is not surprising that so many parents break the bank to go private.

Who are they? Can't say I know anyone who's ever even considered it. You don't need to send your kids to private school. My daughter's school was in special measures last year and she's still doing fine because we care about teaching and she cares about learning. Why waste money on private education? Spend time with your kids, teach them, encourage thought and watch them absorb information. Kids are brilliant if you give a shit about them.

Edited by tiger_rick
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Imagining Happ watching The Wire and misunderstanding the point of every single scene, interpreting the entire thing as a paean to naked self-interest, accepting it (along with everything else) as proof that he's right about the world is just incredible. The wilful ignorance is astounding.

Imagine bobbins watching the Wire and interpreting the entire thing as proof that HE'S right about the world.


It's a TV programme. How it is interpreted is up to the person watching it. I find it hard to see how it could be read as a vindication of leftist ideas, however. Baltimore's been run by the Democrats since time immemorial. Clay Davis is a democrat.


I guess Omar represents the market power of the motivated small business owner, showing the benefits of building up a loyal customer base?

This doesn't make sense. Did you mean another character?


You thickie :laugh:

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It's a TV programme. How it is interpreted is up to the person watching it. I find it hard to see how it could be read as a vindication of leftist ideas, however. Baltimore's been run by the Democrats since time immemorial. Clay Davis is a democrat.

Jesus. Please stop seeing everything as black and white, repubs vs dems, labour/tory left vs right. How can you be this thick?


Yes you can interpret TV shows any way you like, but if you're happy that drug addicts (even when you've been shown the full tragedy of their back story/mental health problems/societal problems/upbringing/surrounding/life chances) are left to die in the gutter unless they're lucky enough to pull themselves out of it, then a. you've completely missed the point that the programme makers were trying to convey and b. you're a fucking psychopath.

Why would I be happy about it? I just realise that there isn't limitless money to throw at problems, and what money there is, will largely be wasted upon layers of bureacracy, on people who are just looking to get paid and don't give a toss about the people they are paid to help.


I got the impression through watching the programme that Baltimore is no different to cities here like Liverpool or Glasgow, where Labour will be in power forever, and the cities will remain hotbeds of unemployment and deprivation.


As far as teachers go, it's absolutely right that parents are the main factor that decides what kids get out of their education. But even with good parents, kids that are having to try to learn with little scrotes causing havoc in the classroom are being handicapped. There's a dichotomy between teaching staff and school management, with the latter being intent on inclusion at all costs as it means funding, and the former being the ones that have to deal with the results.


Caning isn't the answer, but it's ridiculous that teachers are afraid to even touch or restrain kids that are violent psychopaths. We have a massive problem with schools churning out kids that are effectively unemployable. The education system has been dominated by liberals for decades, and now the chickens have come home to roost in a big way.

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We have a massive problem with schools churning out kids that are effectively unemployable.

It's not a massive problem. There'll be plenty of opportunities to be unemployed under a tory government.

Just as there was under Labour, under whom the amount of young people effectively excluded from society grew to it's highest ever number.


Time will tell if the Coalition will do anything about it. I would be prepared to wager a considerable amount of money that they will. It's much easier to take tough measures against the indolent and feckless when they aren't the people that are voting for you. No doubt the Guardian's pages will be full of sob stories when it happens though.

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Imagine bobbins watching the Wire and interpreting the entire thing as proof that HE'S right about the world.

I may be going out on a limb here, but I'd imagine that Bobbins watched The Wire and simply enjoyed it as the television show that it was. Like the rest of us who can consider ourselves sane.

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I may be going out on a limb here, but I'd imagine that Bobbins watched The Wire and simply enjoyed it as the television show that it was. Like the rest of us who can consider ourselves sane.

That's how I watched it too. It wasn't me that started making assertions of "how can you enjoy the Wire and have the political views that you do". It was lauded across all the media, from left to right.

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I really should stop replying to obvious troll but clearly a lot of your real views seep through your lame reaction-seeking. Congrats on the first but it only emphasises your central problem: you see the country as a business to be managed towards a bottom line, rather than as a nation state. Myopic in the extreme. I'm no Marxist but your false consciousness is really sad.







it was me that (more or less) asked "how can you enjoy the Wire and have the political views that you do". I've avoided responding to you in the politics threads as people only get more entrenched in their views in these type of debates. The Wire thing struck me, though. You're right - it is a great piece of entertainment telly and can be enjoyed as such by people of any political persuasion. But what made it so significant - to me, at least - was that it *is* a polemic against capitalism whether you like that fact or not. A polemic that is played out not in a textbook or essay but in real (well, fake) people's lives and their struggles against the effects of a society constructed around raw numbers.

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and it is not surprising that so many parents break the bank to go private.

Who are they? Can't say I know anyone who's ever even considered it. You don't need to send your kids to private school. My daughter's school was in special measures last year and she's still doing fine because we care about teaching and she cares about learning. Why waste money on private education? Spend time with your kids, teach them, encourage thought and watch them absorb information. Kids are brilliant if you give a shit about them.


Plenty of people do Rick. Working extra jobs in the evenings to be able to make up the school fees, cashing in savings, 2nd/increased mortgage, borrowing from the bank of nan and grandpa.


With good parental support primary isn't such a problem, but having seen both systems from the inside I'd send my kids to a good independent secondary in a heartbeat if I knew I could afford it all the way through (and for both of them as it would be grossly unfair to send one and not the other).


My parents took the decision to send me to private school because the state schools had been fucked up by Tory cuts - the early 90s was no time to send kids to secondary in a lot of places. We couldn't afford it without it having severe repercussions on my family, but I was able to get a scholarship, so that problem was dealt with early on.


The point, though, is that my parents SHOULDN'T have had to make that decision, and in the end, my youngest sister ended up able to go to a state school and get a very good education in the early 2000s.

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Happs right in that private education will certainly give your child a better chance, however it doesn't necessarily mean the rest of the schools are an utter joke. Just that you'll get a better chance going through the private system.

Was surprised to see him backing strike action though, seems a bit lefty to me..........

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I know plenty of people who went through state education in Hull in the 90's and got on fine in life. It isn't the be all and end all.


I did say "in a lot of places", because I knew there were exceptions. And no, it isn't the be-all and end-all, but it's a very important part of the development of someone's life.

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