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Great! I hope "Autumn" is a decoy then.


EDIT: FFS, Triple X Wrestling is the 25th as well :(


Seems to be that we always have a show on the date of the the opener (last 2 series at least), this might be the first of the Matt Smith series I get to watch the opener as it broadcasts if that date is right.


Autumn season starts 1st September officially for BBC, however they need to fit a series of Merlin in after it ends which is usually 12 episodes so I think it'll end up being right.

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Pretty sure that it's just this one.


I did read that the series being spread out as it is was partly to accomodate his growing movie career. I fully expect this to be his last series although I hope i'm wrong. Smith has been superb in the role.

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I'll be devastated when he goes. I really hope they make as big a deal of it as they did with Tennant so I get a shitload of advance warning.


Oh they will, it's already been forshadowed at the end of the last series


"On the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer, a Question will be asked, a question that must never, ever be answered."


By the sounds of things it'll be fairly epic.

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That line seems a bit too obvious for something Moffat-penned, don't you think?


I can see it being a deliberate swerve and 'the eleventh' being something different, like a planet or a new alien.

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That line seems a bit too obvious for something Moffat-penned, don't you think?


I can see it being a deliberate swerve and 'the eleventh' being something different, like a planet or a new alien.


Possibly, I still think that it's a case of putting the wheels in motion for Smith's inevitable exit, starts raising the anticipation well before even contemplating setting a date.

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That line seems a bit too obvious for something Moffat-penned, don't you think?


I can see it being a deliberate swerve and 'the eleventh' being something different, like a planet or a new alien.


Possibly, I still think that it's a case of putting the wheels in motion for Smith's inevitable exit, starts raising the anticipation well before even contemplating setting a date.


That was what they did with Tennant too, didn't they? "He will knock four times" and all that. I remember there being at least a year of build for Tennant's exit from the show, and even know it was known that he was leaving the show, it was through the episodes with him knowing that the end was coming. I quite like this sort of build because it means that, provided we don't get a swerve, we already have a vague idea of how Smith leaves the show, but we have no idea how or when we get there.


I can't wait for this new series to start. I'm hoping that the date for the end of August is correct, though I'll be at Futureshock that night so wouldn't get to see it anyway. I'm going to have to download the series since I'm moving to Germany a few days later, but this will be something to look forward to. That trailer released a few days ago was epic.

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Have they said anymore about the episodes all being 'stand alone'? Sounded like bollocks to me, although if it prevents a "yeah, this isn't the interesting bit, the interesting bits always coming later" scenario all season long then I don't think it'll be a bad thing. That was my big complaint about the last season. Nothing in the moment seemed to matter.

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See, that's what I liked. You knew big stuff was coming and that you'd be rewarded for the time you put in. That's how I prefer it, but I won't dislike it this way.


As for the "fall of the Eleventh" stuff, I think it absolutely means Smith's exit, and I think Moffat wants it to be obvious. He's not been shy about leaving big things dangling so everybody's waiting to find out what they mean ("The Pandorica will open", "silence will fall", THE QUESTION). Either way, I can't wait. Whenever Smith goes, it should be massive, because he's been easily the best since the revival and one of the best of all.

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