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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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One of my tv loves is nothing to declare. The new series on living just now has been very entertaining. I just don't see how these people think the risk of 25 years in jail is worth sticking drugs up your arse for!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished watching Community Season 1 this morning. What a superb little show. Abed & Troy are utterly brilliant characters, and the twisting love interests should be shit but actually play out quite well. Such a likeable cast and unity between the group really helps too. If this does well in the second season, and a station over here gave it half the forcefeeding E4 gives to dirge like the Big Bang Theory, I think it could be a massive import hit.

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For reasons I cant quite explain Ive only recently started watching In The Thick of It. Amazing show. I've watched series 1/2 (In its weird 3 episodes per series format) and the two specials and am looking forward to starting series 3. I was afraid the show might suffer after the cast changes (unavoidable as they may have been) but the quality has remained excellent.

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For reasons I cant quite explain Ive only recently started watching In The Thick of It. Amazing show. I've watched series 1/2 (In its weird 3 episodes per series format) and the two specials and am looking forward to starting series 3. I was afraid the show might suffer after the cast changes (unavoidable as they may have been) but the quality has remained excellent.


The Thick of It is a strange one for me, being unquestionably as brilliant as everybody says it is, yet not one I actively love. I've always watched it and enjoyed it, but when it's not around I sort of forget about it. It's a good point that the odd series format doesn't help, and the BBC are quite messy with how they screen episodes (I've literally seen two in a row that don't actually belong next to each other, almost as if somebody in the office just picked their two favourite episodes. And they can't make their minds up about the Langham episodes either), but it's utterly superb nonetheless. A complete torrent/DVD set would really complement it for new viewers, actually.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks to virgin medias tv choice on demand ive been rewatching the superb eastbound and down. Kenny powers is awesome.

Brilliant programme, gotta appeal to wrestling fans that one, I love it!!! :laugh:


Besides BB and world cup matches I've been watching:


2 and a Half Men - the mrs got me into this one quite recently, handy it's on loads.


Hogan Knows Best season 3 - yesterday watched the one where Knobbs comes to stay, loads of 80s wrestlings turn up for a pool party :thumbsup:


IT Crowd - great to see it back on, comedy gold.


Big Bang Theory - ain't that great IT Crowd and BBT currently aired :cool:


Spartacus - watched until recently, got bored of it, despite great action, sexy-scenes and the use of the c-word. Not huge on serious stuff like this, I like a little bit of humour thrown in.


My Name Is Earl - my son likes this, so I get to see it again.


Other than that it's AV II on Edge Media for me being a conspiracy nut! ;)

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just finished Season 1 of Sons of Anarchy, good stuff...i needed something new after The Shield and this has filled the gap nicely.


i only just realised that the Jax is the young gay kid that used to be Queer as Folk though, that blew my fucking mind.

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just finished Season 1 of Sons of Anarchy, good stuff...i needed something new after The Shield and this has filled the gap nicely.


i only just realised that the Jax is the young gay kid that used to be Queer as Folk though, that blew my fucking mind.


dont forget pete from green street. really awesome program. season 2 though is so much better, so much heartbreak in season 2.


i've just finish the 3rd series of underbelly, good but nothing beats the 1st series even though series 3 has harold bishop in.

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Holiday Showdown on ITV3 is amazing. Find out what a family does for their holiday. Find out what holiday they would hate to go on. Match up two families that conflict on this subject as closely as possible. Send them away for a week in each other's destination. Film the tears and screaming.


King of Queens on Comedy Central. Not the greatest sitcom of all time but there aren't many bad episodes and the dialog is cracking.


Modern Family on Sky One. Amazing. I can't rate this highly enough.


Men Behaving Badly on Dave. This stuff just never gets old. Bought the complete DVD set for

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone else been watching the Channel 4 programme from a group of Amish teenagers experiencing a life in the UK? It's pretty good.


I'm also part way through a programme about the Queen in the 70s. It's a documentary with acting too. Interesting to see how many protested against the money the Royals received in hard economic times, there seems to be little anger against them currently.


Also been enjoying Miranda and The IT Crowd for a giggle :)

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