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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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I imagine it would be quite a lengthy trip from another planet by balloon.

I've always found the balloon bit odd too. The whole Roswell thing is odd though, because there is enough evidence floating around to suggest something happened that the Military wanted kept quite, and while these memo's confirm nothing more than the FBI looking into it, it is odd that they even bothered if there was nothing to look into. Of course that certainly doesn't mean ET's were involved.

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Also, call me cynical, but it's interesting that this coincides with the launch of this new 'vault' website......is there advertising or any commercial gain attributed to the site that would benefit from the traffic of not just conspiracy nuts, but hundreds of thousands of interested people?

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Also, call me cynical, but it's interesting that this coincides with the launch of this new 'vault' website......is there advertising or any commercial gain attributed to the site that would benefit from the traffic of not just conspiracy nuts, but hundreds of thousands of interested people?

Since it's an official government website I'd be very suprised if they had adverts on there or anything like that.

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For anyone interested, the scans of the memos can be found here, they're not great quality but just about readable. I can't find a link to the actual vault website though, although admittedly I haven't tried very hard. Glad to see the top link on Google is still the wiki for Fallout 3

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I imagine it would be quite a lengthy trip from another planet by balloon.

Maybe they would of been allready dead by the time they got here then?


In all seriousness, isnt this like "Massive" news if true? I mean this sort of confirms aliens are real and all that jazz, which is like, stupidly huge news?


Or am i just being to hopfull?

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  • Paid Members
I imagine it would be quite a lengthy trip from another planet by balloon.

Maybe they would of been allready dead by the time they got here then?

Well I assume the Duane answer would be that they came in a much larger craft, and the balloon thing was just like a landing craft. Much like if we were invaded by the Imperial Navy in Star Wars single pilots would be landing in TIE fighters having travelled the greater distance aboard a star destroyer.

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I imagine it would be quite a lengthy trip from another planet by balloon.

Maybe they would of been allready dead by the time they got here then?


In all seriousness, isnt this like "Massive" news if true? I mean this sort of confirms aliens are real and all that jazz, which is like, stupidly huge news?


Or am i just being to hopfull?




I don't get this, don't people even bother to think these things through? If these documents are genuine, which it seems they are, all they prove it that the FBI got a couple of agents to look into the alleged event, and they took some witness statements. Which we already knew they did through the Blue Book report. There's no new evidence, no proof, no alien body in an FBI vault, nothing at all to advance the theory.


Basically, we've got a 50s Mulder with a notebook getting some info from some locals, and in all probability some 50s Scully pointed out the weather balloon and they left it at that.

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  • Paid Members
I imagine it would be quite a lengthy trip from another planet by balloon.

Maybe they would of been allready dead by the time they got here then?


In all seriousness, isnt this like "Massive" news if true? I mean this sort of confirms aliens are real and all that jazz, which is like, stupidly huge news?


Or am i just being to hopfull?

No, if you read it you'll see it's not an FBI Agent reporting back that ET crafts and body's were recovered. It's actually and FBI Agent reporting that someone else is claiming that's what happened, which isn't the same thing at all, even if the person talking to the Agent were credible.


I imagine it would be quite a lengthy trip from another planet by balloon.

Maybe they would of been allready dead by the time they got here then?

Well I assume the Duane answer would be that they came in a much larger craft, and the balloon thing was just like a landing craft. Much like if we were invaded by the Imperial Navy in Star Wars single pilots would be landing in TIE fighters having travelled the greater distance aboard a star destroyer.

Well no, Duane wouldn't actually answer the question at all, he'd just pretend it was never asked. In fact he'd likely ignore the memo that implies a balloon and focus solely on the one that claims there were 3 saucers and bodies were recovered.


Of course in fairness, the idea that they came in a much larger craft and the balloon thing was just a smaller craft or even that they collided with a whether balloon is perfectly possible unless you find the idea of ET's totally impossible in the first place.


I move around a lot on this but at the moment I'm gonna go with this being some sort of Earth made object, likely sometime that was very sensitive and secret which explains the secrecy surrounding it. I also kinda think maybe the Military / Government are quite happy about the UFO idea as it has helped distract people from whatever was really going on.

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The Airforce have never "denied" it, they've always said that an experimental weather balloon was mistaken for a flying saucer.

Didn't they originally release a press statement saying that a "saucer shaped craft" had been recovered, and then retract it?


A hexagonal object suspended from a balloon sound a hell of a lot more like a weather balloon than aliens.

Indeed it does sound like the weather balloon suspended sonar equipment that Project Mogul likely would have involved. However, surely something suspended from a weather balloon would be too small to be mistaken for a manned (aliened?) craft of any sort? Not to mention easily identifiable as such.

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You have to remember the incredible atmosphere in which this all took place. The US had just come out of a massive war, during which secrecy and paranoia had hit new heights as well as unsavoury things such as internment, and was now facing up to the prospect of a long ideological battle with the USSR.


At the same time as fear of communism started to accelerate, you had the new fear of the vast new weapons of war that the A-bomb had revealed to the world. The US was also bringing a lot of foreign scientists (mainly ex-Nazis) over and giving them huge amounts of money and resources to try out whatever shit they fancied.


All of this fear, paranoia and secrecy had a focal point in the White Sands area, where nuclear testing was happening, ICBM testing was taking place, and various whacked-out scientific research units were operating. The saucer craze was a natural, psychological result of all this, with eyes suddenly turned to the skies, and there being frankly a hell of a lot of weird shit up there at that point and in that place.


The history of the 40s/50s saucer craze is a fascinating study of mass psychosis and cold-war paranoia, mixed in with undoubted disinformation campaigns by various US military wings keen to keep the public away from what they were doing. And then you've got security forces like he FBI, who wouldn't have been in the loop on any of the military stuff, running around trying to sort the truth from the bullshit.


Anyway, all this culminates in the crash of some sort of experimental craft, probably carrying test dummies, in the desert, and the US army guys who retrieved it thought they'd hit the jackpot :laugh:

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