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Posts posted by unfitfinlay


    Trump's statement where he complains about being silenced, on the very social media service that he's twice been banned from.

    I can't wait until all we can get a full account of his behaviour at moments like this. It certainly looks to me like he's only agreed to denounce the violence if he could keep moaning about losing his Twitter.

    Stories coming out that he's refusing to pay Rudy Giuliani now too.

  2. 4 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    * Trish coming back at the first Women’s Rumble WASNT her first match since retiring - she was in that Snooki match at a WrestleMania!

    She teamed with Cena against Santino and Beth Phoenix on a RAW in Toronto as well.

  3. 16 hours ago, Shy Dad said:

    Val's a weird one, he's so pro conspiracy, anti transgender, pro Trump and yet wants to legalise marijuana sales so his business selling that can grow.

    He's definitely got fuck all self-awareness. It was mad seeing him rant about Nyla Rose embarrassing the business.

    You'd think he was Lou Thesz or something. He played a porn star.

  4. 1 minute ago, LaGoosh said:

    Not at all. His core followers still love him and those who were put off by the Capitol incident will lie to themselves and say that Trump wasn't to blame just like he isn't to blame for anything and open their wallets for him. These are people who saw video of police officers choking a black man to death and said "well he should have complied. Blue lives matter! Law and order! MAGA!". They are all in and too far gone for normal politics now.

    Oh sure.

    I'm just doubtful about how much power those people actually have. I'm sure Spacey still has fans, for example, just none that are prepared to sacrifice their own careers to put him in a movie.

    Retaining fans means nothing if he can't monetize them and his ability to do that is being cut off more and more every day. They can't buy his book if no one is willing to publish it or carry it. They can't donate to his campaign if no company is willing to handle the transaction. They can attend a rally but they can't force someone to host it, they can't force companies to promote it or even sell tickets for it. The PGA have cancelled plans to play a tournament at one of his golf courses, which is fucking massive and sets a trend for other big events.  

    Basically his situation now is exactly what he's always pretended it was. He's an enemy of Corporate America.

    That's just the situation now too! The more that I read about it, the more it seems like it was an attempt at a Coup. National Guard response delayed? A Republican Governor tweeting updates about where Pelosi was while the attack was going on? According to this article the Capitol Police were deliberately unprepared for it, and their bosses were mysteriously unreachable while it was going on? It's rotten.

  5. 1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

    I think getting funding would be the easiest part. Trump's supporters love throwing him cash and a lot of them are wealthy (Chris Jericho would probably chuck him 20 grand). And he's got the Evangelists behind him and they have a lot of money to throw around. He will never crack the two party system, but he will make enough cash to keep himself out of prison and have enough support that he'll still have a lot of influence on the Republican party because if he takes his base with him that's a huge loss of votes for the Republicans. Throw in speaking events, books and some kind of media company and he will be able to pay off his debts and stay out of prison.

    Again, I just don't see it.

    He's Harvey Weinstein or Kevin Spacey multiplied by a million. Jericho might well donate until the heat starts coming down from Tony Khan, TNT or hurting Fozzy but I think even he is too smart for it.

    Yep. Even Jericho.

    Same with speaking events and books. Those just aren't going to happen. They'd make money, granted, but it'd also be taken them profiting off his actions. Nobody wants that kind of publicity. A week ago, sure, but today is a very very different world.

    I'll admit that I didn't consider the Evangelists though.

    On a different note, Parlor has been hacked and all their data leaked. Turns out they were lying when they said they didn't retain any of the personal information they collected.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Suplex Sinner said:

    I didn't once mention race or BLM as there were multiple protests in multiple countries, (for various reasons) and all resorted to violence to varying degrees. I didn't say protests were extreme, but protests resorting to violence are in my opinion. 

    But the thing is the Capitol attack wasn't a protest. It was a terrorist attack and an attempt to overthrow a democratically elected Government. It didn't resort to violence, it was violent by design.

  7. The problem with a Trump Party for me is who funds it?

    Trump's fucked financially and no one else is going to touch it. It'll be reliant on donations from supporters and/or dodgy donations from abroad. I don't see that being close to enough to crack the two party system, especially if major companies refuse to air their adverts, host their websites, collect donations, etc. All of which seems very likely. Corporate America wants fuck all to do with this revolution shit.

    The best case scenario for them politically is being America's answer to the Brexit Party. Charging "Patriots" $50 each to join protests, etc.

    The real problem is outside of politics. We're definitely going to see more terror attacks, or at least attempts at them. This is reality for a lot of these people. They aren't simply going to go away. They are going to splinter though because it's going to be much much harder for them to communicate. Attacks will also make it less likely for them to be accepted as a legitimate political force. 

    Fuck knows how it actually ends though. I can't see anything less than a full confession from Trump doing it and, even then, I'm sure they will come up with ways to keep the lie going.

    I don't buy the comparisons to the end of the Weimar Republic though. Germany was on it's arse after World War One and that played a massive part in the Nazi's rise. While America is far from perfect, it's nowhere near that level. The Democrats DO need to spend the next four years productively though. They've got no excuses now.

  8. It's incredible just how far down the rabbit hole Trump supporters are. I've seen loads of screenshots saying shit like "Pelosi has been arrested", "the military are preparing to take over" and "We had Black Ops team who've managed to get evidence that blows the whole thing wide open". They are like one of those end of the world cults who keep delaying the actual date, but never ever admit that they were wrong.

    It's not just the total wackos either. Republican Politicians on Twitter are bitching about Trump's social media ban as if that is anywhere close to the biggest problem he's facing right now. He's utterly fucked isn't he? Even IF he escapes legal consequences, he's a businessman whose businesses are built on his name, which is now toxic. Companies are falling over themselves trying to distance themselves from him, even indirectly, but these idiots still think they can pull the "We need Unity" card. So now companies are beginning to distance themselves from them too.

    It's fascinating to watch. I wonder what it's going to take for reality to finally hit them.

  9. 6 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Rumour is he's announcing his own social media platform soon following his getting kicked off of Twitter, Facebook etc. 

    God, I hope he does.

    It'll be fucking hilarious to see him getting a taste of what he's put Twitter through over the past few years. I can't wait to see him ranting about Apple and Google refusing to carry it, investors and advertisers pulling out and finally suing everybody in a desperate attempt to recoup his losses.

    Let's face it, it's not going to work is it?

  10. 1 hour ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    Ethan Page had a similar story of child abuse from a valet in the business. He said WCW valet Gorgeous George came up to him and pushed his face between her legs and said "I like em young" when he went to an indy show was a young lad. Do these idiots think skipping to the next town and forgetting about this shit, means it never happened and the person will simply forget it?

    There's a horrible attitude that abuse towards men from women doesn't count, especially when that woman is beautiful and/or a star. Like they should be grateful.

    On the Something To Wrestle tributes to Pat Patterson, they told a story about Ray Steven's girlfriend punching Pat Patterson in the face and forcing him to have sex with her, because Stevens had passed out and Patterson was the only other guy around.

    They tried to make it sound hilarious, full on "That lucky fucker!" even though it's fucking textbook rape.

  11. 54 minutes ago, kamicazze said:

    Everyone here has their own opinion and as much as we may not like each others opinions we should respect folk enough to listen to it, and that their entitled to that view. 

    Nah. That would be true if we're arguing about whether Bam Bam Bigelow was a better "big man" than Vader or whether Roman Reigns should've turned heel after he beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Those are opinions and are pretty unimportant overall.

    What Jericho is helping to spread are lies. Dangerous ones at that.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Louch said:

    It gives me their arguments to go and research, then when I talk to someone who has those views I’m ready to debate. How’s that pointless? 

    I'm not trying to be funny here but have you ever actually tried to discuss anything with people who believe this nonsense? No matter what research you do, you'll never ever convince them that they are wrong. For some of them, "truth seeking" is their entire identity. It's all they have.

    The other point is that I can guarantee that your reach is a lot smaller than Jericho's. For every one person you debate with there will be a thousand more listening to this shit, believing it wholeheartedly and passing it on to others, using "I heard this on Chris Jericho's podcast" to legitimize it.

    It's dangerous and he shouldn't be giving them a platform.

  13. The video of "Elizabeth from Knoxville, Tennessee" is crazy. It's astounding how many of these fuckwits don't seem to understand that they've committed actual crimes. Not fucking minor ones either. She just casually admitted that she was trying to overthrow the United States Government. Mace is the least of her problems.

    Same with the guy who not only broke into Nancy Pelosi's office and stole stuff but happily posed with it for journalists. How can he possibly think he's going to get away with that?

  14. 1 hour ago, gmoney said:

    I hate to link any of this to wrestling, but I keep thinking of Vince McMahon talking about injecting poison into the WWF by bringing in the NWO, and that's basically what Republicans have done here with Trump and the GOP. He's laid his disgusting little eggs inside it's corpse and fucked it forever, hopefully. They'll tear themselves apart over him. 

    Agreed. He's essentially turned them into "The Cult of Trump". Unless they go along with whatever he says, no matter how insane it is, then he'll paint them as "the enemy". That doesn't just fuck up their political careers, it could cost them their lives.

    His supporters are fighting with the Police, while carrying Blue Lives Matter flags. That's how insane this is.

  15. 2 hours ago, Your Fight Site said:

    But we’re an island in the middle of the sea. We have natural defences built in. All we had to do was hunker down, close the borders (because we didn’t need to leave the EU to be able to do that), and wait it out. Did we? No. In and out of different “restrictions” that have proved inefficient, people flying in and out, the government constantly going against scientists’ advice and it’s predictably now out of control. 

    The other thing is that we had the benefit of time. We were able to see the virus spread in China, Italy and Spain and what actions did and didn't work in those countries. Yet we just chucked that away by repeatedly refusing to take any decisive action until it was far too late to make a difference.

    The most frustrating thing for me is that the Tories have continually tried to fight the virus the same way that they'd fight a general election, with lies and spin and a general focus on what "sounds good". As if the virus gives a shit that we fudged some figures to meet our "100k tests a day" target for example. They are doing it now with the vaccines too, by the looks of things.

    I genuinely don't know if it's because they've got no respect for us, or because they simply don't how to do anything else. Maybe both.

    2 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

    While a lot of the public are stupid and would ignore the rules no matter what, it doesn't change the fact that even if you know going to your place of work will increase risk, if your work says go in because the government kept them open then you go in or you're sacked, unfortunately. It was a lose-lose situation for a lot of people.

    This is very true. I've benefited from Furlough (sort of, I'm still down about half my pay from last year) and I'm really grateful for it. It's incredibly flawed though, and so many people have fallen through the very very large cracks in it. How are people supposed to justify staying at home if they are getting no support at all from the Government?

    I know self-employed people who've had to close their businesses but don't qualify for anything from the Government. I'm not defending anybody who breaks the rules and stays open - especially the idiots who quote the Magna Carta - but it's hard to totally criticise them when they've got no other source of income.

    A temporary Universal Basic Income would've solved a LOT of problems.

  16. 19 hours ago, RancidPunx said:

    Didn’t the Colorado Kid pay out of his own pocket like 10k to be made NWA champion in the mid 90’s thinking he would likely make more money as a champ ???

    I'm sure I read somewhere that he just paid a deposit, like most former NWA Champions, to make sure he wouldn't shit on the title. Shane Douglas wasn't asked to put anything down so it would make sense that they were a bit wary after that.

    I'm sure the same story went around about the new Sheik, who won it after all the shit with Cabana and Pearce. Of course the NWA was on it's arse in both those periods so they might well have just seen an opportunity for a payday.

    Supposedly Giant Baba's reigns all came from him paying Jack Brisco and Harley Race to drop the title without Alliance permission though.

    18 hours ago, The Dart said:

    The Patriot ? 

    That was funny. Tom Brandi said he'd bought the gimmick from Del Wilkes. Wilkes came out and said "No, you didn't. You stole it" and then Brandi basically goes "Ah, you weren't using it anyway". Supposedly Honky Tonk Man has dressed people up as the Patriot for tours and signings as well.

    I doubt there's many instances of wrestlers actually buying gimmicks because it's just so easy to steal them.

  17. 23 minutes ago, wandshogun09 said:

    It’s always baffled me how his career just fizzled away after him and Arn left the WWF at the end of 89. I know about him failing the drug test but it was a wrestler in the 80s getting popped for coke. Hardly a shocker, is it? There wasn’t even drug testing in WCW back then, was there? But Jim Herd gets wind of Tully having a snort while in the WWF and that puts the kibosh on his return in 90? 

    Pretty sure that was down to money.  It was an excuse to not only pull Tully's contract but to slash Arn's offer as well, because it was based on Tully coming in as well. Arn had heat with Tully for years because of the money he cost him there. It was the same period where Herd was low balling the likes of the Midnights, the Road Warriors and then Flair in negotiations so it would make sense.

    After that, Tully's attitude is definitely what held him back. He wasn't well liked by either management or "The Boys" in either company and the longer he was off TV the less of a big deal he was. Refusing to do the job for Funk at Slamboree '94 was particularly silly.  It wouldn't have hurt him at all, but it made sure that WCW never bothered with him again.

  18. It was tough to watch. I gained a lot of respect for everybody involved. Going out and performing when they were so visibly upset must've been so fucking hard. It wasn't too noticeable but John Silver actually missed the start of Cabana's entrance.

    I popped huge for Rowan, the inclusion of all the WWE guys in the video package and everything involving Brodie Jr. Kingston managing to be respectful and still be a heel was impressive as well.

    I agree that the Dark Order need a big babyface run. They were basically there anyway but I simply can't see them being heels after this. What can they do to make me dislike Ten, for example, after the image of him comforting Brodie's wife? It's just not happening.

    1 minute ago, Supremo said:

    Even on a mostly non-canon show I thought Darby got the rub of the century coming out with Sting. I think someone has already mentioned it but it’s gonna be cool as fuck when Darby comes out in Sting makeup or vice versa.

    I read somewhere that Sting had agreed to do some cinematic matches for AEW. I can’t wait for Sting and Darby fighting Team Taz on top of a snowy mountain.

    Agreed. The two looked great together. Massive rub for Darby.

    I loved that Ricky Starks sold the snow too.

  19. 1 hour ago, Egg Shen said:

    That probably isnt the case, the guy simply didn't work there anymore. The actual company the man was employed by is doing a tribute show for him tonight. I dont really see the issue.


    WWE have done some shitty things over the years but the idea that they had some personal grudge against the guy for jumping to AEW is ridiculous. They've made up with countless people that they've had serious heat with, even working with them again, but Brodie giving them a ton of notice that he was unhappy and wanted to leave is somehow unforgivable?

    Load of shite.

  20. Fire and Blood by George R.R Martin.

    I've gone a bit off him lately, because of the shit last season of Game of Thrones and the fact it's becoming increasingly clear that the main story is never going to be finished. This was a pound on Christmas Eve though so I thought I'd give it a bash.

    I really enjoyed it overall. It's written in the style of a history text book but I never found it to be overly dry and even the most minor characters still felt like real people rather than just names on a page. The only problem I had with it is the ending. Because it isn't one. Like most of his stuff, it needs at least one sequel, which is probably never going to happen either.

  21. This was the first thing I saw when I woke up this morning. Total shock.

    It's absolutely tragic. Aside from him being a really talented guy, and a big loss to the wrestling industry, he was only 41 and with two kids. That's fucking heartbreaking.


  22. Luger’s not the same guy he was when he was wrestling. There’s no way they are going to totally shit on someone as likeable as he is these days. It just wouldn’t work.

    More importantly though, they are a bit hard up for proper legends at the moment. Burying Luger, or anyone really, just makes it harder to market him for a Hall of Fame induction or more specials in the future.

    He’ll be fine.

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