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Posts posted by bAzTNM#1

  1. On 1/31/2022 at 2:27 PM, Devon Malcolm said:

    The Meg is great. Bait (the 2012 one) is also good fun. These two, Deep Blue Sea and Jaws 1 and 2 are the only good shark films.

    "Jaws 4: The Revenge" isn't great, but it has a hilarious Michael Caine acting in it.

    "The Time..It's Personal!!". Great tag-line.

  2. Cracker of a Raw the week of Vince McMahon getting acquitted what with Randy Savage on commentary taking the piss out of the US justicial system and shouting "NOT GUILTY!" every five minutes. You even have a cracking, belting Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon match (first time they've grappled since Wrestlemania 10) there. Must be Summer 1994.

  3. No, I think he *may* have been referred to as Ron Simmons when he was kicking the shite out of Ahmed Johnson on his debut. Don't recall them recognising him as a former WCW Champ at that time, even during his "Nation" days though.

  4. 22 minutes ago, PowerButchi said:


    Aye. Grade A+ wanker.

    ADDED: Is that guy doing the gay kiss in "Eastenders" not a Lord or something now.? Yes, he is. Labour party. Lord Cashman sounds like a great grappling name.

  5. Just think, after Wee Wim, Celtic got Joszef Venglos of Aston Villa in about 1990 fame. I don't think Janssen got a week before he left after winning that title. Jock Brown kept on fighting him in the media, IIRC.

  6. Jeezo, not Meat Loaf. RIP Big Man. "Bat Out of Hell" will be on rotation tonight.

    Also has a wrestling connection too, he was playing the drums because his career was down on his luck on one of the 80s WWF "Wrestling Albums". In the music video, he was supposed to run away, when the grapplers chased him, but didn't and wanted a big smash up with the lads. Greg Valentine said that somewhere. Music video was changed.

  7. "Horowitz Wins!!" doesn't come as a huge shock if you watch the Raw's leading up to it. He's featuring more prominently and in angles (such as when Jarrett gives him an IC Title match, but Barry gets tossed away and Bob Backlund signs it).

  8. On 1/16/2022 at 5:37 PM, The Curious Orange said:

    I still reckon Joe Kinnear getting the Newcastle job is the strangest appointment over here.

    Yeah. It's like he disappeared for ten years, which might has well be 100 years in football, and turned up again. After he was sacked, he took on the "Director of Football" role at Newcastle and had an absolute car-crash interview with TalkSport after it, according to Wikipedia.

    Kenny Dalglish coming back for a second time seemed a bit strange too but club legend and all that. 

  9. Seen as this is the most recent Rick Ride thread going, Do you think Rick Rude *really* needed Bobby Heenan? It would have been interesting to see what would have happened if he stuck around the WWF in 1990, but then we wouldn't have had him in WCW in 1992.

  10. George Rossi was also in the brilliant Scottish 80s comedy film "Comfort & Joy". Playing an Italian mob boss. He was hilarious in it.

    I wouldn't have wanted to have fucked around with Sidney Poitier.

  11. 6 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Yeah, nobody had a bad thing to say about Beautiful Bobby, with the possible exception of Lance Storm. 

    Greg Valentine said he wouldn't take his chops at an indy show and Bobby Eaton scarpered. Overall though, Bobby was no doubt the best guy in the biz.

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