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Posts posted by IANdrewDiceClay

  1. 4 minutes ago, Shy Dad said:

    Is Regal fully unable to compete? 

    I'm not thinking like AEW but there's a fair few I'd love to see him wrestle once, one being Zack Sabre Jr for sure. 

    Cant see that. Finlay and Regal were the reason Sabre Jr wasnt hired, because they think he wrestles like a skinny soft shite.

  2. 45 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Hes 40 this year, he isn’t young. Wasn’t Heyman about that age at the start of ECW? Smelly Paul wasn’t considered so young. 

    Heyman was 40 when ECW 2.0 started. He's always looked older than he is. Like how. He's in his 50s, but looks more like a corpse than and living person.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    but let’s be honest, she was pretty crap. When she got pushed she looked poor in the ring and they have some great talent. I don’t think there is a winner here tbh.

    I think the woman who they offered a deal to and refused due to diversity issues is probably the winner here. "Can you re-sign" "No, your company doesnt handle POC well." "OH she was shit anyway, we have loads of them" makes him look like a muppet.

  4. Lad Baby's wife is the least likeable person in Britain not named Boris Johnson. If it wasnt for the Tory's incapability of keeping a secret for more than a week, I'd be sure she's just a member of the cabnet.

  5. But if we dont buy LadBaby's song, how can we possibly support the food banks in this country? I cant think of any other way to help but buy this shit song!

  6. 3 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    As would employing Jeffrey Tambor.

    You're to quick for me, Mr Malcolm! I was just about to say the hold up in making any of these shows these days would be the actors, not really the scripts.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Loki said:

    One thing I've always wanted to know - who taught Vince/Steph/Shane to wrestle? 

    Tom Prichard worked out with them before all their matches, then they'd follow the lead of who they were in there with (whether it was Austin, X-Pac, the special referee etc.) Vince can barely move, but he always has good matches. Its always about his willingness to take a good hiding and the fact he's the greatest character actor in wrestling history. The McMahons always have heat going into their matches, so the hard part is already done.

    Still cant believe Triple H decided to go 29:45 with McMahon at Armageddon 99. Fuck that was shocking.

  8. Before Sean Hughes died, he did a podcast with Richard Herring where he said he wished he had never done Never Mind the Buzzcocks, because Alex James did the voice over to the Best Of shows years later and he hates that this cunt has anything to do with any of Sean's work. He seemed genuine in his regret of ever putting himself in a position that this cheese fucker would be next to his name on the credits. I respect Sean for this.

  9. Whenever I think of BritPop, I cant help but think of those three cunts Damien Hirst, Alex James and Keith Allen doing their little poses in that "Cool Britannia" issue of Vanity Fair they kept posting photos of in the NME. They looked like people who would benefit from a long stay in hospital.

  10. Nothing from the 90s was better than McAlmont & Butler's classic Yes. And if you come back at me, we'll have a right sort out in here. And you can pair up if you like. And you can pick someone else to help you. And you can bring your fucking dinner. Because by the time I'm done with you, you'll need it.

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