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Frankie Crisp

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Posts posted by Frankie Crisp

  1. I've used this thread for quite a few recommendations, so please keep 'em coming. Could I ask though that if people are going to post a picture of the book cover, that they also type the title too? Just makes it easier to check if something has already been posted using the search. Ta.


    I've just finished reading Denis Leary's Why We Suck for the second time. It's an acquired taste, but fans of his will not be disappointed. It's Leary at his vitriolic best, aiming insults at pretty much anyone and anything which gives the USA its (mostly undeserved) reputation.


    Here's a link to the synopsis, to give you the gist.


    Belting read.

  2. Lollilove - Fucking magic. Naturally Jenna Fischer and James Gunn have fantastic chemistry together due to being married at the time, but such a great piece of work. Absolutely note perfect in terms of production values, and just littered with gags from start to finish. Only an hour or so, but I can't recommend it enough.

    I nabbed a copy of this after reading your recommendation the other month, as you have a cracking comedy radar. Only just got round to watching it and can't believe I left it so long. This is an absolute gem of a film, with some brilliant writing, timing and as you said, really cleverly produced. That list at the start, when they're deciding what cause their charity would be, is absolute gold. I can see this being one of those films I'll watch every month or so and each time, get on to something new which I missed the time before due to laughing my tits off.


    Great recommendation NEWM; everyone should check this out.


    "SHIT! My pen is running out. Why does the world keep fucking me?"

  3. Has WWE announced where the next few Wrestlemanias will be held yet? I remember hearing something about how any cities interested in hosting a Wrestlemania has until the end of February this year to put in bids for 2011-2014. I'm especially curious to know where WM30 will be held, because I'm pretty much determined to go to that one. Thought I might as well wait for a nice round number!

    I'd be very surprised if WM30 wasn't at Madison Square Garden to continue the tradition of 1, 10 and 20 being held there. They made a bit of a deal at 10 and 20 that Wrestlemania was being held where it began, so it would make sense for 30 to be there too. There's no substance to this and I've not heard it from anywhere, it's just an assumption.

  4. Yeah, to be honest after watching again in a sober state I agree. His leg work is too blatant as he's going up the steps. To be fair though, work or no work, it was a fucker of a bump!


    Anyway, here's a

  5. What is in the picture in the "this might have tickled a bit" thread? Don't post the actual picture obviously, just explain it. I'm curious to know but at the same time I'm pretty sure I don't want to see.

    It's a matador being gored by a bull's horn through the base of his chin and it comes back up through his mouth. Sounds worse than it looks, as the still photo doesn't show any blood as it was taken a split-second before it all came gushing out. There's a video of the full incident in the thread too. From this forum especially, I'm sure you've seen much, much worse!

  6. That's the old style of British humour I so love and has become so rare in recent British comedies

    Couldn't agree more. Although not a British comedy, I was watching North by Northwest for the millionth time the other night and the one-liners Cary Grant and James Mason come out with are one of the reasons why I love it so, so much. Many of the lines in this film wouldn't be as well delivered if they weren't via the refined sarcasm of flippant Brit. Even Eva Maria Saint gets in on the act. A few examples:


    Grant makes a phone call from the police station after being arrested, following his abduction and his captors getting him drunk before putting him in a car:


    "No. No, Mother, I have not been drinking. No. No. These two men, they poured a whole bottle of bourbon into me. No, they didn't give me a chaser"


    Whilst wearing sunglasses indoors to avoid being spotted when he's on the run, Grant tries to buy a train ticket:


    Ticket Seller: "Something wrong with your eyes?"

    Roger Thornhill: "Yes, they're sensitive to questions"


    Talking to the female lead upon meeting her:


    Roger Thornhill: "What's wrong with men like me?"

    Eve Kendall: "They don't believe in marriage"

    Roger Thornhill: "I've been married twice"

    Eve Kendall: "See what I mean?"


    Carbomb; if you've never seen it, get yourself a copy. The one liners are great but so is the rest of the writing.

  7. My mate who works in Liverpool text me and told me he went to the toilet and some bloke was sat in the cubicle next to him talking to himself and letting out weird high pitched noises. Some mental people about.


  8. The one thing I didn't get though was


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    when they go back to her parent's house at the end, why is the fruit on the tree not rotten? is it plastic? I missed whether they said that


    [close spoiler]


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Aye, it's plastic. In the scene where she was talking about her parents, she said the first time she recalled her Dad roaring with laughter was when they went out and hung plastic fruit on the trees one day and when he came back from a trip, he was confused, then fell about laughing. She then mentioned that it became a regular joke that when he left the house, they'd keep putting random pieces of plastic fruit on the trees.


    [close spoiler]

  9. Watched "Away We Go" last night and was pleasantly surprised. It features John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph as a couple expecting a child. 6 Months into the pregnancy Krasinski's parents announce they're moving thousands of miles away a month before the birth of the child. With Rudolph's parents dead, the couple set off around the country visiting friends and family to see where is the best place to raise the child.


    The film is really good, if a little linear. It all clicks together and there's some great characters (Maggie Gyllenhall's wierd sea-horse nature freak) but sometimes you never get to see enough of a character to care about them. Definately worth a watch if you like stuff like Juno and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Sam Mendes directs.

    I've mentioned this in passing in a couple of other threads on here, but I can't believe I haven't referred to it directly in this one. I loved it when I went to the pictures, but I've watched in half a dozen times since and it keeps getting better. Some very subtle humour, some very dark humour (the scene with the mumbling child talking about his baby brother) and some laugh out loud, blatant humour. It's very poignant at times too; I think Mendes has done a great job of blending the humour in with the touching parts of the film, some of which are seconds apart. The soundtrack is brilliant too.

  10. Can anyone else recommend any other TV series I may have missed out on. The one's I'm watching or have caught up with are:







    I did not enjoy Flashforward in the slightest. It started well but quickly went down hill.

    I'd recommend Rescue Me, which seems to have dropped off the UK radar but continues to be a brilliant watch. It's not the type of show you've mentioned above with the element of who, what, why, what the fuck?, but is still one of those shows where you can't just watch one episode at a time. If you've never heard of it at all, it's a drama focusing on the lives of the workers in a fire house in New York and as well as the day-to-day drama of what happens on the job, it also manages to get you in to the lives of each of the firemen. There are some great comedy moments which keep the feel of the show upbeat, but the drama element is cracking too. There aren't many shows where the non-leading characters are just as important or engaging as they are in this one.


    They're on to series 6 in the US at the moment with each season fluctuating in episode numbers. Here's the IMDB link, but obviously stay away from the episode guide. It's one you could watch with the missus too - she can have a blimp at the blokes and you can be satisfied by a MILF quota greater than any other show I've seen.

  11. If WWE is aiming itself at an audience which requires parental guidance, why are they encouraging British viewers to vote in the General Election? Surely anyone who wasn't going to vote, but who does so because John Cena or John Morrison reminded them, doesn't deserve to have a say in how this country is run.

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