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Bellenda Carlisle

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Posts posted by Bellenda Carlisle

  1. saw Cyrus in the cinema yesterday, anyone expecting a Step Brothers/Superbad mash-up is going to be sorely disappointed. This is a low budget, sinister little dark comedy about something a lot of people go through. I enoyed it, but i'll admit i find it hard to adapt seeing comedic actors in such serious type roles. Go in with an open-mind and you might enjoy it, but i assume a lot of people will be leaving cinema disappointed and a little confused.


    I was totally expecting a wacky laugh a minute gag fest but I thought it was pretty good anyway, it caught me by surprise that it had a more indie feel to it but it didn't bother me, it was just what I needed for a chilled mid week date film. The end disappointed me a bit though

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    I really wanted it to end on more of a downer with cyrus killing himself or something instead of the non ending it had



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    Defendor - Woody Harrelson is a self-made superhero, although less like Tony Stark and more like something out of Mystery Men. For what it is, it's pretty damn decent.


    I saw this yesterday, weird little film, Woody was awesome, he went full retard though

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    I was glad he died in the end, it was something they can't do with "real" superheroes and I also liked the fact that he was totally shit and didn't really do any good despite his heart being in the right place.


    [close spoiler]



    The second one's actually a lot of fun. It has Henry Rollins as the host of a survivalist reality show.


    Rollins is so awesome in that film, perfect role for him, I love him as an actor in the right sort of role and I'd really like to see him in more stuff.

  2. Where's Beth Phoenix? is she injured? sorry if it's already here but I'm sure you can all understand me not wanting to read through 200 pages.

    Yeah. Not long after she turned babyface and won the Women's title, she got injured in a match with Rosa Mendes. Happened in May, I think.


    Thanks dude, hope she comes back soon, although probably best let that new 6'9 chick (I'm really excited about) kick a bit of arse first.

  3. As it's the season finale of NXT next week, I quite fancy avoiding the spoilers until I can watch it on SKY.


    I usually SKY+ it on Monday nights before Raw but I'm wondering if it is shown on TV over here sooner than that time (6 days after airing in the US)?


    Thursday night on one of the Sky sports channels, usually fairly late.

  4. I watched a couple of Rockumentaries very recently, so I thought I'd treat you to a quick double review, sorry if these movies have already been covered here, here's my take on them.


    People are Strange

    Is a documentary about 60s band the Doors (who I've liked my whole life), I saw it at the cinema with a lass which made it a bit more special as apart from the fact it's narrated by Johnny Depp and features some amazing archive footage of the band (especially the bits with Jim Morrison driving along, those bits are of such amazing quality I have no idea where the footage is from, it's like it was specially shot for this) it wasn't that different from a standard rock documentary you'd get on BBC3. It didn't tell me much I didn't already know (but I am a fan) and sometimes the stock footage of random 60s-ness while the doors music was playing just seemed like cheap filler. I liked the fact that it was all archive footage & single person narration, if it had had people from now talking about the band like most of these documentaries do it would've lost a lot of it's mystique. It was really good, not amazing and the less you know about the band the better you'd probably find it (unless you're totally disinterested obviously).


    I also saw Rush -Beyond the Lighted Stage

    Which is a documentary about the Canadian progressive rock group Rush who formed in the early 70s and are still going today. This one was a lot more fun than the doors one but had less atmosphere and was less sexy. I like Rush but I wasn't as knowledgeable about their history as I am about the Doors so this one told me a lot more I didn't already know. It has loads of current musicians talking about how Rush influenced them and it also had extensive interviews with Rush talking now as well as their families etc as well as great archive footage and photos. The guys from the band have great personalities and are lively so when talking back about their impressively long career they do it with good humour and it's never boring to hear them talk. The format was fairly straightforward and it played like an extended episode of VH1's behind the music whereas the Doors one was more "Arthouse-ish".



    Both were good and interesting and I'd recommend either of them if you wanted an alternative to watching a regular movie, and even though I already liked both bands I've found myself listening to them more since watching these films.


    Anyone else seen them?

  5. Watchmen is the best film ever made

    Watch more films. You're missing out.


    I know you probably meant that partially in jest but I'm almost certain I've seen more films than nearly anyone, I do have my own taste though, lots of people don't agree with my favourite films and I don't agree with lots of what are considered great films.


    Like I said Watchmen was perfect for me, obviously saying one thing of anything is the best is impossible, especially something as subjective as film, I just wanted to say in a big way that I absolutely loved it.

  6. I loved Watchmen so much it's ridiculous, I thought it was the perfect film, I'm obsessed with superhero movies anyway (hence the fact that I've started about 10 topics on here about them, but Watchmen was a perfect combination of being true to the comic, visually spectacular, a great complex story and violent and sexy too.


    I understand not everyone feels that way but I really loved it, I watched it on 3 consecutive days a few months ago... it's nearly 3 hours long!


    How did it let you down repo?

  7. I just watched Universal Soldier: Regeneration and I wasn't expecting much out of this film, so I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. JCVD can still go at his age. A few very brutal fight scenes and deaths within.


    Also this week I have watched:



    I will need to give this film a second viewing before deciding on how much I enjoyed it. On my first viewing I was in the mood for a film with lots of action, so not knowing anything about the graphic novels or the tone of the film did leave me dissapointed. The best part about it was the Silk Spe3ctre in that leather outfit. Now knowing what to expect I believe I will enjoy and appreciate the film more on second viewing.


    Terminator Salvation

    Just not the same without Arnie, but it was an enjoyable film. Some amazing effects, but at times it did seem too much like Transformers with the size and design of some of the Terminators.


    Crank: High Voltage

    Some great action and just none stop fun. Jason Statham is really enjoyable and Amy Smart prances about in next to nothing for the entire film. It is a shame that she looks too beat up and like a skank for most of it.


    Universal Soldier was a nice surprise for me too, the fight scenes are pleasingly rough.

    Watchmen is the best film ever made

    Terminator Salvation is one of my worst films

    Crank 2 is fucking awesome how can anyone not love a film where SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    2 guys turn into fighting monsters

    in the middle of a fight scene?


    Saw Piranha yesterday, was drunk and in the back row feeling up the girl I went with, that combined with the funny shitness and B-Movie feel made for a pleasant experience, plus 3-D Kelly brook!

  8. I'm going out with a girl tonight and I truly hope to bang her, I was trying to save my mojo up by not jerking off today or all day yesterday but I succumbed to temptation last night and as soon as I finished I cared less about my date tonight, I still haven't gotten over that feeling, I was so amped yesterday, now I don't care. I'm wondering if maybe having a wank but not finishing is the way to get my sex gauge (mmm Gauge) up to speed but it can be a dangerous game.


    You're such a classy guy!


    Im the opposite, if im meeting up with a girl I really like I prefer to "remove the urge" so when im with her I wont be thinking about dragging her into a bush at earliest opportunity. Im romantic like that.

    Also makes good dinner conversation;


    "So, did it take you long to get ready tonite?"


    I'm too old to need to 'Remove the urge' I'm such a jaded haggard old bastard that I need to 'Save it up' to show a girl a good time.


    Here's my wanking story,

    I used to work in a video shop, it was incredibly quiet during the day and as I was the only person there I couldn't leave to go out the back or anything and as a male with 10 hours by myself on my hands I naturally decided to whack off (while looking at a porn movie catalogue). I was standing up behind the counter facing the door and a massive full shop front window, anyone walking past could see me from the elbows up. Once I looked up from my German porn catalogue after going at it for a while and a middle aged man was standing 2 feet away from me waiting to ask me a question, to this day I'm haunted by not knowing how much he saw.

  9. The Sorcerer's Apprentice - It's not perfect but if there had been a little more effort put in other than "Nic Cage wants to be a wizard, so lets give it a go" it could've been really good. Alfred Molina is outstanding and Cage himself continues his good performance run (and this is coming from someone who usually hates his performances). The lead is a bit annoying at times but as the film goes on he becomes a bit more sympathetic. If this had received some of the marketing that Prince of Persia did, this could've easily been Disney's next POTC franchise.


    Sacrilege! Nicolas Cage is the best!

  10. Now I'm getting on a bit (29) I still whack off everyday but my recovery time isn't as good, I remember my record was 7 times in one day when I was 15 or so, I've asked a fair few friends and nearly everyone had the same 'magic number' I know one Belgian nutter who did 14 though (I believe him too because he's a fucked up dude).


    Also it takes more extreme stuff to get me off, I'm not talking people fucking dead babies or humping on top of freshly shot bears that have fallen out of a tree but when I was a young teen virgin just imagining a girl from school who's pants I'd seen once under the media studies desk was enough, so was something as tame as a lingerie catalogue. Now I don't even bother unless I've got some of my favourite types of (and my tastes can be a little different) porn.


    I'm going out with a girl tonight and I truly hope to bang her, I was trying to save my mojo up by not jerking off today or all day yesterday but I succumbed to temptation last night and as soon as I finished I cared less about my date tonight, I still haven't gotten over that feeling, I was so amped yesterday, now I don't care. I'm wondering if maybe having a wank but not finishing is the way to get my sex gauge (mmm Gauge) up to speed but it can be a dangerous game.


    PS; Anyone done more than 7 times in one day?

  11. I just watched The Red Baron which is a recent German film about the legendary WWI flying ace, I was enjoying it greatly until SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    the end where they didn't show how he died, what the fuck? this is a movie about a historical figure, show the end for fuck's sake! They even showed people at his grave after he died, it really annoyed me, actually it made me furious.

  12. HHH has been gone for ages, does anyone know what he's looking like physically at the moment? He'll probably be a fat bastard but I hope he comes back quite lean, he's hopefully been eating well and looking after himself while he's been off.

  13. If that last poster is also Sinestro, I like how they're doing the Star Wars "Dark Side" corruption thing.


    The last poster is Hector Hammond (whoever that is).


    I'm glad they haven't been scared to make it nice & colourful (Sinestro's a fetching shade of purple like he should be) there are probably people in this thread who'd prefer it if Sinestro was normal coloured and everyone was wearing jeans and leather jackets. :smug:

  14. Watched Observe & Report on Sky last night. What an abortion of a film. I'm not sure when it was filmed but I can't believe Seth Rogan would have signed up for this shit after he became famous. It's horrendous. The story arc is more of a blip. It's an excuse for a load of people to say "fuck" a lot and some poorly thought out violence. Avoid at all costs.


    I loved that film, it's the stuff that you don't normally get in those kinds of films that made me love it, for me if it didn't have the SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    flasher nudity, the date rape and the bit where they shoot up heroin

    it would've been shit but those bits made it great for me.

  15. What if there were a middle ground? still have Wolvie wear the black leather but have a significant section of yellow on it and try to replicate the patern of his outfit, I dont think the mask would have done any harm either.


    That sounds cool, it's really the lack of mask I have an issue with, he hasn't worn it once in 4 films!

  16. Spider-man's costume in the movies looks cool, Batman's costume in the movies (except the Joel Schumaker ones) looks cool, Daredevil's costume looks cool, The Watchmen's costumes look amazing, the Fantastic Four's costumes look ok.


    The X-men look like estate agents going on a motorbike ride, in the first X-men film Sabretooth looks like a fucking tramp and in the Wolverine movie he looks like a dude in a jacket, I don't see how these would be worse if he looked more like in the comics, surely anyone who goes to see a movie like that expects to suspend disbelief and be visually entertained.

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