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Posts posted by neil

  1. Some stuff on BitCoin:




    A cashless society would be a dream for any dictator or oglicharchy...


    Oh, Icke aint my man. Just deriding the common theme of laugh first, ask questions later.


    I'm not into reading Summerian texts so am as ignorant as to our civilizations foundings as the rest of you numpties.



    BitCoin! Yes, I was hoping someone would champion it on here. The most worthless "currency" around that can have wild variations on value by small market moves.







    Hulky, we all know you've been banned almost infinite times - the last few billion all within about 0.013 seconds of you being unable to out yourself and talk about how great you are. As such, you should rightly be banned again this very second, with this thread deleted forever. Forever. Forever.


    However, I am in a merciful mood, and will allow you to stay for a free grace period of at least TWO WEEKS, (anything beyond that depends on the usual behavioural rules here, so consider it a gratis probation) if you pass the following challenge.


    On your Youtube account, you are to post a video of you performing a RAP, that you have written. The rapping part must be at least a minute in length, and MUST include references to the following things, or else it does not count.

    - The UKFF

    - Vigo the Carpathian from Ghostbusters II

    - Ian Beale

    - The phrase "Doing a poo like Mr. Magoo"


    It can be acapella if you like, but it's not too hard to find 'beats' via Google 'n' shit. If you want to read the lyrics from a piece of paper, that's fine.


    You have until 9pm tomorrow night to post this video, by linking to it in this thread. You will be banned if:

    - This video does not surface by 9pm tomorrow night

    - The video is not made to my specifications, ie any of the references are missing; it runs under a minute etc

    - It's a rap you stole from someone else. This must be original work

    - It doesn't rhyme

    - I consider you to not have a worthy level of showmanship for a gentleman who's claimed many times to have brought in 1000s of posters to this place, by his fame alone.




    If you finish the rap by flushing a toilet, throwing a gang-sign, and signing off with the phrase "TOILET-SIDE, MOTHERFUCKER", you win another FULL WEEK of free UKFF time. Alright, you've got three weeks of UKFF - more than the sum total your previous billion banned accounts have managed - up for grabs. Are you man enough, homie?


    Let's do this.


    Absolutely amazing.




    I have such little faith in Hulkamania Fan completing this, and I really want to hear dat rap, that the first person to complete Woyzeck's challenge (to the exact specifications) gets to have one member of their choosing suspended for a month.

  3. I pee sitting down (due to an accident I had once). I don't mind doing a shit at work but I went through 13 years of school without ever doing one there. never done a shit in a public toilet either.


    Just realised "accident" makes it sound like I pissed myself or on the floor. it was neither, it was much more painful.


    Hold on. Do you mean you had a painful accident which left you with an injury/medical reason requiring you to sit down, or that you sit down because you had a painful accident while standing to do weewees, and fear repeating this incident? If it's the latter, I can't fathom what that might be.

    My guess is that Rick had his balls resting on the toilet with the seat up. As he unleashed a strong jet of piss the seat came down crushing his knackers. Coincidently, this event caused him to lose his hair a la Duncan Goodhew.

  4. I have some good shits at work. Take the iPod in, or some reading material, and just relax. The stall, as I said earlier, is immense, so plenty of stretching time.

    American toilets have so much more visibility than your UK toilet. The door/sides are higher off the floor and are lower as well. Not to mention there are a lot of gaps around the fittings. It's unpleasant knowing that someone can see you when they walk by. UK toilets isolate you and give you your own safe poo-haven.

  5. I definitely buy that could be Tommy, but that's not CJ or Nico in the trailer. The 'CJ' just looks like some un-CJ-like black guy. Plus, he'd be in his 40's now too.

    All CGI black guys look the same.

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