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Posts posted by neil

  1. You look like you post on a wrestling forum.



    Dear John Galt,


    Your cutting remark about Rosegarden Funeral's photo suggest that a) you are better looking and b) don't look like a wrestling fan. Consequently you have 72 hours to prove it.


    You must post a photo of yourself, including your face and body (which will obviously be in great shape), holding up a sign that says "UKFF's Spunky Hunky".


    If you fail to complete this by 5pm Friday you will be banned. If you complete it, then you get nothing, being good looking is enough of a prize.





  2. Better luck next time.




    Dear Trevor,


    For your cutting remark against Shane O'Mac Version 2's "badass" photo, it is clear that you consider yourself, infact, more "badass". Consequently you now have 72 hours to prove it.


    You must post a photo of yourself in a vest/sleeveless t-shirt, in a "badass" pose. You also need to hold a sign up that says "I ROBS DRUG DEALERS YO".


    If you fail to complete this by 1pm Friday you will be banned. If you complete it you will be rewarded with the ability to make any poster on this forum have the custom title "Trevor's Bitch".


    Good luck,



  3. When ever an account that's been quiet for years suddenly goes on a mong spree, I always assume it's someone's 2nd account. Who wakes up one morning and thinks "hmm, haven't posted on the UKFF in 3 years, think I'll pop on now and be a massive bender".

    It's not Family Guy PMSL.



    On a completely unrelated note, any BritWres experts know who was behind the PWA company based in Hull?

  4. My aim is to put all of the films on this list that I haven't seen before on my LoveFilm list and work through them. 'Kelly's Heroes', for some reason, is one I've never gotten round to seeing so that's 1 out of 2 so far. Glad In Bruges got a few votes, not one that would make my top 10 but a great and very re-watchable film



    Same here, except replace "lovefilm" with "stuff to download". I have also not seen Kelly's Heroes, and also really like In Bruges even though I didn't nominate it.


    This should be a good list!

    Thinking of doing this too. My movie watching over the last 5 years has been absolutely dismal. To the point where Woyzeck asked me in chat what my movie of the year was and I literally had no answer.

  5. Yeah, I could see darts dying out at the grass roots if BDO sold to Hearn. It'd be a terrible idea. You think Hearn gives two shits about county darts and superleagues? It'd be terrible for the game at the low levels. In all fairness that's what the BDO, and their fantastically loyal blazer clad volunteers, do very well. Darts for all from pub league to county. It's the professional aspect that needs sorting out.

    Aye. The only way Hearn would be interested is if he could then take over the pubs and turn them into flats*





    *Orient fan

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