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Posts posted by simonworden

  1. The Drifter and Tye Dillenger could and should start to be pushed up a little into the old tyler breeze position which would help solidify the roster. However I don't think Joe is going anywhere just yet. I could see him defending the belt successfully for a while. The earliest would be the autumn if they want to put the belt on Nakamura at the summerslam takeover. They could however delay that match, but i'd go with that for the August Takeover and then a rematch for the October one before Joe gets called up at the end of the year.


    In the mean time as people have said The woman have Main evented before but I don't think they have a strong enough roster either right now to be prominent. The best bet would be the tag division. American Alpha should defend in the top spot at least once perhaps at the end of the year against the winners of the next Rhodes classic.


    Giving almost a whole year to really build some new guys up through the likes of Aries, Roode and Young

  2. 12512672_1717026135240980_40046262530532


    Training centre for Vietnam Pro Wrestling, Dick Togo's training center. Only had one show which was poorly promoted last year (I say that only as I missed it!) and another this year as part of the same festival. Changed names in that time too. 


    But look at the amount of Ropes on that thing (possibly a kickboxing ring that's been modified)

  3. The two hour thing is a funny one because everyone says it from us on the internet, to the more in the knows to some of the veterans. It must be so lucrative though, does anyone have any figures what the revenue is from that 3rd hour for both WWE and USA? I guess we have to wait until the ratings drop to a point USA scale it back. Unless WWE do something in the first or third hour and just say fuck it. Put on some old matches or some old network content or something!


    As I said in another thread I can't see AJ turning heel and joining the bullet club or Balor being called up as a heel. What I think will happen is Gallows and Anderson will turn on AJ. If they are brave they will create a group with Reigns as heels (I actually thought some stuff eluded to this on Raw). But AJ will feud with them and probably have Balor join his side sometime into the summer. I dont even know if they will turn on AJ tomorrow, I reckon we will get a six man on raw after Payback where they do it. 

  4. Overall I thought this was an enjoyable show, everything throughout had purpose and the crowed were loud making everything better. They really should do at least one more raw in Europe before going home. These big US cities can be awful for sound these days and this makes a big difference.


    Only complaint is were that I fought Barrett should've had one last horrah and cost the league of nations the match. Also even though Ambrose Owens was fine as a main event by that time I still felt burnt out..nothing new but 3 hours still too long!

  5. What was the general consensus on the WWF around 2000-2001 (pre invasion) I was a big wrestling fan but not online. Who were the darlings and who were hated. I recently heard about fat-taker and realised I don't know much about this time from the online community perspective. Anywhere I can find reviews and old comments?


    There's a guy who goes out with an ex colleague of mine called Jeremy Ginsburg. He professes to have become "Famous in Vietnam" basically by being on a few reality shows. Truthfully he's had about as much success outside the bars he performs crap gigs in as a forgettable mid season big brother contestant, but him and his misuses continue to promote their shit, his "book" and other bollocks across the net like they have the answers for life which seems to be live of your parents money and sell a few things online/ freelance until daddy dies and makes you rich! It just annoys me how in your face he is when it's just the same 20 people sucking his dick online, the guy has done seriously nothing worthwhile for humanity yet preaches like a fucking inspirational figure. If you want to get wound up youtube search the cunt


    I had to search him up - I love angering myself. He looks like a cross between John Travolta and Eric Cantona.



    Very apt! and that's exactly why I keep tabs on him, I like to get really angry about something trivial at least once a week!

  7. I really want to kill mine but it's the only way to keep in touch with friends in the UK, also honestly lot's of Vietnamese girls i'm friendly with pop up pictures in bikini's every few weeks and i'm only human.


    There are definately some types of people I fucking hate on facebook these days, those who need to be super socialist and liberal and post so much shit propaganda stuff. Heaven forbid you are not fully in the left lane...that must mean you want to send the population back to serfdom. The "teacher" life motto's little bits of advice that I didn't ask for. The performer video cunts and of course the sycophants who like everything they do.


    There's a guy who goes out with an ex colleague of mine called Jeremy Ginsburg. He professes to have become "Famous in Vietnam" basically by being on a few reality shows. Truthfully he's had about as much success outside the bars he performs crap gigs in as a forgettable mid season big brother contestant, but him and his misuses continue to promote their shit, his "book" and other bollocks across the net like they have the answers for life which seems to be live of your parents money and sell a few things online/ freelance until daddy dies and makes you rich! It just annoys me how in your face he is when it's just the same 20 people sucking his dick online, the guy has done seriously nothing worthwhile for humanity yet preaches like a fucking inspirational figure. If you want to get wound up youtube search the cunt

  8. Bayley Vs Asuka was fantastic, was surprised how quiet the crowed were when the finish came. Didn't really think they could be in that much shock but just shows how good a performer Bayley really is to have that effect. I liked that Askua didn't seem to give a fuck about shaking hands or anything just having her moment and some of the camera angles were great how they managed to highlight both the new champ and a fallen Bayley in the same scene. Really added to the drama. don't know where they go next if Askua becomes heel or what. 

  9. Looking at how it was handled it seemed it was a grab it now or regret it kind of thing. Securing a bigger venue probably wouldn't have been easy in the time frame and something needed to be confirmed. Maybe with more time. I also reckon the noise and reaction at York Hall will really add to the experience and spell money for the DVD/ download etc. 

  10. Wouldn't it be who, when and why the Rock lost a match, first was he losing on house shows? or is this just about TV?


    Secondly often the Rock lost with a screw job finish or a reason, it was rare for him to lost clean from what I can remember that goes for a lot of the top guys. 


    It's not like Ziggler and Co who just lose clean end of one week and then win the next, that's the difference 

  11. That's the crux of it for me, TNA have had more than a fair chance. Be it the initial 2005-2006 rise on spike or where they managed to do most ppvs outside the impact zone in 2008-9 even hogoff. They even had people giving them a chance at intervals up until 2013 when they scored there biggest ever crowd. But they never capitalised and kept it sensible. Fans wanted an alternative that was A) alternative and B) going somewhere. Half of nxt's loyalty was built on people joining the band wagon seeing they like it and that it's cool (for wrestling) TNA never kept the bus moving and the seats filling

  12. I want more of those video postcards she did, very kardashisnesque just asking for heel heat. Honestly can't believe that wwe hasn't capitalised on rippibg them off. Maybe it touches too close to some of the shit on total divas although then you just say at least our divas 'do,' something.


    Live Eva to ham it up more and even get a Kanye in southpark like boyfriend on screen...maybe I shouldn't be listening to Russo on podcasts so much

  13. I just realized test was only 33 when he died, fuck never knew he was that young when he was in the WWE, means he was 30 in his last WWE year in 2006 and only 22/23 when he was in the corporation. Man under better circumstances he could have at least had one more run in the WWE or Japan under better circumstances. 

  14. How bizarre, what's more strange is the ring seems to have been build up in the nosebleed seats, cant see how any spectators could see the match. Could have done it in the basement and it wouldnt have made a difference. Could you have build the ring on some platform with wheels and shoved it out at half time?

  15. Hi WWE, it's me. I have a proposal for you. I am prepared to attend all of your live televised and pay per view events. I'm even prepared to sit at ringside. All you have to do is give me free tickets. Deal?

    I'm sure many have tried it but it works the other way around...hibwe will give you free tickets if you sit and promote the show and don't bring your obsessive ugly cousin.


    I don't know as Onyx said about the openess about the freebie but a friend of mine through her job gets free stuff and always says thanks for the free shit in not so many words online.

  16. Going back to the superfans who are at lots of shows in the USA, i'm sure many of them have rich parents (noboddy who works for all that money has that much time off every monday to go to a wrestling show on different parts of a huge ass country!), but it wouldn't surprise me if WWE have there own group of "travel bloggers" (a group of young usually privileged 20 somethings who travel around the world blogging and get paid to do it. Claiming it's hard work not daddy's paycheck and how good they look in a bikini that got them the resort reviewing job!). 


    I'm sure WWE would have the same as they are so into social media that flying in a few fans with a large amount of followers could be seen as a justified expense in their eyes...is creepy lesnar guy one? no idea. I would guess they prefer people who look like Noelle Foley or Slap Nuts girl more than anything as it's what would give Vince a hard on as well as a lot of the audience. Hell I will admit i'd even click on their twitter occasionally if something peaked my interest, wouldn't follow as not that interested in tweets but would have a nose around. 

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