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Posts posted by simonworden





    Without looking I thought Vince took the fall? Don't forget the Backlash 2001 HHH Austin vs Taker Kane match. That one had predated Kane would take the IC Undertaker WWE if they won. They predictably didn't

    This isn't correct. If HHH or Austin were pinned, they would lose their respective title to whoever pinned them. So if Kane pinned Austin, Kane would've won the WWF Championship and Taker would've left with just his own Tag Team Championship.
    Did you rewatched recently Neil as I really don't remember it being that way at all. Long time ago so I'll give it a look again as I remember the PPV being ok.

    I haven't watched recently but it turns out I was slightly wrong too, according to the Wiki page:


    Since Linda was still the (on-screen) CEO of the company, this gave her power to veto her husband's decisions and force compromises. As such, McMahon informed Austin and Triple H that he had to make a compromise with his estranged wife. They agreed that the two champions would be able to compete at Backlash for the tag titles. However, McMahon was forced to agree that in order for the titles to be at stake, both the Intercontinental and WWF Championships would also have to be defended in the match; therefore, if either Austin or Triple H took the loss in the match, the team would lose both titles. If Austin would lose, whichever Brother of Destruction defeated him would receive the WWF Championship while Triple H would forfeit his Intercontinental Championship to the other. The reverse applied if Triple H was to lose.


    That's pretty crazy when you think about it. Undertaker could've pinned Triple H to become Intercontinental Champion and in doing so, Kane would've become WWF Champion without himself or Stone Cold even being involved in the decision.

    Yeah it seems crazy now don't remember thinking about it at the time. Tried to read wiki too yesterday but was too jet lagged. Definitely going to give it a rewatched soon. Might even be sitting under the original c4 vhs recording I did at 14 years old



    Without looking I thought Vince took the fall? Don't forget the Backlash 2001 HHH Austin vs Taker Kane match. That one had predated Kane would take the IC Undertaker WWE if they won. They predictably didn't

    This isn't correct. If HHH or Austin were pinned, they would lose their respective title to whoever pinned them. So if Kane pinned Austin, Kane would've won the WWF Championship and Taker would've left with just his own Tag Team Championship.

    Did you rewatched recently Neil as I really don't remember it being that way at all. Long time ago so I'll give it a look again as I remember the PPV being ok.

  3. Wouldn't surprise me if Matt funded a good proportion himself, saves TNA a fair bit in production. I'm sure they didn't pay him anything to film there. 


    I thought it was an interesting vanity piece and a good example of an alternative style of production to the norm in pro wrestling but i'm not sure it fully worked over two hours. I actually skipped the world title match which was the most "normal TNA" thing about it which says a lot about the main product. The Hardy stuff is starting to feel almost like it's own series. I quite liked the production set up and would be happy watching that with more genuine fans in it. I really liked people just turning up in their cars and getting on with it too. 


    Should they do it again soon? Not really unless they can make it into a cheap way to tour and use other locations but they should keep the Hardy wackiness coming slowly over the next year 

  4. Brie is up the duff as far as I last heard no way she is going to be ready to roll by Mania in my opinion even if she spits out bryan bearded sprog before hand. Perhaps Nickie could do it but they barely acknowledge they have any kind of relationship

  5. That's enough of the switches right there. I think Sasha should've lost and taken a back seat until post mania where she takes the heel role against bailey but I guess it's happening before with perhaps a brewing Dana vs charlotte sub feud.


    So Roman has the title shot at roadblock. Has it escaped me what's going on at the Rumble with the belt?

  6. XPW DVDs were all over Poundland I seem to recall. An early CM Punk matches one, a Hardy's one and the XPW one.

    I had a ton of those cheap ass DVD's, there were 3 XPW ones I think 2 "history" and a death match one with as said no context. The Hardcore Homecoming 1+2 DVDs and also some Hardy ones although the first volume had no fucking clips and was just a talking head documentary if I remember correctly. There were a few others like the Punk one but I didnt have those. Will dig em out in December when i'm home

  7. I'm guessing the loser at Takeover is getting called up, for NXT purposes I would send Joe up first as NXT seems to have more heels ready for a title shot over babyfaces. Joe could easily come up to Smackdown as a heel to keep John Cena busy until Mania season or as a face to give Styles something to do after Dean.

  8. Why are all the sites tweets and doodahs using the word "hijacked" for the womens segment, I would hardly call it that as they didnt fuck it up did they more just support the babyface that people are supposed to support? If that really is hijacking then so was half the time Vinnie Mac among others was out cutting a promo in the attitude era. 

  9. Happened to a friend just this month where the employer is forever telling them how valued and important they were, but can't give them anymore money even though to recruit someone to do the same work to the same standard would cost more.  Hell, the recruitment costs, disruption, and training alone would cover the first two years.


    They got a new job, then all of a sudden the money could be found to entice them to stay.  They politely declined the offer as the time when it would have made a difference had passed.


    Just had a similar thing myself, took a new year contract with the school i'm in but there was no mention of a pay rise which is very odd. Found out they have a little pay freeze on all academic staff at the moment and the only way round it is to do some very expensive and arduous courses. However my manager has given me for resigning 6 days holiday which I didn't get to use last time as people kept leaving us short on teachers. Normally they don't roll them over here as Asia is pretty fucking tight on any staff benefits but as recognition of me working my arse off theyre going to give them to me, not sure how on the sly from further up the company it is but was pretty chuffed to have an extra week off.

  10. not sure if this is the right place to rant and rave but it is facebook related and baffles my mind. A couple of good friends of mine have a kid who just turned one, they live in Abu Dhabi. I had the foresight to get in contact with the girls mum who was going out for the first birthday so I thought I would message her and see if she would kindly play courier for a present. She agreed and I spent a fair while deciding what to buy and managed to get hold of some nice baby durable childrens books. Classic stuff not just any old tat either! So the evening of the birthday I realise I havent got any thank you at all (generally a big pet peeve of mine) however the woman in this situation has managed to reply on face book to about half a dozen well wishes and write a lengthy post not even mentioning presents at all. Either of them couldve messaged me that day one fucking sentence and to be honest I would have been happy to wait a few days if they were busy but to get on with saying thankyou to well wishers publicly over people who went out of their way is a fucking disgrace.


    Rant you dont care about over

  11. Adding to the lost their way thing, when Reigns came out I thought I heard a few more cheers than normal probably down to Rusev and Lana's fun segment. But then they make him shout out to the "Roman Empire" that's the last thing the guy needed right then absolute stinker or a line and killed it all dead for me in minutes. I could even see on his face a little fucking wince when he said that

  12. It really feels like a chicken or the egg situation. Which do you need first to build the other strong heels to build up a face enough that i means something when they are vanquished or a big enough face to garner sympathy and the urge for a comeback. Right now in my eyes they don't have either. 

  13. Watching Raw last night I realised that all former NXT champions who have been called up are on Raw, not sure there is anything in that just an interesting note. 


    I was also thinking about how there are no deplorable heels anymore (I know it's been said millions of times) but honestly the cool heels and indie heels thing has killed the heat. The closest for me is the Miz and possibly Rusev in the right feud. The game really needs to be stepped up in the heel department to be as unlikable as possible. For me a good example would be the Governor in The Walking Dead, he was fucking deplorable and I actually popped when he snuffed it. It would be wonderful if they could create someone with that amount of heat but im not sure how to do it in a "PG" way 

  14. I doubt they have the money to do it but why don't the light the fucking impact zone up a bit again or is there literally 30 people there? If the pretapes are the only worthwhile thing why not fill up the impact zone with extras and tape like that in the impact zone surely that would be better. Although again money might be an issue, at least paid people would have to make noise and liven them up and also allow you to tape slow and steady without worrying about putting on too much of an organised show for the audience

  15. Isn't that one the staff made up? Heard something similar from a mate who used to work there. Apparently you can basically make what you want for lunch so crazy ass combinations come up. Another mate used to buy 2 double cheeseburgers and combine the filling of one with the other to make a quad, never tried that one but he did also suggest using KFC gravy inside the tower burgers which was absolutely fantastic!


    So I got those post holiday blues. Been back at work this week and have called in sick today because I just cannot face eight hours of sales calls. This is probably the first job ever where I've felt bad about taking sick days because we're such a small company and everyone has their own clients that were supposed to work for on a set amount of days per week, so this will mess with the schedule.


    I actually don't dislike my job but I would have quit already if it wasn't for the fact that student finance fucked me and for unknown reasons removed the grant part of my finance which means I'm waiting six weeks for them to sort that out.


    But I'm also in my second year of uni now and I have to start thinking about what I'm going to be doing afterwards. Journalism is what I want to work in but I'm not sure how I, as a near 30 year old man, goes about getting placements or work experience at papers or online outlets when I feel sure they're looking for some 19 year old, the kind of person they're looking for I assume. Same goes for graduate programs. Is my age going to be an issue when applying for graduate job programs when I graduate? I'm on course for a first in my degree, maybe that'll help.

    Are you getting experience by writing for blogs and other websites? At least that way you're building up your portfolio.

    Blogs and other websites would be a great way, basically any old shot seems yo get published now on certain sites so I'm sure you'll be already high up the pecking order.


    Are you single spurs? Not sure how you feel about it but in other parts of the world they cry put for good journalists for English speaking papers. A twat I worked with did a piece got paid on amd they wanted him to work full time even though what he wrote got him almost attacked. You can work for full papers in Asia, teach English part to.e and work up ypur CV over a couple of years in a cheap sunny place. I liked it so much I kept the teaching career and got engaged!

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