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Posts posted by RIDDUM_N_STYLE

  1. I wouldn't touch a courgette for years, except for cutting it when my mum done stir frys but I had it in my stir fry last sunday for a change and loved the taste and crunch of it with the other ingredients. Also wouldn't do sweet chilli sauce for a long time but can't get enough of it now, mixed through a bowl of rice served with southern fried chicken

  2. Just watched the 'fight' then, fucking brilliant from Big Dave. I told my dad he would KO Harrison early but didn't expect it to be that early, was thinking more round 3 or 4

  3. Just stumbled on Extreme Sports (SKY 419) and they're showing TNA's Most Extreme Matches. Didn't know they had any other UK exposure other than Challenge.

    Yeah I think they kept some sort of deal going with Extreme after they moved to Challenge, hence the Vintage Collection style shows
  4. Whats the deal with this 'Arrow' I have seen adverts for on TV? Anyone know if it's any good. Is it something to do with DC's Green Arrow, or totaly non-related?


    From what I've read up about it it's meant to be based on the Green Arrow comics but barely mentions it, hence why it's just called Arrow


    In other news Red Dwarf X starts tonight on Dave, the teasers have gave me hope that it's gonna be more early Dwarf than the later series so I hope it's not disappointing

  5. On the Sky Sports EPG, Smackdown is listed under two different names "Smackdown" and "Late Night Smackdown". Is there any difference between them at all? Is Late Night the US broadcast and the normal Smackdown an edited pre-watershed version to take out weapon shots and things?


    Got it in one, that's exactly what they are mate

  6. The Vader interview after his defeat to Kane was erm interesting!


    The match wasn't half as good as the No Way Out match in Feb either, which I fucking loved for reasons which escape me.


    Just watched this today (bought the tagged classic dvd of this event and the DX one last weekend), decent big man match probably memorable for Kane's wrench attack after the match

  7. Been getting back into The Office lately, only have the first four seasons on dvd but got fed up waiting for season 5 to come down in price so decided to watch online. In the last couple of weeks I've not only worked my way through season 5 but also 6 and I have the last couple of episodes of 7 to watch tonight. Gonna crack on to 8 tomorrow and then I will be caught up for the start of 9 in a couple of weeks. I can see where the decline started with the show but have still got some laughs out of it

  8. Soccer AM: Tubes doing the same old "You're a top man, blah blah blah" act for ANOTHER season?! :bored:


    Its embarrassing stuff truly. Bunch of tv producers acting like they're still in their 20s, injokes, stupid catchphrases and nowhere near as funny as it once was.


    On the plus side, they have finally changed the carpark game to something more challenging that the boring and formulaic 'get the ball through the big hole in the middle of something'

  9. Shittest film ever? A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas IN 3D! I had the misfortune of watching this last night. The first one was an enjoyable stoner comedy, the second was not very good. This was fucking gash. It was like shit sketch after shit sketch stitched together with some more shit. More stereotypes than a taxi driver. Avoid.


    Has that had a DVD/Blu Ray release yet Biff? I've heard its not good but I'm kind of a sucker for shit films, plus I need it to complete the series

  10. This guy seems to have posted what appears to be the production version of this week's TNA Impact.


    It has the ring cleaners in the ring without audio during commercials, and a couple of off air conversations with Taz/Tenay. Unless this is some hyper reality TV thing they've done because of the direct tv deal, it seems legit. Not that out of the ordinary, but I thought it was interesting!


    Part 1


    Part 2


    If that's the VANGELISV9XHD2 channel showing that then its the one I am watching at this very second, very weird but in an awesome way

  11. Anyone know of any websites which lists which matches on WWE DVD sets are available on other sets? Got my eye on a few DVDs in the Silver Vision sale but I don't wanna waste my money if I already own the majority of the matches elsewhere.


    www.thehistoryofwwe.com generally does

  12. I love both TBBT and HIMYM but agree that the quality is dropping a bit on both, the Penny/Leonard on/off thing is very Friends like, something that viewers would get tired of very quickly. Thankfully with HIMYM we are getting closer to finding out just who the mother is, thanks to the revelation at the end of the last series (which gets shown here in a couple of weeks i think) so will likely only go another season or two

  13. I am really enjoying this new NXT. Last week's debut was a belter and this wasn't too bad either. Like the look of Steamboat Jr, nice that they showed clips of him as a baby getting brought to the ring by The Dragon. Really liking the Ascension, the stuff they did in FCW from what I saw was good and hopefully with a bit more exposure they can add something to the tag division on the main roster

  14. So I was watching Summerslam 88 earlier and was wondering who was the guy that come to the ring with the Powers of Pain? He had a hooded cloak on and white face pain on half his face, similar to Sting during his transition to the crow look. Any ideas guys?

  15. Triple H vs Shelton Benjamin


    One of my favourite upsets ever. This was around the spell where HHH recovered from his 02-03 form and started having quality matches nearly every week again. Listen to the crowd during Shelton's entrance, then listen to the POP at the end. Brilliant stuff


    How bland do you have to be to not kick on and become a star after a start like that?


    Err Cleet, that's coming up as the Rock/Hogan confrontation not the Triple H/Benjamin match

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