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Posts posted by Kookoocachu

  1. Of course you're going to do damage if you do it every day. A lot of people take homeopathic advice and go nuts with it thinking that because it's natural it's ok which couldn't be further from the truth.


    Here's a few articles on the procedure but are more extreme, the way I suggested is just what I find works for me and my friends who have tried it


    How to clean your colon


    Three day cleanse <- I do not recommend this.





  2. Good god what have I started :/


    ALSO! Weigh yourself before you do it and then after. I'm not saying it's a miracle weight loss thing I just found it awesome and amazing when I lost 6lb over night that one time.


    If I could be bothered I would set up a google hangout for this...shit....


    Oh and I'm going to apologise now in advance for what some of you might go through.

  3. If you want a good flushing to get rid of all the stubborn mucus and catarrh, down 1 pint of prune juice (the pure stuff, with bits) and then half an hour later have half a pint of cloudy apple juice. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE.


    Once I did it and I lost 6lb overnight from everything that was stuck in there. Now I do it once a month and swear by it to feel light on the inside. It will help your digestive system work a load better too.


    I like the sound of this. 2 questions. Firstly, would just blending up a tin of prunes do the job, or is there a particular brand of prune juice you used? Secondly, how long were you shitting for?


    I doubt you would get enough juice from a tin plus there are additives. I use Sun Sweet 100% Californian Prune Juice and then Coppella (sp?) Cloudy Apple.


    I do it of an evening, usually replacing dinner with it because this fills you like nothing else and there's less food in your stomach to absorb the juice. So say 5-6pm, for some they start feeling like they need to go about half an hour later but for me it's usually 1-2 hours. Your first movement will be pretty normal, maybe a bit looser, but then the next ones will turn into like you're shitting out guinness along with all the catarrh and mucus clumps. Every body is different but my average I would say is I stop around midnight. You'll find yourself not moving from the toilet seat for a long time because as soon as you stand you'll need to go again, so get some good reading material in the loo and charge up your phone/laptop.


    The very first time I did this I was going til like 4 in the morning and the next day I had a bit of a sore tummy. But when you think about everything that's been dislodged after years and years of build up it's not surprising.


    It comes from a years old juice cleanse detox, people live on this for 5 days but I don't think it would do anymore than doing it once would do.

  4. If you want a good flushing to get rid of all the stubborn mucus and catarrh, down 1 pint of prune juice (the pure stuff, with bits) and then half an hour later have half a pint of cloudy apple juice. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE.


    Once I did it and I lost 6lb overnight from everything that was stuck in there. Now I do it once a month and swear by it to feel light on the inside. It will help your digestive system work a load better too.

  5. A medication I was on made me gain a stone in 3 months after Christmas. It had a bigger effect on my mental health though and I got so low about it and other things that were going on I almost had another breakdown. This combined with my MS being terrible so I couldn't go to the gym at all led me feeling pretty terrible about myself and my body. But, I put my big girl pants on and did what I could and as my as my MS let me to get to where I am right now. I'm still quite upset at the muscle I lost from being sick but I have to keep telling myself it was out of my control and it will come back.


    Time for some progress pics I think? (warning, pretty revealing, but we're all friends here right?)



  6. LOVE infomercials! I've got such wonderful things, The Jack Lalanne Power Juicer, Magic Bullet and more that have found their way to the depths of the cupboards.


    The Jack L Lanne Power Juicer looks awesome. I remember watching that years ago on one of the shopping channels. Just put the fruit in whole and bingo! If it's as good as they say it's probably a good way of disposing of a body as well.

    It's frightening.


    Forbes: "You put a whole potato in there!?"


    It's amazing really, you just put whole fruit (or veg) in there and it turns to mush in seconds. Some of those shakes looked bloody disgusting mind. Would still buy one just to see if it lived up to my expectation.

    It destroys everything. Bit of a bitch to clean but apparently the newer ones are better.

  7. LOVE infomercials! I've got such wonderful things, The Jack Lalanne Power Juicer, Magic Bullet and more that have found their way to the depths of the cupboards.


    The Jack L Lanne Power Juicer looks awesome. I remember watching that years ago on one of the shopping channels. Just put the fruit in whole and bingo! If it's as good as they say it's probably a good way of disposing of a body as well.

    It's frightening.


    Forbes: "You put a whole potato in there!?"

  8. When dealing with DWP on the phone you can request that a supervisor or manager listen in to the call too, which has helped me out so much in the past when I've had a twat try and practically bully me. Whenever I have to find out any information now I always ask for someone to listen in so that I'm not lied to, although some supervisors can be just as bad.

  9. I was supposed to have my (don't give)ATOS assessment in september so they can literally just tick a box next to my name for the rate of ESA I should be on. I was told that they already have all the evidence for the rate and it's what I will be on but they still need to see me in person to be able to "tick the box".

    They now owe me over

  10. Devastating. No one will be able to watch that speech with dry eyes now. Dyllan is just getting into wrestling and loved him, he was so excited to see him back. What his family must be going through makes me feel sick. Even my non wrestling fan friends are gutted, everyone knows who this legend is. Regardless of what he has said and done in the past, I have the upmost respect for him trying to make peace with the fans. It's almost as if his soul was just holding on until he got the opportunity to do it. Terrible terrible news.

  11. I've only played online since it went live. I have so much fun I don't really have much interest in completing story mode anymore.

  12. Really? Could that be because they've had to put an order in place? I've heard that all charges are taken from the amount before it reaches the resident parent. So he could pay 50 quid a week but 20 goes towards charges?


    I must admit I'm only going off the 1 conversation I had with the CSA where it was explained to me. I've always paid for my son and used their calculator to work it out and my ex then had a crazy spell and phoned them. I had to start paying an extra 3p per week. :bored:

    Nope, that was what he was supposed to pay before the court order too.

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