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Kaz Hayashi

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Posts posted by Kaz Hayashi

  1. Cult of Personality charted when CM Punk was hot for a while there, too. And WWE PPV themes have occassionally charted following events. Its seems if the internet catch on with something, they will download it and get it to chart during the week. How did Zack Ryder's song do out of interest?


    I just look it up on youtube, myself. Paying money for Fandango's theme is a bit much for me. He'd actually have to reference me personally by name in a lyrical version of the song to get me putting my hand in my pocket.









    Aye, it's got a ring to it like

  2. Fandango's music is now at #28 in the UK iTunes charts (above Ant & Dec and One Direction) and rising all the time.


    The livehits website is reporting that the theme is currently #26 overall in the UK charts, and could get radio airplay/mention on the top 40 chart show on Sunday if it holds up.


    Oh yeah, and #FandangoRevolution is currently the #1 worldwide trend on Twitter.



    That is superb.

  3. Well if thats the case, if RVD wins the tag title wouldn't that mean he would be apart of the only team not to get buried then? Getting put in the tag division doesn't automatically mean you are going to get buried. If they want to job you out, they will. Doesn't matter what division they are in.


    And RVD has the value of a returning Hacksaw Duggan these days. He's a 40 year old, balding, fat, unmotivated parody of what he was in the 90s who doesn't like to travel and wont give up the pot on the road. What sort of money are you expecting they are hiring him under? He'll probably get a Christian/Booker T deal and do high profile jobs to put younger talent over if he re-signs. He should be doing jobs on TV.


    If he does come back and is entered in to a tag team, a program is readily available with his ex-tag team champ partner too.


    He can't seriously be considered as anything more than fodder, as you say, but without it being pointless and him still being appealing enough to sell shirts, a tag team makes more sense to me at the moment.

  4. Thats unreal. Good effort to the fans who were in attendance.


    In regards to RVD, I'd like to see him back, possibly in the tag division. There were a couple of rumbles on here not long back regarding Tajiri. Can't remember if it was a fan saying 'I want him to come back to WWE' or if it was a case of, 'He is looking to come back'.


    That's a team i'd be happy to see. Least not forget, RVD has a decent ability to shift merch. The weed might be an issue though.

  5. I went to the dogs for the first time ever a little while back. There were all sorts there, and it was very busy.


    I went for the first time on Saturday night in byker, Newcastle.


    Rough as fuck.


    *woof as fuck.


    One pissed track suit donning spokesperson stood at barrier as the handlers were parading the hounds just before race 3 and shouted 'ya dogs a fuckin Doyle'. Interesting night.

  6. I don't think him brining an urn to the ring is bad taste Arch, i know what your saying but it was his gimmick and assume the masses will get the point. The urn in the corner of the ring and his salute at the end of the match is enough though.

    No mention of it on his way to the ring or during the match is needed.

  7. it's annoying to see him get killed for 13 minutes then land the brogue kick outta no where to win the match. the hell is this?



    Secondly, Sheamus looks more the part to me. Lookwise he's a badass. He looks like a proper competitor and this makes me like him more because it's easier to watch somebody who looks the part and who you could genuinely see as a threat. Cena however dresses like a manchild and generally just looks idiotic. My girlfriend, who has barely ever seen any wrestling in her life, has remarked her immense dislike of him because "he looks like a little boy." Such a look for a WWE champion is clearly not appealing to everone.




    But that's the whole point, parents buy their kids clothes, his gear passes for everyday kids wear. WWE makes a fortune.


    Hence why you didn't see a shit load of youngsters wearing bezerker outfits in the early 90's.


    I thought this point had been stressed for the last 5 years.


    I agree, but I don't think the kids buying his merch is hinged on his actual look - if that were the case, no-one would ever have bought Hulk, Macho, Warrior, Hitman, Rock or Austin shit ever. It's simply a combination of Cena being who he is, coupled with the cynical fashion industry-orientated approach of bringing out a new range of stuff every six months, that gets them to get their parents to buy it.


    Personally, I think Cena looks pretty damn tough for guy dressed as a wigger.


    Aye but the point I'm making is that I believe parents will happily buy their kids cena clothes because they pass for normal clothes. Shorts, tshirt and cap are pretty standard. Add that to the fact the kid gets to look exactly like their fav wrestler is the hook, everyone's happy.

    Hogan was an era where wrestling was massive and it was for the first time, marketable. Austin/rock era was a time where teens and adults had their own money to buy the shirts.

    Cena is the current hero and WWE has been kid friendly whilst he's been he-man, the kids love him, and his merch range is very appropriate for kids to wear anywhere, so parents will buy. The full outfit!

    Again, tatankas pants and feathers don't really shout street wear.


    Him dressed as he is, is perfect for his role, regardless of what 20 odd year olds think of his puma disks or whatever he wears.


    Anyway, I'm about to start watching my new updated nitro 97 set tonight, can't feckin wait. Just finished the full SNME set from start to finish including the main events. Good memories man.

  8. it's annoying to see him get killed for 13 minutes then land the brogue kick outta no where to win the match. the hell is this?



    Secondly, Sheamus looks more the part to me. Lookwise he's a badass. He looks like a proper competitor and this makes me like him more because it's easier to watch somebody who looks the part and who you could genuinely see as a threat. Cena however dresses like a manchild and generally just looks idiotic. My girlfriend, who has barely ever seen any wrestling in her life, has remarked her immense dislike of him because "he looks like a little boy." Such a look for a WWE champion is clearly not appealing to everone.




    But that's the whole point, parents buy their kids clothes, his gear passes for everyday kids wear. WWE makes a fortune.


    Hence why you didn't see a shit load of youngsters wearing bezerker outfits in the early 90's.


    I thought this point had been stressed for the last 5 years.

  9. If your putting Tyson in a tag team you need to put him in there with somebody charismatic. New age outlaws are one of my all time favorites and i love Billy Gunn but if it wasn't for Road Doggs charisma they would of never have got anywhere. Pointless putting together two bland jobbers.


    Just watched Superbraw VII fuck me the finish to the main event was horrific. Even in it's prime the WCW was always a bit messy. Closer to ECW type finishers than WWF. The whole card as poinst where you think What The Fuck is going on here.


    Complete fair point, saying that, test and Albert had the charisma of an empty bag of crisps, yet with the right woman leading the way, it worked. Other than a tag team he basically has the option to be what he is now.

    I suppose I want to see a bigger pool of tag teams and together, Tyson and Albert have tag team experience.

    Agree 100% about super brawl 7

  10. Doesn't it look a bit silly coming to the ring with guns, looking tough, but then having to give them up to the ref and wrestle?


    Only because its the first time for me seeing a wrestler come to the ring with guns.


    In reality, it's no different to LODs spikes, Warlords staff or beefcakes sheers. Also, in 80's & 90s WWF, you also had commentators going ballistic at the fact at a wrestler was carrying a weapon. I've got no idea if the Japanese commentators have addressed it.


    Edit: just realised this has been pointed out several times.

  11. Jake roberts




    Saying that, I fucking love me some Warlord. Size and shape is one thing, the biggest issue is gimmicks. Have big muscle men portray the likes of Hercules. Bring back the bin men, the disco dancers, and bare feet if your from an island. There's room for small and massive wrestlers, but not when they all portray hair models with 2-tone trunks.

  12. No idea what some of these are doing now, but:




    Lance Storm

    2 cool (scotty and GMS)

    Jimmy Yang


    Bull Buchanan

    Stevie Richards

    Das fucking wonder kid, Alex the German W

    Kevin Thorne


    Basically, some of 2004 and acouple of others


    And as some have said:






  13. The turning of hot rod in mid 80's was initially strange. He and orton split as heels and then he had a feud with orton, Adonis and don the rock (I think he was the 3rd member).

    Anyway, there's an episode of SNME where he actually makes a run in to save hogan from a double beating, only for hogan to later say something along the lines of 'stay out of my way you daft scotch bitch, I don't trust you'.


    We eventually all began to love him, but at that exact time, you see him save hulk, and then hulk says he doesn't trust him with a look of angry hulk face.


    My tweener input

  14. I watched The Departed a couple of nights back. I have seen it before, but yeah, it's a good bloody film.

    Mainstream and star studded, and usually wouldn't be my thing.


    It's quality, probs seen by most of you already, but if you haven't seen it, defo give it a watch.


    And it put me in the mood for some corrupt cop goodness, so I watched Training Day last night. Again, a classic mainstream film, and I highly recommend it.


    Maybe both a bit obvious for this thread

  15. I've had the pleasure of playing along side Foreign Beggars, Skinny man and De La Soul and a few more over the last decade. Nice to see some of which have been mentioned already.


    In terms of what got me in to hip hop originally, the below need to be mentioned:


    Charizma & Peanut Butter Wolf - Red Light, Green Light -


    The Pharcyde - Passin me by - Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde


    Mos Def - black on both sides - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HajAuTU1pNA


    In fact, anyone wanting to check out 90's albums, you need black on both sides and Bizarre ride in your collection. I'm all about 90's hip hop, i don't think it gets any better.

  16. I'd love to see him as a one off at Mania. It would obviously need to have some kind of story, such as Flair being back in WWE and taking a beat down from Punk, Heyman etc, a few guys run to attempt the save but fail... then the lights go off for 5 seconds, and when they come back on, Sting is stood in the ring with a baseball bat, does his thing, his music hits and then he's out of there.


    I'd like to see him make the 'lights out' save for someone that he's had a past with and agree that a match with Taker is too late in the day. He doesn't need a match.

    He could possibly manage a little posse of misfit night time lurchers at some point down the line, a Sting / sinister minister type role.


    Anyway, after 'it' happens, Sting on WWE games, legends action figures, a big fuck off best of Sting DVD collection, t-shirts, foam baseball bats, pogs, soup, whatever

    they can knock out will generate a few quid. My generation will buy to reminisce, the new generation will buy his stuff because of the aftermath of promo videos and the fact that he saved someone like Cena.


    I'm guessing Vince isn't that bothered because he didn't create Sting and because Sting has snubbed them in the past? or is there a personal issue I know nothing of?

  17. There's fuck all that could make Michael McGillicutty look cool or marketable, though. He's the worst.



    I think the fact that he is Perfects youngster is the only reason i bothered responding. He is tosh.



    In fact Tosh off the bill would be more marketable.




    Tosh's Tash = Title run

  18. I'm not sure about a singlet, but he could get some trunks in the classic Mr. P colour-schemes (yellow & sky blue, blue & orange etc.) for a nice nod without looking like too much of a rip-off. Just about everyone looks better in white boots, too.



    Yeah I like it. May be a Razor Ramon type waist coat with a Perfect esque colour scheme.


    Possibly some snazzy shades too.

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