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Kaz Hayashi

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Posts posted by Kaz Hayashi

  1. You know how we've all be longing for the day when D-Von Dudley, Headbanger Thrasher, Dave Benson Phillips & Gene Snitsky would grace the silver screen together?


    Coming soon......


    RhumbleRama - The Motion Picture




    "When an unemployed actor disappoints his son, he puts on a wrestling show to redeem himself in his son's eyes. The show goes viral exposing Jeff to the realities of pro wrestling, teaching him that being a hero can mean just standing up."


    Lets hope the hero is standing up in the gunge tank.

  2. As long as he pretends he's Japanese when it fails. Followed by being a black supremacist and then a hells angel after a stint in Durham prison.. I'd be happy.


    He could 'look' the part but has always looked dreadful in the ring... Who knows, a clown/prosthetic arm attack may do him the world of good

  3. Is is just me or does anyone else not get how Brodus is supposed to be the heel in his feud with Woods and Truth? Woods is just so unlikeable as a face that everytime I see him in the ring with Brodus, I want him to get destroyed.


    Nope not just you, i hate the guy



    He does seem annoying but I haven't seen enough of him yet. I must say, I wish brodus was a bit better. He has the look to be a great monster heel, it's just a shame he's canny shite. He has the size, the face and the anger/personality, but he is slower that a dead wasp and he can't get an inch of elevation in his splashes.

  4. Is this custom figure related Kaz?


    The pair I had years ago were made out of shitty gloss reflective sheeting if that helps.


    I couldn't possibl... Yes it is. Hart Foundation stable.


    The shades sell for double figures on eBay so I though buying a sheet of the material would be cheaper. Never mind, ill find something.


    While I'm on, does anyone know what material Matilda was made out of?


    Abigal is dead. This has been well established.


    And having more than one "anti-diva" gimmick at a time defeats the point. AJ Lee is doing that at the moment.


    Fair point... Susan or Sharon will do

  5. Does anyone know the exact material that is used to produce bret hart shades, the shiny pink shit?

    Have a look on his website, he sells them


    I have, the store section just describes them as reflective pink lense. I'm trying to find out what the actual material is and if its possible to buy sheets of it. I'm making something at the moment and the material in question would be useful.

  6. Thinking that the Wyatts would benefit from a female member. Nice vicious Hillybilly hooker looking broad. If they completely changed her character that Bailey from NXT would be a good fit. It would certainly be a whole new anti-diva thing.


    A big beast of a woman, preferably someone who can work, possibly called Abigail

  7. ahh fair enough, well it's not but you know what I mean. I assume the random questioning from people about papa must be tough.


    I didn't even know this kid existed until the photo above, fuck knows if this has be discussed on here or not. Say if he got to the point that he was good enough to sign up to a development deal, do you think he would be 'allowed'. Would the association of being a Benoit bairn be too much for WWE to deal with? I can only assume they would only be able to bring him in without any recognition of his father what so ever.

  8. Can't imagine how difficult it must be for him. Even a look at his pictures and in seconds I could help think that I bet he likes a drink/smoke/something. Wrong of me yes, but fucker, must it fucking difficult being his son.

    How olds he there? Is he training it anything?

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