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Kaz Hayashi

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Posts posted by Kaz Hayashi

  1. For fuck sake. Some of you know I make custom figures and about 3 months ago I thought 'Lego'. Just bought a big batch of blank Lego figures to start on and this is my first realisation that WWE are already on it.


    Thought I was on to something. To be fair, others have done it but minimal. Ah well, playmobile it is then. Properly rinse the German market, they fucking love customs and playmobile.

  2. It's gonna go one way or the other, I don't think it can be just 'ok'. It depends who is writing it... In fact the show itself could be great, but it's a shame it's not someone who never quite made it, like Jim Powers. That would be boss.

    I think Jericho will be the reason it won't work. The concept however looks great.



    I'm not a Jericho hater, but he doesn't grab my intrigue, he's too household and has made / is making plenty from wrestling and music.

  3. What's the latest with the AAA / USA situation? I remember hearing of the 'hope' for this to happen a while back but haven't come across any news since.

    Is it still a case of a Konnan pipe dream or is this anywhere close to going ahead? If so, what other non AAA names has Konnan mentioned if any?



    In other news, Todd Gordon came to me in a dream last night and asked me to get involved with the recreation of Wrestlemania 1.

    Only after waking up, I realised that i had another dream just before hand in which the world was destroyed, much like at the beginning of Terminator 2.

    It's lovely to know that once the world does implode via angry robots, Todd and myself will put things right with a rendition of Wrestlemania 1. You are all very welcome.

    Feel free to inform me /us with card suggestions... Obviously it will depend up on survivors.

  4. I had a weird fascination with Kamala when I was a kid. It seemed like he always promised an appearance but never showed up. There was a few Royal Rumbles I was waiting with baited breath for him. Kamala vs Bam Bam dropping out of WrestleMania IX was a crying shame. I was hungry for blood after the Boss Man good kicking and thought the Ugandan Warrior from Deepest Darkest Africa was the man to deliver Bam Bam Bigelow's tattooed head on a plate to me. Alas it was not the case. Shame really. I'm over it now, though.


    I tried to make his shield and mask out of cardboard for my hasbro figure... They were shite.


    Strangely, that particular figures arm snapped off after dropping it down the stairs. No chance of it being one of his feet, they were moulded together


    Warlords foot did snap off though after Patrick through it at the dog.


    It sounds more and more like a shady early 90's road trip.






  5. PS3 here also, but I'm trying not to let online lure me just yet. I like to finish the main game before I try online. I could be persuaded though.


    All of the above goes for me too.


    Thirded. Really looking forward to it, but I'm only 60% through the game so I want to probs give it another couple of weeks yet. Hopefully, online issues might be ironed out by then too.

  6. A tip for the 'walk 5 miles in the desert' side mission, for a ps3 controller anyway.


    Get a piece of string and tie the analogue sticks together so they point towards each other so you walk in a circle the whole time. Leave the game and come back later. You'll realise why if and when you get tot it.


    That's gotta be on par with using a lighter to run faster when track and field was on arcade machines.


    Good effort columbo

  7. I'm struggling to find things to improve on.


    Although, anyone had any lagging/processing issues as of yet? I've had a couple, much like previous titles where areas of the road turn grey and the car seems to float. It's only happened when I'm fucking hammering it in suped up super cars.

  8. Kaz, spoiler tags ffs.


    Soz steve, It's a discussion about a game that's been out for a week. Everyone on here is talking about their game, I didn't realise we had to spoiler tag our discussion. Hang on, what the fuck are you reading a discussion board about GTA for if you don't want to know about the game, especially that I struggled on a motor bike?


    Hardly a spoiler is it?


    You're talking about something that happens during a mission. A mission I and some others haven't done yet, and would like to find out about it by actually doing it. Others have spoiler tagged bits of information for in game missions, I think everyone should abide by this.


    If you were talking about 'an old lady run down as your car was thrown through the air after a petrol station explosion lolz' I would agree with you. It's just common courtesy to spoiler tag something that everyone will experience when they get so far in the game as opposed to something random that happened.


    And for the record, I come in this thread because I have the game and like to read other peoples experiences, read tips and offer my own.


    I never said anything about me struggling on a motorbike being a mission.


    There's people on the last page explaining in detail how to complete bounty hunter missions.



    Edit... Anyway, ill spoiler tag mission related content from now on mate

  9. All my trades seem to be off by an order of magnitude in the game. Says I'm making like 300,000 on a stock when in fact I'm making 30,000 for example.


    Its the key time to sell that I'm not sussing just yet. I've got my head on with what and when to buy, but knowing the best time to sell is a bit of a twat.


    There are hints in the game, such as previous to some missions in which it's mentioned that a company's stocks might rise. Also when you on on the net on your phone, there's sometimes adverts and stories about upcoming companies.


    Anyway, pure joy

  10. Just turned off tonight at 46% through. It's a fucking wonderful piece of art.



    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Don't know why but the hardest bit for me yet us landing the motor bike on the train with Trevor, kept over shooting and took about 8 attempts.


    [close spoiler]



    I've never known a game character I want to destroy more so than the knob head FIB agent. What a fucking cock.

  11. Virgin says 8.30pm on Monday 23rd is the start of vintage collection on Eurosport 2.


    Get in.


    Also, tge bret hart prog is on again tomorrow morn at 12.00 after superstars and whatever the other show is.


    Ignore this, just looked at my planned recordings and they have removed 'pro wrestling' and replaced it with Aussie rules football.

    True to form, Eurosport has managed to piss me off with its schedule. It also now states that 'pro wrestling' has no planned up coming showings.

  12. How have Eurosport got Vintage Collection? I thought Sky had a UK exclusive deal with WWE?


    Yeah, I'm baffled too. Strange channel to show it on too. Out of all of the multi-platform channels, I'd have thought sky one would have been the one to go with, seeing as they already have shows on there. Eurosport are advertising it as 'professional wrestling' too, bit of shit planning. From what I remember of watching Eurosport in the past, their timing is fucking shocking too. Planned program's sometimes not even airing let alone on time, I hope they have tightened it up. I've already set a series link.

  13. hows does such a high profile game like this end up getting leaked online 4 days before release ?

    is there an internal leak ?

    The game's on shelves in about 64 hours. That means that the discs are currently in many, many non-Rockstar hands. Four days before release is pretty standard for a console game to appear on the torrent sites. When I worked at Blockbuster, for example, we'd get games in 4-7 days before they were to be put out.


    I used to work at gamestation and your dead right. It was a very lax store, we'd play games on the day we got them in quiet periods on the shop floor.

    I wish it was still open and I worked there right now, but only during the quiet periods and lunch breaks.

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