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Kaz Hayashi

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Posts posted by Kaz Hayashi

  1. Virgin says 8.30pm on Monday 23rd is the start of vintage collection on Eurosport 2.


    Get in.


    Also, tge bret hart prog is on again tomorrow morn at 12.00 after superstars and whatever the other show is.


    Ignore this, just looked at my planned recordings and they have removed 'pro wrestling' and replaced it with Aussie rules football.

    True to form, Eurosport has managed to piss me off with its schedule. It also now states that 'pro wrestling' has no planned up coming showings.

  2. How have Eurosport got Vintage Collection? I thought Sky had a UK exclusive deal with WWE?


    Yeah, I'm baffled too. Strange channel to show it on too. Out of all of the multi-platform channels, I'd have thought sky one would have been the one to go with, seeing as they already have shows on there. Eurosport are advertising it as 'professional wrestling' too, bit of shit planning. From what I remember of watching Eurosport in the past, their timing is fucking shocking too. Planned program's sometimes not even airing let alone on time, I hope they have tightened it up. I've already set a series link.

  3. hows does such a high profile game like this end up getting leaked online 4 days before release ?

    is there an internal leak ?

    The game's on shelves in about 64 hours. That means that the discs are currently in many, many non-Rockstar hands. Four days before release is pretty standard for a console game to appear on the torrent sites. When I worked at Blockbuster, for example, we'd get games in 4-7 days before they were to be put out.


    I used to work at gamestation and your dead right. It was a very lax store, we'd play games on the day we got them in quiet periods on the shop floor.

    I wish it was still open and I worked there right now, but only during the quiet periods and lunch breaks.

  4. It's class isn't it? I just watched some Moondogs vs Fabulous Ones match and it's like they just tossed out the best ECW brawl that never happened, all casual like. It's sounds like cheesy dvd talking heads natter but there is quite a realness to it. It's the spontaneity. It's the way someone lobs a table into the ring without caring to check if there's any poor fucker in the way. It's the grit and filth of the arena. It's Lance Russell and "Weeeeeeeeell this ones gonna be a war". It's great sod of the morning beer'd-up wrestling. It sounds weird but even the SNAP! noise the ring canvas makes gives me the thrills.


    Is this down to YouTube?


    There's a user on there who uploaded all episodes from 88, it's mentioned on the YouTube thread, I think John (above) posted the initial link. Anyway, It's fucking brill. Over the past month it's been my late night fix after my lass has gone to bed. I have it linked straight on to my virgin TV too on the YouTube channel.

    It's the perfect remedy to unwind with a beer.


    If you find the 88 set, the rockers turn up on the first month or so and fuck me, Shawnee is a fucking state on his first outing/interview.

  5. That was quite a good read and as mentioned, I agree with a lot of it. However, I don't think there's a lot wrong with liking specific areas of a wrestlers traits and disliking other areas, I have more of an issue with the the types of 'people' who state what they do and don't like and how they put their message across.

    For example, there are footballers out there whom may be ball greedy, don't find the right passes and have shit shots in a match, but overall, have a decent 7/10 game. It's common practice for footy fans to moan and grumble about the amount of money that has been spent to bring talent in.

    Older fans watch a game and stress that they wish football was like it once was 'in the good old days' when a tackle was fair play.


    Like wrestling, most football fans who moan about the above or mention it in convo are usually passionate about their club/sport, just like wrestling fans, and I think it's fair to state what you do and don't like.

    The problem is that Internet wrestling fans who bitch and moan about their passion do so in a similar fashion to the annoying football fan cunts that dribble 4th hand incorrect information down the local working mans club.


    I have no fucking idea where I'm going with this, it just happened.


    Anyway, to round up, IMO, it's how people moan and complain, not the fact that they are.


    Tune in next week when I explain the similarities and differences between Eldorado and the egg and spoon race.

  6. For now though he's a heel.

    That doesn't matter. David Otunga's bread and butter is the anti-bullying school tours.


    Darren Young's just saved himself from a sacking anytime soon, I bet.



    I know it doesn't, but it should matter.


    Ortunga is as relevant as just joe. If he is high fiveing kids down the youth club, I hope they don't re-introduce him as a heel to the main roster. If they do, I hope it's because he ended up being one of the bullies.


    I know it's old hat now but for fuck sake, don't let your heels go pony trekking with victims. There's enough faces you need to get over.

  7. His gayness isn't a foreign object. It's not like he's going to keep it in a bag at the side of the ring, with the odd camera zoom and shivers from the commentators every time he bluffs wrapping it around Andre.


    I don't think this needs to be acknowledged at all, what's the point?

    He's a heel, he doesn't need to promote fairness yet. If he turns face, then again, there's no point in acknowledging it unless he takes part in an anti bullying campaign or similar.


    For now though he's a heel.

  8. I'd like to see an obscure where are they now. Not just obvious people who can be found on wiki in 5 seconds. I was watching some Memphis the other day, was reminded of Shawn Baxter and then realised I haven't heard of him since, not much about him on the net.


    I want you to think of obscure wrestlers, that have wandered off, and do a piece about who they are, what they did, what they are up to etc.


    Maybe just me, but that kind of stuff tickles me

  9. Helllllooooo Laddddiiieeeess


    "The big valbowski, has plenty of sausage to go around.... In fact, no i don't, keep ya fookin hands off me dinner"



    What move is he involved in there? Neither man looks negatively affected. Slightly looking like he may may just be sat on his crotch.

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