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Posts posted by herbie747

  1. I might give Bruce's podcasts a try, is it good to start from the beginning of his podcasts, what episode number should I start from please.

    From the beginning. It's a great podcast, as irritating as some parts are.


    At the start Prichard was annoying, since he's such a bullshitter & contradicts everything Meltzer says just for the sake of it (Conrad uses The Observer for 95% of his research). And I liked Conrad from the Flair podcast. But now it's like they've both done a 180. I've warmed to Prichard because I get him more now. He's still carny as fuck but he's giving us a lot more now than he was at the start, and he seems less defensive. I think he likes doing the podcast now since it has good numbers & good reviews. At the start he seemed to be doing it begrudgingly. 


    Conrad is still a good host, but his ego has grown massively to where he berates Prichard pointlessly, throws hissy fits, keeps cracking open cans of coke to guzzle down his massive gob mixed in with some dry roasted peanuts, and sounds really uncool when he curses.


    But I really look forward to the show each week, because Prichard was there for all the best eras in WWF/WWE. Every topic is something I grew up on, and using The Observer as a source works really well too because you're also getting Meltzer's take on things. So rather than ask Prichard an open-ended question (which he would end up talking a lot about, but saying very little), Conrad tells him something Meltzer said, and asks him to elaborate. So there are a number of interesting dynamics in play.

  2. You can hear he ego growing with every show and dont get me wrong i enjoy listening but its just a matter of time before he goes too far and ruins it everyone.



    Bigtime. The difference between the early Ric Flair shows (where you had a humble, really good presenter who knew his role) to now is huge. And it's only been 1 year. 


    Just going to post this again because it's hilarious, and shows how Conrad got his start - by flying in wrestlers for personal appearances at his house, and paying them a fee to be his friend, watch matches with him, & tell him stories. Not that there's anything wrong with that per se - but he needs to keep some perspective:



  3. Yeah, it's not hard to catch people.


    But the rule of thumb should always be to never click on a link within an e-mail (unless it's a password reset or a sign-up verification that you're specifically expecting). If I get a message from Paypal, I go to paypal.com in my browser & log in manually. I never follow a URL within a mail to log into anything. It's not hard to do. It should be common sense, but it's not.

  4. Haha. Brilliant, Scotty. Surely your lack of shame makes you hack proof?


    He sent me a video of him taking a shit before. Like, the shit plopping into the bowl. "That one's for you, Herb" (or similar). The worst part is that I wasn't surprised.


    If he got hacked, he'd probably pull himself off to the thought of strangers seeing his knob. I know I would.



    The bitter irony of the whole thing is that Apple could probably do to employ whoever's done this so they can hopefully avoid something similar happening in future.

    Apple already have "fixed" it by introducing two-factor authentication. That is, when you try and access an iCloud account on another device, you have to enter a 6-digit code sent to a device it’s already set up on. So even if you have the email and password, you need a 6-digit code from the physical device (iPhone, MacBook etc).

    As Herbie says, it wasn’t someone “hacking” or “exploiting” code like a TV show. It will have been via a mocked up email linking to a fake web page asking to “log in” to iCloud that instead sends the submitted credentials to the “hacker”.

    Thanks for that, YFS. I updated my MacBook and got presented with the two-factor authentication. Me being me didn't have a clue what it meant so I appreciate someone in the know putting it in laymans terms.



    And google have something similar - I need double authentication to log into my Bitcoin account, and it's through a Google "Authenticator" app on my phone that generates a 6 digit temporary code. 

  6. Most people are not internet savvy - even younger generations. Most of us on here are because we spend a lot of time on the internet and are likely nerds too - the thought of falling for one of these lame phishing scams (to me, anyway) is laughable - but it happens a lot. Especially when people are specifically targeted because they can make the e-mail sound less "spammy", and more customised.


    And when people on Twitter say their account was "hacked" - it usually just means they were dumb and literally gave someone their password via a fake submission/login/password recovery form (as Khemical just said) - they weren't "hacked" in the traditional sense, where you picture hackers in a dark room typing away really fast with fingerless gloves on. They literally typed their username & password into a fake page & sent it to the hacker. I suppose it is hacking, but not as you imagine it.


    "This encryption looks top end - this is some next level shit right here!"
    "Then how long will it take you to..."

    "I'm in"


    3 years ago I got a spam e-mail from Mo Chatra's old Hotmail account, where his account had been "hacked". And I got one from Colt Cabana last year - where his entire address booked was sent the same mail.


    Don't click links in your e-mails, folks. You assume this is common sense - but common sense isn't common.

  7. The bitter irony of the whole thing is that Apple could probably do to employ whoever's done this so they can hopefully avoid something similar happening in future.


    It's most likely she gave the "hacker" her password in a phishing hack - nothing they can do to stop that, except tell people not to give out their passwords. This isn't some genius at work here spotting vulnerabilities in Apple's code or something.

  8. Hobbes is the man. Rovert not been there for years.


    Never heard of Hobbes, and I haven't posted there for years (except when their RSS feed is down and a WOR show is missing). Rovert was there when I used to post there and he made it unbearable. He was literally every 2nd post. How can you be dealing with that? Sometimes he wouldn't even post anything - he'd just quote someone else and leave a blank reply. Lots of them do that. Utter garbage.


    Do the posters on the F4W Board actually think they're awesome? It's one of the worst forums I've ever been on. Do they just lack self-awareness?


    Lol. This board is fine but it's no F4W Board,


    Are you being sarcastic? I've never come across a bigger bunch of smarky tools in my life. Rovert, the_americool, Blizzard Beast, hardcore_hogan, ICHIBAN~!, rabies, etc.


    Yeah, there are some cool posters like tarmus, bxte, sphinx, foreignobject, jonnyhath1, etc - but they get outnumbered by goofs like Rovert who literally has 300k posts and posts 200+ times per day, thus smothering every single thread with his smarmy shite.


    Their main concern is getting themselves over to each other.


    Glad you think kids touching off encrusted cum is a "complete fucking non-issue". Each to their own - we all have different standards of hygiene, but others might find that scenario slightly unacceptable.

    I hope you wear rubber gloves when you use the TV remote in a hotel room.


    Is this some fetish I'm not aware of?


    Herbie - I just said the hygiene factor is a complete non-issue. Which it is, for the reasons I mentioned. You're well within your rights to be grossed out about it. Taking SJnumbers' jizz hand metaphor - of course you wouldn't shake the guy's hand if you knew it had cum on it, and would be grossed out if you found out afterwards. But it's not actually going to hurt you. That's what hygiene means.


    My reply to you was salty because you can never resist starting off your replies to me with a dig - usually a stupid unfounded one at that. The fact is, it's disgusting - and parents of kids in similar photos with that belt are going to be pissed, regardless of how much you tell them to "chillax guise FFS!".

  11. Glad you think kids touching off encrusted cum is a "complete fucking non-issue". Each to their own - we all have different standards of hygiene, but others might find that scenario slightly unacceptable.


    "Well we already know it doesn't take much to get you worked up"

    I know - what a fool. Getting so worked up (even though I didn't) over something so trivial as kids touching crusty jizz. As surprising as it may seem to you, these things aren't the norm for all of us, Chest.



    Parent 1: "My kid met NXT champ Paige yesterday - he was chuffed - even got to hold the belt!"

    Parent 2: "Do you know her boyfriend jipped all over that same belt the day before?"

    Parent 1: "WTF??? That's disgusting - are you fucking serious??"

    Chest Rockwell: "Get over it - it's a complete fucking non-issue. Stop getting so worked up, losers. Kids touch off cum all the time where I come from."


    Yeah, Chest - I'm sure all the parents of kids who took similar photos will be totally cool with it. It's just me overreacting to a perfectly normal every-day scenario here.


    1. You don't know if that's the same title

    2. You don't know when the photo was taken in like with the video


    Nice to see the pitchforks are out.




    Not the point. Considering her schedule, she most likely took similar photos with the belt in question within a few days of it being jizzed on. And it was probably just wiped down with a wet wipe after - which won't get it out of the grooves. It's not about "disrespecting" the belt or what it represents - it's about letting kids hold a belt that was yopped all over. It's fucking gross from a hygiene POV. There's a very, very high chance a kid's hand literally touched off encrusted semen - that's the reality of it. Everything else she did is her own business.


    I'd be fucking fuming if my kid was in a similar photo around that time.

  13. still hoping that the NXT belt picture is nor real. Don't understand why you would do that let alone have a picture or film it. Hope she does not lose her job but it does look bad for WWE being so family orientated now. If this was attitude era nothing would be said after all vince was OK with the HLA angle and kiss ass club or whatever that was. 



    still hoping that the NXT belt picture is nor real. Don't understand why you would do that let alone have a picture or film it. Hope she does not lose her job but it does look bad for WWE being so family orientated now. If this was attitude era nothing would be said after all vince was OK with the HLA angle and kiss ass club or whatever that was.


    You got 2 accounts, Spurs?



    Someone should check in on two-sheds, make sure he's not ripped his cock off.




    A lot of people who tend to support people like Hopkins/Milo often tend to be see them as standard bearers for the far right and are never really about free speech, for examples see how quickly they block/ban negative comments on social media even if they're not particularly that agressive, they just don't like people who disagree with their view full stop, talk about snowflakes! It is funny in a dark way that despite the hate speech they love so much that they do have soooome limits. Although given the "Won't SOMEBODY think of the children" mentality we shouldn't be surprised that this is where they draw the line.

    Sounds like Sanjay Bagga who I deleted from FB last year, and Mo Chatra deleted 2 weeks ago for being a racist bigot.
    You seem to have a real problem with Sanjay for some reason as this isn't the first time youve mentioned that you've deleted him from social media. You seem to get some kind of kick out of mentioning it repeatedly. I've disagreed with him on numerous occasions, even challenging his views, to which whilst he didn't agree to my point of view, at least listened to it which is unlike Milo/Hopkins in every way.


    Maybe if you had discussed your point with him a little better then you wouldn't have been so butthurt and feel the need to remind everyone that your no longer Facebook friends.



    Weird - first time I've seen you ITT and you recall a post from 10 pages back.


    And FYI, I have a problem with all racist, ignorant, bigots. And my 2nd post above was commenting on how someone else also deleted him, Sanjay Mr. Guy Incognito.


    whilst he didn't agree to my point of view, at least listened to it

    You sure about that? Would you like to see the screenshots of how he dismisses others views & keeps repeating his own - or will I save you the embarrassment? Just ask & I'll post them. I've decided not to up until now, but if you want to try & change the reality of how these discussions actually go down on FB, we can just let others decide.

  15. Just watched the 85 Bears 30 for 30 documentary. Its brilliant. Watch it. Even if you're not a fan of American Football. I'm a Bears fan and learned so much new information from this wonderful piece of work. It really is of a very high quality.

    Downloading now - thanks for the tip off. Love the 30 for 30s - don't even like American Football, but the SMU one was amazing too.

  16. A lot of people who tend to support people like Hopkins/Milo often tend to be see them as standard bearers for the far right and are never really about free speech, for examples see how quickly they block/ban negative comments on social media even if they're not particularly that agressive, they just don't like people who disagree with their view full stop, talk about snowflakes! It is funny in a dark way that despite the hate speech they love so much that they do have soooome limits. Although given the "Won't SOMEBODY think of the children" mentality we shouldn't be surprised that this is where they draw the line.

    Sounds like Sanjay Bagga who I deleted from FB last year, and Mo Chatra deleted 2 weeks ago for being a racist bigot.

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