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Posts posted by herbie747

  1. I knew you were going to say that and I didn't say that those were the only reasons, did I? No I didn't so stop your usual tactic of trying to stir up arguments where there isn't one.


    Not trying to stir anything at all. I'm actually genuinely curious as to why people would sit through a porno movie which has bad acting, crap production, and pointless stories. Porno movies have no value except wank value. And nowadays there are much better (as well as more interactive - like cam2cam and VR) options for that. To me, this is the equivalent of pretending you prefer your music on cassette. 



    Then tube sites are for you.


    Do you like watching a 90min porn movie with a storyline?


    Depends on the type of movie, the director and the performers. Much like normal movies, in fact.


    I've never met anyone who watches porn for the gripping storylines & cinematography, but each to their own I guess.


    Stuff that is about now, as you say, is more about humilation of the woman doing it, which is really sad, or the woman is obviously pissed, which is just wrong.



    That's just patently untrue. If that's what you're watching, that must be what you're searching for as there is still an absolute varied shitload out there.



    Exactly. That's like saying "there's no good music anymore" just because your favourite genre is no longer popular or played on the radio. There is literally every type of music out there now and it's more accessible than ever. Every musician has a worldwide platform to share their work & art. Just try looking. I've discovered so much cool music on Youtube alone over the last few years: Snarky Puppy, Jacob Collier, Jack Conte, etc.


    Love porn from the 80's and early 90's. Seems to be all about humiliation these days, as opposed to good old fashioned slap and tickle.


    Yeah, porn is no good these days. 



    What an odd statement.There are thousands of videos from literally every genre or niche you can even conceive of. How is that "no good"? What could you possibly yearn for that there isn't a section for on multiple sites that you can watch for free? They even have vintage sections.


    If there's a type of porn you can't find on the internet, maybe you just can't figure out how a search engine works.


    I looked at that eBay listing and googled a random title from one of the video tapes: "Gotta get you into my wife" - and found the full video on X-hamster.





    It's all going to go tits up in about a year. Every podcast loses steam eventually, and I dont think Conrad will be able to handle when people go "nah, not as good as it used to be."

    He retweets every compliment he gets. Sometimes I look at Twitter and there are 15 RTs in a row of people sucking his balls. His ego has grown to massive proportions.

    His Twitter is annoying, people tweeted me abuse when he retweeted me saying 'becoming?!' The best podcast out there


    Is the reason he's not doing flairs show because of heat around the sunny podcast detailing Michaels affair with her?




    Haha - that was you? I saw that.


    He said he has no heat at all with Flair - and that Flair has a new podcast host because he wants to talk more about general sports, and not just wrestling. Makes sense - although not as juicy a story.

  6. It's all going to go tits up in about a year. Every podcast loses steam eventually, and I dont think Conrad will be able to handle when people go "nah, not as good as it used to be."


    He retweets every compliment he gets. Sometimes I look at Twitter and there are 15 RTs in a row of people sucking his balls. His ego has grown to massive proportions. 



    I still have the "Euro Disney" opening ceremony on VHS at my parents' house. It was hosted by Pat Sharp and Matthew Kelly.

    I watched it on YouTube recently. It's so 80's, which is amazing as it was 1992


    and here it is!




    Any ideas why it is not embedding the video? 





    Copy & paste the link from your address bar - not the "Share" link on YouTube.

  8. Cheers Herbie, that's a big help. Feeling a bit out of my depth so no idea if I'm going to be overpaying or of there are certain things we really need to do. I like the idea of the separate hotel for Universal though. Universal is on the list, as is Sea World.

    Join this FB group:



    They can answer all of your detailed questions & give you advice on both Disney & Universal parks. A lot of people from the UK there. Also keep in mind that everyone thinks the way they do it is the best way. Just take all the advice on board, weigh up the pros & cons, & see what works for you & your family.


    One thing to keep in mind too, would be that if you flew from Dublin, you can pre-clear US immigration. A lot of UK people do this. Get a cheap Ryanair flight over to Dublin that morning (the Dublin > Orlando flight leaves at 2:10pm, so plenty of time to do it that morning). The last thing people want after a 9 hr flight and exhausted kids, is to join a long queue with a few hundred people in it. We just breezed straight through and straight onto the Disney coach.

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