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Posts posted by herbie747

  1. I also had an imaginery fed consisting of WWE, Turtles, Ghostbustes and probably others to be honest too. Ah those were the days. I broke many of them though. I had also was a young pyromaniac and enjoyed burning some of the buggers aswel as chopping their hair off with a pencil sharpener blade (y'know loser gets their head shaved and that). Most notably though Shreader lost some sort of stipulation match and had to be incased in a big bucket of ice in my freezer. That was the end of his career.

    :D Ted Dibiase suffered the same fate in my fed, I believe Tombstone Tackle (Ghostbusters) and Arn Anderson were the culprits.Shredder and Undertaker always had some mutual respect thing going on and I believe Mr Perfect was my usual choice of champ.In fact thinking about it, I used to do a Royal Rumble, where I'd put loads of wrestlers in the ring before tipping it sideways - from one side to the other. Obviously, the last one to stay in won, but it was good cos they got tangled in the ropes etc.
    You can't forget the bouncing off the ropes game. That was an invention and a half!!!!image001.jpgimage002.jpgimage003.jpgimage004.jpgimage005.jpgimage006.jpgimage007.jpgimage008.jpgimage009.jpgimage0010.jpgimage0011.jpgimage0012.jpgimage0013.jpgimage0014.jpgimage0015.jpgimage0016.jpgimage0017.jpgimage0018.jpgimage0019.jpgimage0020.jpgimage0021.jpgimage0022.jpgimage0023.jpgNow thats a collection, spot the rare shit?
    Holy crap - that's an amazing collection. Good work!
  2. Isn't "Extreme Sports" a combination of sports, as opposed to one particluar sport like wrestling?That's like saying American Football, Soccer and Rugby combined, are bigger than Tennis - the argument doesn't make any valid point; it's irrelevant.

  3. My point: FWA is watered down american product, NOT British wrestling. Doesnt make it less enjoyable though.

    How are Alex, Jonny, James, Doug, Xavier, Burchill, Flash, Sloan, etc, American?They book 2 or 3 Americans on their shows because people have heard of them more - it puts bums in seats, so they can promote the homegrown talent.Here are a list of quotes from the previous pages that make perfect sense about the situation:

    And what's all this crap about 'dominance'? Are FWA taking over all these other promotions? Are FWA closing them down? They6 will still exist, it is UP TO THEM to promote their shows effectively.Where is the buzz about All Star Wrestling/K-Star/TWA?Where are their DVDs? Where are their attempts at national promotion?

    Name all these great UK promotions then, you know, the ones that everyone talks about, the ones that make the headlines in Powerslam, the ones that people on UKFF talk about. The ones that are orgainised enough to be able to supply TWC with ready made weekly programming. The ones that have great ideas for the future.Go on, you tell me. What UK promotions should be on the channel, and why.I keep reading 'oh it is terrible, we need variety' but nobody names any promotions. And if anyone does care to name any promotions, can you say, hand-on-heart, that they are ready to produce a weekly tv show which will compare favourably with the types of shows on TWC, and with those that have already aired on Friendly tv?

    I've been to enough shows to know that they are nowhere near as good as FWA.As I said before, where are the other promotions plans?FWA have clearly been planning these deals for months. They have put in all this time, money and effort. What have the other promotions been doing?

    which British promotion can honestly say they even come close to FWA, its' organistaion, and plans for the future right now?Where is All Star Wrestling's innovation? Where are TWA's grand plans for the future? Where are K-Star's links with the innovative promotions in the States and Japan? Where is NWA Hammerlock's tv deal? Isn't it something like three years since they promised something? Ten minutes a week on the barely watched Johnny Vaughan comedy show isn't exposure, it's a burial.I think a lot of people whose noses will have been put out of joint with this need to take a long hard look in the mirror at themselves. And then do what FWA have done - get up off their arses and actually DO something about it, instead of just blowing hot air all the time.

    As I said before, British Wrestling as a whole has a MAJOR perception problem with the masses.If an FWA show aired and it was half decent, great. It might change some perceptions and eradicate some skepticism.But if another UK fed was shown, featuring a barely lit arena, complete with a crowd of 50 fans and 'Doink the Clown' in the main event, do you think that would be a good advertisement for British wrestling?

    Wake up people! This is a BUISNESS! For far to long a handful of old time two bit promoters have tried to pass off a load of crap as"British Wrestling". The FWA have slogged their guts out to get this. If the other promotions were so good how come they didn't get this deal themselves?

    And Gary Graham made the most sense:

    The thing is thinking about it as a promoter.The FWA are the only promotion in the UK that are really ready for TV. They have first class production values, which improve at every show. The talent they have on the shows piss all over every other promotion in the UK.I know I say wZw have some shit hot shows and yes we do, but we are a while off TV standards as are every other promotion in the UK.This is a benchmark for us all to reach. Production, show management and the talent booked on these shows. I am not going to be glum, sod it I am going to get my company up to the standards the FWA have set. Gary

  4. I know he won't be wrestling for another 15 years, but he's got another few years left at least.Just look at what Austin accomplished in the last 5 few years of his career.It's like comparing the Ringmaster to Bret Hart a few years ago and saying that Bret Hart is miles better. Kurt still has a lot to learn, and IMO he's a very fast learner.And I still think Kurt is better now than Bret was after 3 years as a pro.

    Is he?

  5. I picked Kurt purely based on what he has accomplished in his 3 years in the business, compared to Bret's first 3 years in the business.It's hard to compare them when Kurt's career isn't over yet. He's certainly better than Bret was after 3 years as a pro.But I love still Bret Hart......

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