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Posts posted by herbie747

  1. Anyone know the name of the tune that TWC use in their ads as the World of Sport theme?cheersIf you mean the actual opening of the show (starts with 'Easy, Easy'), it's 'The March of the Toreadors' from the opera Carmen.

    Thanks, but I was referring to the ad that they are using in the TWC breaks the moment - it's a very 70s-sounding, almost Carry On style tune...
    Not sure, TBH! It was at the end of one of the WOS tapes ITV sent us, so we used it for a promo!
  2. Pleased to see a number of my personal choices actually winning, I was always pulling for Lexx to win memorable thread, at times I thought she'd blew it but at the end she came good and ended on top.

    Oh dear God. That has to be one of the worst things I've ever read. Hang your head in shame. Or kill Matt Lucas.
    That thread sucked.
    I agree - it totally blew.
  3. regardless of how unprofessional that statement may seem, but they are hardly professionals themselves now are they.

    Firstly: He owes you all fuck all. Got an invoice? Got any proof of anything?Secondly: YOU are talking about lack of professionalism? YOU? :laugh:
    Y'know what - I think I'd actually find you funny if I was never at the butt of your abuse! Nice to be an observer...
  4. I agree with Fleischmark (:omg:) - you can't pinpoint EWWChris's 'doltness' to just one post - it's the whole picture, IMO. It's a combination of offering nothing unique, being a post whore, offering bland opinions on every topic, having an undeserved sense of self-importance in the business, coming accross like a total mark, yet looking down on marks at the same time, and making long drawn-out 'preaching' posts about the business - see 1PW & APW threads for numerous examples of these.

    It's a hard one to nail, but obviously it's a popular opinion, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt the same throughout 2006.

  5. And in honour of Stephen and Rosie Gauntley I would like to add the following crying jpg as a tribute to their love:Image deleted by herbie747, after a plea from 'Million$Body' to save him embarrassment for being a tool

    That was crap.
  6. I fucking hate sushi. Cook the fish. Cook the fucking fish. Then eat it.

    Sushi isn't raw fish. Sushi is a dish of blocks of sticky rice served with a topping of your choice. Raw fish is a popular sushi topping.
    Duh - he totally knows that. You're being worked. Fucking mark.
  7. ukedge87 all the way...Here is that video again... here is the thread.

    BOLLOCKS - I wish I had seen that before I voted EWWChris!
    Doesn't look like he's going to win the award he so richly deserves anyway :(
    Ah! The joy of infamousy.I'll happily take second prize, and big shout out to Hage for all the PR work he has been doing for me.
    I think if people had watched the video before voting, everyone else would have zero votes....
  8. Because when I e-mailed him - he has the same IP address as Mrs Sprules had a year or so ago.

    Funnily enough, I e-mailed "Big Sister" from 'Britwres' 2 weeks ago, claiming to have a really shocking news story. When they replied saying they were interested, I ran their IP accross TWCF and I got a mod to run it here too, for a member match....PWNED! ;) You know who you are (and so do I)!
  9. where else could you see a whole spot centred around the phrase 'It's still real to me dammit!'

    Didn't SAS have a show with a similar smarky name?I've never even heard of TXW. If they're the best in the UK, can you give us a list of what makes them BETTER than the other promotions listed? match quality? attendance? profitability? production? recognition?

    I know Im slightly biased

    No shit.
  10. Scott Future is no backyarder. I don't know too much about him, but I do know he trained at the Hart's Dungeon at some point, and was the trainer for one of RBW's schools until early-mid 2004.I've only seen him wrestle once (against Alan Kilby), and whilst far from being the star of that show, he was far from being awful.Having said that though, he's not a drawing name. For reasons unbeknownst to me, he's massively unpopular in some circles, and in a thread on the old TWC forums about who was the worst wrestler, someone nominated him, along with a tirade of abuse to follow it up.

    I've seen Scott Future wrestle twice for IWW in 2002 (a matinee show, then the evening show) and he was DREADFUL. e.g He blew a spot, then shrugged it off as if to blame his opponent (eh, Michael Kovac!), thus drawing attention to it. He also attempted a legdrop from the 2nd rope, and appeared so afraid/hesitant, he didn't let go of the rope with his left arm, and fell all awkward. Needless to say he wasn't brought back, and I've yet to see him on the line-up of any UK show - which could be just a co-incidence, because surely someone books him?
  11. Mr. SevenI like his style of humour. Unlike other people who try too hard to be "kule & rezp3cted", he doesn't give a shit what a bunch of poindexters think about him - and why should he?Lister & Bobbins are followed closely.

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