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Posts posted by herbie747

  1. I've watched some of the best TV ever over the last year from start to finish, in this order:


    The Wire

    Deadwood (stopped midway Season 2 after I got bored)

    The Shield



    Rescue me

    Shameless (currently on Series 2)


    Best year of TV I've ever had! Besides The Sopranos & 24, nothing has come close previously! Not sure where to go after Shameless runs out!

    Oh, and I also watched all the UK & US Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares throughout 2008. Awesome stuff.


    (I'm excluding comedy like Family Guy, South Park, The Office, Flight of the Conchords, Screenwipe, Extras, etc - we're talking TV drama here!)


  2. I like Lesnar, but how can he win when he lost a fight? :confused: Are people retarded? Judging by the voting: YES.

    Yep, definitely. If you look at the nomination stage someone posted something along the lines of 'I don't watch it so I'll nominate Brock Lesnar'. I ignored that nomination but I can't stop people voting.


    If you don't watch enough MMA to judge, don't vote!!


    Exactly - surely the logical starting criterion should be that you didn't lose a fight in 2008 - then it's subjective after that is met! The title isn't "who is your favourite MMA fighter?", FFS.

  3. I voted Carbomb but forgot about Supremo! DAMN! I just glanced over the names, and forgot that he's the same guy whom I 100% agreed with in the UFC 91 thread when we were both arguing with some numpty. Since then, I noticed some other great posts from him that all made sense, were well thought out, well explained, and I also agreed with completely...!


    Ah well - next year! Carbomb is still a good vote though! I remember arguing with him in a topic late last year, and he actually turned around after a few pages & said "you're right" (just as I was about to post a screenshot of a fake PM of him apologising to me, as my ace in the hole!) - not many people on forums ever admit they're wrong. I argued my point well, and he accepted it - like 2 intelligent adults debating - it's refreshing, so legit rezpekt - most people would either resort to personal insults, slagging off TWC, or not post again in that topic!

    I think Vito, Hatguy & JNLister are good posters too though - I enjoy reading their stuff - otherwise, that's all the good posters I can actually remember - I'm terrible at remembering names. I'd never even heard of frank until he won last years funniest poster - and I think I only noticed him post about twice last year - maybe it's the lower case "F"!

    Like I said - terrible with names - sometimes I just recognise people by their avatars & sigs - but can never remember if it's good (I get on with & agree with them) or bad (I argue with or hate them) 'recognise'! I take each poster on a topic by topic basis, except the select few we all know.


    I need to make a list for my own reference! On that note - d'ya know what's irritating? When someone says "well, everyone around here knows my opinions on X" - eh, no we don't - who the fuck are you? :p

  4. I think at this time I should inform all the SMARK community that wrestlezone is doing very well. We have a documentary airing on channel 4 at the end of the year. They are filming our shows at the moment.

    I'm sure that C4 documentary will work out well for you all, and you'll all be portrayed really well, and Wrestlezone will come across great......Yeah.
    And shortly after that, their TV show will start.
  5. mendoza.jpg34 - Mike MendozaHere's a guy that runs to the ring much like The Ultimate Warrior, but at least the Warrior had a character and some rope shaking traits to fill in time once he got there. Mendoza spends most of his time in the ring standing around like a lemon. A very camp lemon. He's a charisma vacuum who can't sell or work. He botches all his moves, and he just does bad, pointless and random tech. Why does he feature on telly? Is it because Jon Ritchie uses the promotion to advertise his shit Dropkixx trainees? Is it because Sanjay Bagga fancies guys with a tan? Who knows?

    sorry last one was wrong quote, but still got there in the end. Mike Mendosa your free to make your own choice. As for Ritchie and Dropkixx shit trainee's your well off the mark. Mendosa was Hammerlock and nothing to do with ritchie and time he spent there.This was an ----->uneducated<---- bitter swipe from someone thats obviously a letdown in his own world.Just the fact that Brookside, Ashe ,Mendosa are on this list stinks of jealousy. I know for a fact Dropkixx have pulled most their workers off most shows because of the poor quality of the opponents they are ask to work with , therefore bringing there own qaulity :confused: down.This thread is feeled :confused: with wrestlers that obvously :confused: are shit themselves hence the time they have to beon :confused: here slagging others. And before you all come on here denying that, log in on your real names and justify with honesty what you claim. the problem with the british wrestling scene and the worst 50 are you dickheads writing on here. No wonder we can not get started over here even our so called fans are arse wipes. If you really want worst fifty just go on a couple of british holiday camps. Ashes , and co even mentioned on here shows your ignorance. any way keep taking the pills nurse has givern :confused: you and you will be normal one day.
    And you don't think you're a Dolt for pointing out the glaringly obvious? That's like calling Triple H 'big nose' - it's so obvious & takes such little imagination, nobody even bothers.Think of something better, Dolt.
  6. Well you live round and about near London so I can assume from that you speak like a Cockney and love eating Jellied Eels. Your stuff doesn't sound all that insulting when it's done, "The wa'er in Majorca don' taste like wot it ough' a" style.

    STFU, FFS - it was a joke. Just chill out and stop getting your knickers in a twist. Nobody cares except you.
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