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Lorne Malvo

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Posts posted by Lorne Malvo

  1. Nice one, I'm doing co-op with a mate at the minute but if she still needs a co-op partner when I'm done I'll help out!


    I got the codes for the other games too. Were never advertised when I originally bought the game so came as a nice surprise.

  2. Wasn't it all very last minute and he didn't get a chance to warm up before being thrown out there or something?


    I watched something very recently where a current WWE star said they go out to wrestle without warming up at all. Can't for the life of me remember the show/who said it, but it struck me as bizarre that in this day and age, where most of them pride themselves on being athletes, somebody would go out and wrestle the modern WWE style without at least stretching. 


    EDIT: Pretty sure it was Enzo on Unfiltered actually.

  3. Horde mode on Gears 4 is so addictive. I put about 5 hours into it last night and it's very very rare I'm gaming for that amount of time anymore. Still only got to Wave 45 (out of 50) though, so I'm thinking an all-day Sunday session is needed to complete this. 


    The campaign is actually pretty boring so far. I'm about half-way in and it's not much of a challenge while being quite samey. I know that may sound an odd criticism considering Horde mode is essentially a wave of enemies x50, but that has a tactical element to it whereas pretty much every firefight in the campaign mode is the same. 


    Online versus mode is very addictive too, but I'm really shit at that.

  4. I loved Hell & High Water too. Probably in my top 5 of the year, so far. Ben Foster is probably the best character actor around right now, isn't he? Either him or Sam Rockwell.


    Other than Hell & High Water, I've been catching up with a ton of other films the past month. Most of them were big letdowns unfortunately. Warcraft was CGI sequel-baiting nonsense, Independence Day: Resurgence was incredibly dull and Maggie's Plan was generic indie fare (it stars Greta Gerwig so I should've known what I was in for). I did enjoy The Secret Life Of Pets though, despite it being a complete Toy Story ripoff. 


    Empire have posted their favourite films of the year list;






    Straight away I'd switch Room and The Revenant. Room has stayed with me since I watched it in January but I found The Revenant to be a decent yet incredibly overrated film.

  5. Does anyone actually watch Main Event? I can't imagine it gets many views on the network and superstars even less. I guess it's still just getting the hours of TV off the international details. Must've been cheaper to can it and pay compensation than keep it running


    I do. I watch Superstars too. Always been a fan of C and D type shows. Superstars was MASSIVE last week, it actually had a match with some semblance of story behind it as Axel and Bo had a 'grudge match' main event.

  6. Picked up an Xbox One in the Black Friday sales. Gears of War 4 is fantastic. I usually hate playing shooters online but Gears has always been the one exception and it's great again. It's not a massive difference from the earlier games in the series but has enough new ideas and mechanics to not seem a complete retread.


    What Xbox exclusives can people recommend other than Gears? I'm not a massive Halo fan.

  7. TM61 vs Authors of Pain as the tournament final underwhelms me so much. I do like AoP but they're still pretty green (although this is NXT so that's to be expected with some acts) and I really like Shane Thorne, but fuck me Nick Miller is so bland. Bland physique, bland head, bland offense.


    Only me who thinks most of Nakamura's strikes look like shit? Most of those knees to the security guys at the end looked terrible. Still, I'm expecting this Joe/Nakamura match to piss all over the first one, should be a lot more heated. Really hope we get a future Joe/Regal match too, let Regal get a little offence in but for the most part it should be a Lesnar-esque mauling. The Joe/Regal interplay is probably my favourite thing on the show right now.


    Fully expecting DIY vs Revival to steal the show at Takeover again. Big fan of Ciampa, could see him playing the ruthless nutter role as a heel on the Smackdown midcard easily.

  8. Is this 'winning brand gets 3 draft picks' thing official? I've not seen WWE mention it anywhere and only really seen it mentioned on here.


    I think it'll be more a case of Ziggler beats Zayn, Steph fires him the next night on Raw for letting the brand down then Smackdown sign him as a free agent the next night. 


    I thought the talking segments and the main event were pretty decent, everything else was quite bad. New Day/Club usually put on decent matches but this week just fell apart, nobody gave a fuck either and there was no reason to. Golden Truth vs Shining Stars was their usual lazy filler, but at least there was the tiniest of stakes and an actual reason which is more than we get most weeks. 


    The Goldberg/Lesnar packages were probably the best thing on the show and the type of thing they should do more of, not just for Lesnar feuds when he's not there. Big pull-apart brawl at next weeks show would be nice.

  9. Greasy Strangler is worth a watch then? I know Empire Magazine were hyping it up a lot but I figured that was just because Ben Wheatley was a producer...


    Also, just watched Sing Street. Pretty good film elevated by a brilliant soundtrack. Jack Reynor is great and it'll probably end up in my top 5 of the year so far.


    Also watched Money Monster the other day, decent little thriller. Jack O'Connell has been consistently brilliant in everything he's been in, really good actor.

  10. I don't think they have. Ambrose has been shite for months but I remember back to the reactions he was getting 2 years ago and I still think he's salvageable if they can tap into that again. And I'll always defend Reigns as he is a wonderful, wonderful pro wrestler and one day he will make a superb heel. 


    Rollins, though. He's got so much stink on him from the past eighteen months that I don't think any amount of rehabbing could make me interested in him again. 

  11. Both the show and the fans were abysmal. Stuff like the arm-wrestling segment is what I want to see more of, yet the crowd chants 'boring'. Did that crowd really want to see another Bayley vs Dana match one week after already getting one? Yet later on, the Cruiser division which is pretty much catering for the 'work-rate, no gimmicks needed' crowd was met with silence. 


    Seth Rollins face turn may be the worst in history too, and he doesn't have the mic skills to pull the crowd onto his side. There is so little interest in this Owens/Rollins feud. It's up there with Rollins/Kane last year as one of the worst title feuds in a while. 


    'Goldberg sucks' chants at this point are so disheartening after one of the best returns in an age last week. If it was just a one-off due to being in Brock's hometown then fair enough - I guess we'll see next week if it carries over to other cities.


    Rolled my eyes at yet another intense Foley 'the cell ruins careers' promo. 


    I'm still looking forwards to HIAC, Reigns vs Rusev will be boss (and should be the main event feud really) and New Day vs Cesaro/Sheamus should be decent too, even if we have already seen it. 


    Also, I'd let Dana Brooke do unspeakable things to me.


    On the subject of great matches Jeff Jarrett really knew how to get the best out of Kurt Angle. None of Angle's bad habits in those matches, I assume Jarrett called them. Fantastic bouts.

    YES! They had spectacular chemistry, even more so because it didn't matter who was face and heel, both worked in different ways. My favourite was with Jarrett as a babyface, fighting heroically from underneath the whole match when Kurt must have been top bollocks in the Main Event Mafia, unless I've got my eras arse about tit. Jeff still had his long hair before he buzzed it in the Double J MMA era.



    Jarrett vs Angle at Genesis 09, one of the best TNA matches ever. Babyface Jeff crawling down the ramp to the ring pissing of blood. Probably up there with Aries beating Roode for the belt as my favourite TNA moment. 

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