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Lorne Malvo

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Posts posted by Lorne Malvo

  1. I wasn't arsed at all about Itami previously, but this return has been great for him. Good segment with Roode last week and a strong showing in the ring this week. His in-ring stuff looked awkward the last time he came back from injury, like he was afraid to get hurt again, but that isn't the case at all this time.

    Strong's another guy I had no interest in, until these excellent video packages. Him vs Itami should be great next week; hopefully shenanigans will take place and we'll get a triple threat match at Takeover. 

    The state of Jericho in that Fozzy video.

  2. Not been a big fan of Wheatley's previous films but Free Fire does look great. Sightseers was rubbish.

    I just watched low-budget black-and-white horror The Eyes Of My Mother. Doesn't entirely work and doesn't contain anything you haven't seen before, but there are some genuinely creepy moments in it. And it's only 1 hour 16 minutes too! Lovely to see at a time when most films seem to be pushing 2+ hours. 

  3. I haven't watched much TNA in the last few years so have seen very little of the Broken Hardyz stuff and don't really get it; is it just them pair acting twisted/deranged or does it have any supernatural elements at all? Because I fucking hate supernatural gimmicks. If so, inbetween Broken Hardyz, Demon King and Bray cunting Wyatt, I'll have to fuck Raw off.

  4. On 05/04/2017 at 7:37 PM, Astro Hollywood said:

    Just watched Split

      Reveal hidden contents

    Knew it had a massive twist, as had been mentioned on here.

    First 2 minutes, "Where do I know her from? Oh I think it's the girl from The VVitch? I'll just hop on Wikipedia and check the cast list. That'll be fine."



    I'd have fucking loved that bit :(



    I watched this today and thought it was pretty decent. I did something similar to you though. Watched Bruce Willis in some shit the other day and decided to look him up on IMDB to check the last film I enjoyed of his. Fucking fuming at myself at the time. I would've marked out if I didn't know.


  5. I really enjoyed this episode, apart from the shitty Ruby Riot (don't like her) / Nikki Cross (don't like her) stuff.

    I fucking loved McIntyre when he was last in WWE, until they made him a full-on job guy (and even then he had the odd cracker on Superstars and a decent match against Orton on Raw, iirc), so I was happy to see him back as I don't watch much TNA/BritWres. Fuck me, what a return that was. It helps I'm a fan of Lorcan's stiff style anyway but him and Drew beating the shit out of each other was great. McIntyre vs Roode is going to be great if they go that route.

    I assumed they were going to do something different with this Dylan Miley bloke, as it seemed odd he shook DIY's hand at the start of the match then by the end was a generic monster heel. Not sure where they're going, or if they can pull it off, but he's got a great look and seemed decent enough from the little time he was in the ring. Hopefully they don't fuck him up.

    Not entirely sold on Black yet, but interested in seeing more of him. Would've liked this to take place at Takeover though as his debut - I love Cien and think he's too good to be used to put new signings over.

  6. I finally finished Iron Fist tonight. I only put up with it because I've invested so much time in the MCU now (and to be fair, have enjoyed 95% of what they've done) that I felt I had to watch it before the Defenders. I loved Daredevil and really enjoyed both Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, but this wasn't very good at all, was it? Even more boring than Agent Carter season 2. The origin story is ridiculous even by comic book standards. But I'm not a massive fan of martial arts films/TV anyway, so it was always gonna have a hard time impressing me.

    Still looking forwards to the Defenders though. 4 good Netflix series out of 5 isn't bad. 

  7. Reigns, Angle, Revival and Goldberg were great but I agree with Pitcos in that the rest was really weak. As good a Mania moment as it was, it took me precisely one day to get bored of Hardyz sloppy tag-team offence and pretending they're still 18. I think Emma looks like one of the coolest people on the roster but the 6-woman tag was same old. Lesnar/Heyman/Strowman did nothing for me, it was yet another predictable Heyman promo with the obvious 'TITLE MATCH TONIGHT?!' fake-out leading to a complete dud of a segment. And Balor's return just seemed wasted in that completely generic tag main event. I love Balor's look, I think he's a charismatic good-looking fucker and looks cool as shit coming down with his leather jacket opened up, but as soon as the bell rings my interest in him disappears. He just does a bunch of moves that other people on the roster already do better than him. Plus, him getting painted up for main events is cool in theory but this idea that it opens up a whole new 'Demon King' supernatural element to him is the kind of thing I hate in wrestling. 

    Jinder vs Zayn seemed so out of place on this show too. The only purpose it served was for the announcers to talk about next week's draft for 5 minutes. They could've just showed the graphic again instead of this. 

    I don't wanna be too down though, so let me just say that opening Reigns segment was utterly wonderful. I can't be arsed for another Lesnar title run where he never shows up - get the belt on Roman now. 

  8. I stopped watching trailers a few years back. I still catch them in the cinema but try my best to ignore them. It's the norm now for them to give away every plot beat and too many of them use that Inception-esque soundtrack lately. I gave up watching them when the trailer for that last shitty Terminator film revealed a big plot twist and it's been quite nice watching films without much prior knowledge of what the tone/story will be.


    However, I listen to the Empire podcast every weekend and the berk reviewing Life last week pretty much gave away every plot development anyway.

  9. I hope it's more a case that JBL is ignorant to Ranallo's bi-polar and took 'the bantz' too far, and not that JBL is still a big bully cunt after all these years.


    Ranallo is an odd one though. Can reel off obscure wrestlers and Japanese wrestling moves to pop the smarks, then gets the name of the upcoming PPV wrong or forgets Curt Hawkins name. He's always seemed like an odd fit for Smackdown too. Wouldn't be surprised if they move him to NXT or keep him solely for the CW division and promote Tom Phillips to Smackdown play-by-play.

  10. Basic pro wrestling booking 101 is surely Seth Rollins, the babyface, challenging Triple H, the heel, to an unsanctioned match thus making himself look brave and courageous and putting over how much he wants to destroy Triple H that he'd risk his own health and career?


    This fucking company.


    Why start booking Seth Rollins properly now when they've absolutely fucked him up every step of the way so far?

  11. I just read up on a few of those 2006-2008 SNME cards as I'd completely forget they bought it back, and bloody hell. Matt Hardy vs Evander Holyfield? I have no fucking memory at all of this happening. I loved that Hardy/MVP feud too, with their basketball matches and beer-drinking contests, but completely forgot this part of it.

  12. I'm sure this was mentioned a while back but someone has composed a great list of WCW contracts from 96-00, Konnan earned almost as much as Ric Flair and there's no mention of Warrior. Was Jimmy on a different kind of contract during his short run as I'm sure he was given stupid money?




    What was the deal with Ric Flair in 99? In a year where they're pissing money up the wall that's an incredibly low figure.

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