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Posts posted by TheBurningRed

  1. And Jim got away with it. Those tiebreaker legs, he struggled to hit a treble and was just getting down with a score of 60. Which is good for a pub level, not for someone who’s tipped to win this and is going to Q School afterwards. He was also hitting 41s and 43s and it’s just so hard to watch. 

    John Gwynne is the only commentator who isn’t irritating. With John Rawling being the absolute worst whenever he’s doing darts. 

  2. That’s the celebrity doubles World Cup in Germany yesterday where her partner was ex footballer Luca Toni. He couldn’t take out a checkout of 7 and they then lost and were knocked out. 

    What a ride she’s been on since beating Ted and Mensur. 

  3. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2020/01/04/players-lied-trying-get-quid-says-tony-martin-bdo-womens-world-championship-prize-money-fundraiser-12000655/amp/

    Tony Martin talking about the prize money fiasco and trying to raise funds for the women’s prize money. I enjoyed this quote;

    “Players have been told by the chairman [Des Jacklin] that tickets have started being sold for 2021, but half of them don’t believe it”

    More than half of them shouldn’t believe him after this years turnout so far. The fact the audience seems to be plunged into darkness  when play starts to hide the low attendance says it all. Its been mostly a shit show today. Scores and graphics all over the place. Some awful averages. And Paul Nicholson trying his best bullshit to sound like he’s enjoying it - “105 averages and 85% checkouts bore me”.

    Only player who actually had a good throwing action was Beau Greaves. She turns 16 next week and will be competing at Q School as she’ll be eligible by then. She’ll get better competition and experience in that than the BDO worlds. And possibly coming in with a lot of confidence if she gets far/wins it.  

  4. 12 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

    Hiromu is back, baby. No idea what the hell his new move is.

    Its basically an emerald flowsion. That match was great. So happy to see Hiromu back. Not a fan of Ospreay as a person, but fuck me, what a wrestler. 

  5. On 12/31/2019 at 10:40 AM, Loki said:

    Has anyone else found Gossip Mongers? It's 3 people reading out scurrilous and usually obscenely biological bits of local scandal that get sent in, then they choose one and the girl has to shout it out of the window to unsuspecting passers-by.

    It's the opposite of sophisticated comedy, but it is bloody hilarious.

    Listened to the first episode today. Had actual tears of laughter during the welly baby story. 

  6. @Magnum Milano Agree with you there. I’m sure she thought about it, as others did, that after all she done at the pdc worlds she’d potentially end up going out first round to Corrine Hammond and not averaging nowhere near the 90 plus she got against Ted and Mensur. And she’d have nowhere near the crowd support pushing her on at the indigo with 50 people watching. I think prize money being cut was just an easy route out. 

    The women’s BDO is far more interesting this year than the men’s with far better players imo. Only one of the men’s I can see winning is Jim Williams. He just has to this year. Or he’s never going to. 

  7. Sorry for the double post but Butchi posted the same time as me. Fallon would’ve made that money if she stayed in. But with her getting to play every World Series event next year for the pdc, most likely getting a contenders premier league place and going in to Q School confident of getting a tour card, I don’t blame her for pulling out. 

  8. Fallon Sherrock made more money losing in the third round than she will if she wins the BDO women’s and more than the men’s semi finalists will get. Des and Paula are ruining the BDO but it’s been dying for years. 

  9. 23 minutes ago, LWOLeN said:

    WK Day 1 is 25 bucks on FiteTV. Are there cheaper options?

    New Japan World. It’s like £5 or £6. Works great on a console browser. Can cancel then if you don’t want anymore new japan. Although I’d recommend watching New Year dash. 

  10. I’ve only seen the wedding as my mate told me too. Not just bad, but absolutely boring. Give me Teddy Long having a heart attack any day over that. I enjoyed production telling Liv to watch her step and then her giving a quick awkward glance down as she planted her feet. When something like that amuses me more than the wedding, then they’ve definitely had a shit show. 

    Thats what they went with to close out the last Raw of 2019 and it makes sense as it’s been one of the worst years they’ve had. 

  11. Bloody knackered after doing that triple bill. Film was... alright. Some bloke started shitting on it as soon as we walked out but I think that was just bollocks as it seems to be the cool thing to do after the last film. Some thoughts though

    The Leia stuff was awful. Reminded me of when the actress who played Tony Sopranos mum died and they CGI’d her last scenes. And that was bad in 2001. They even spliced in some cringy lines. Rey and Ren fighting with the force over the ship was fucking cool and so was her accidentally using grandads lightning and blowing it up. Adam Driver has held this trilogy together. The kiss after she’s brought back to life invoked a strong reaction of disbelief from the audience in the screen I was in. And rightly so. It felt so out of place. She must’ve liked what she seen when he was topless in return of the Jedi. A good movie, not a great Star Wars movie

  12. 1 hour ago, Egg Shen said:

    Maybe not overall in fitting with this thread, but somewhat related. I watched an episode of Only Fools & Horses last week where Rodney meets some rich bird and they start dating. Del weasles his way in and basically ruins the whole thing (the theatre scene, the clay pigeon shooting). Watching it back, Del's just an utter prick in that episode, usually his heart is in the right place, he'd just got about getting to his goal in his own messed up way, but in that episode he's just plain cruel.

    John Sullivan said he regrets writing that episode because of Del’s actions and David Jason hates it as well. There’s a fan theory however that because Rodney stopped Del going to Australia in the previous episode, this was Del’s revenge. 

    Del is a dick in that episode and it’s not the best, but there are still quite a few funny lines from Del and the posh birds Dad. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, MVP RULZ said:

    I also think Joey from Friends followed a similar pattern in the latter seasons he is just too stupid to be believable at times which is nothing like he was previously where he was a lot smarter then he later was portrayed as being.

    Yeah I think of Joey and one episode in particular. The episode where Phoebe is teaching him french and he just repeats back nonsense. Yeah he’s thick, and so are a lot of people, but no one is actually that stupid that they would just repeat sounds back instead of words. Unless they’re a baby or they’ve suffered some massive head injury. 

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