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Posts posted by TheBurningRed

  1. Sean Ross Sapp is reporting rumours from talent that Vince got into some kind of disagreement with the Saudis but can’t fully confirm. That could be the money thing. I’m sure it’ll get sorted. The Prince seems like a reasonable man. 

    7 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

    That's how I'm taking it. I think the Saudi's are using the Roland Alexander School Of Payment, where they only pay up if they think you've had a good match.

    Vince should owe them a fortune in refunds considering how well the matches have been since they started going there. 

  2. At least with those two facing each other, they’ll definitely be keeping up the tradition of having terrible matches in Saudi Arabia. Two of the worst women wrestlers on the roster who’ve just had a series of bad matches. Haven’t they been teaming lately as well?

    I hope former US marine Lacey Evans doesn’t get promo time and does her usual shtick and calls the Arabic people a bunch of nasties. 

  3. I hope Britt isn’t wrestling again next week. Surely it’s time for Nyla to come back and do something. 

    They/Cody have announced fans attending next week will receive Rick and Morty masks. So that’s... great. I hope NXT strike back. But in an out of touch way and it’s Family Guy masks for everyone.  

  4. My best mate is convinced I look like professional lad and all round annoying twat Tubes from soccer am. Despite the fact I’m neither bald and I have a big beard. Unfortunately he’s in better shape than me these days. He’s the only one who sees it and regularly gets told to fuck off.

    It’s alright for him though, as he’s a dead ringer for Taylor Lautner. 

    On 10/18/2019 at 10:32 AM, jazzygeofferz said:

    When I had long hair people used to call me Meatloaf, but then they also used to call me Jesus when I had a beard. 

    Another of my friends gets this. As well as Mick Foley, Charles Manson and Cousin Itt. 

  5. Apparently the Luchasaurus not being on the show due to injury was announced a couple of hours before the show. It’s only just shown up on my twitter feed. 

    48 year old Chris Jericho trying to skate. That few seconds was more memorable than anything on that shit show of Raw this week. He’s the best. 

  6. 35 minutes ago, MPDTT said:

    Well, I have no issue with his look, he’s actually able to wrestle when he chooses to, the Cracker Barrel challenge and the Darby Allin matches were both fun, met him twice in Vegas and he seemed a very genuine and nice fella and I didn’t think his promo on dynamite sucked either. The only thing I really hate about him is his liking of Taylor Swift’s music....that is inexcusable.

    I’m happy for the guy - he never expected this kind of opportunity.

    This post gave me a headache.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Nope, doesn’t interest me. And I wonder how thrilled Fox are that the person who made his big debut on their show is having his match over there?

    Did you really expect Tyson or Cain to have their first match in wwe on an episode of Smackdown?

  8. 36 minutes ago, Mattyc said:

    How's everyone finding the Network in recent days? (and please say on which devices)

    I know many people have been having issues with the Network across multiple devices since the big update, but it's only in the past few days that I've stopped dodging the bullets, because I'm getting hit bad. I've had more problems in just the past 3 days with buffering on the Xbox than I've had in 3 years. What was once such a reliable service (on Xbox at least) has really taken a nosedive. Hopefully this is a short term thing and not the new norm. 


    Awful. Last night on the Xbox it took me to the dashboard 3 times. And each time I went back on, I had to sign back in.

    Mine constantly freezes, the fast forward function might as well not exist. And if I’m watching a show and leave the rest the for later, the continue watching thing doesn’t seem to exist for me anymore. Same as when I’m watching a show and it freezes and takes me to the dashboard. It makes me start from the beginning. 

  9. The opening segment with Becky, Rock and Corbin was awful. Everything else was standard to decent Smackdown.

    He only said it twice, but I can tell Cole is going to overdo with the whole gypsy king schtick about Fury. 

  10. 39 minutes ago, Shy Dad said:

    What's Big Dave up too? They always played up on screen him and Mysterio were like brothers. Him vs Brock in Saudi? 

    He officially retired after Mania. He also said a few months ago he’d never wrestle in Saudi. 

  11. 2 hours ago, MPDTT said:

    Fite TV - well worth the money to see what happens during ad breaks

    Yeah it was really great seeing Riho and only Riho stand in her corner awkwardly for 3 minutes. And The Elite do the schtick while talking to the crowds like it’s a Butlins. 

    Enjoyed the show. I’m fine with Hager. He’s a big guy with a good start to his MMA career. Only 2 for 2 but he’s more legit than Punk. Also, throwing the likes of Allin around could be fun. 

    Did they even mention why Knox didn’t DQ Jericho’s team? Made him look silly and people in the crowd looked confused when the match carried on. 

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