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Posts posted by TheBurningRed

  1. I think it was Meltzer the other day, who said the deal Marty was offered by ROH was for wwe money and less dates. And able to work nwa as well. Fair play to him rinsing what’s left of the sinking ship. He’ll be world champ by mania weekend. 

    Says a lot about AEW and his old mates if he’d rather stay at that shit show of a company. 

  2. Jim Williams just couldn’t get a good rhythm going after that break. Well done to Warren though. He’s played solid all week. Both would’ve made a fantasy BDO premier league. 

    I switched off, take it no big cheque was handed over the winners prize money?

  3. He’s a horrible little shit. Thought he was going to cry when they posed for that photo at the end. He legged it off stage soon after. He needs to be more like Keane. He weren’t celebrating every visit of a 100 or over. Stayed calm and focused throughout. Hopefully people can stop talking about Leighton so much now and talk about Keane Barry more as the big prospect of youth darts. Hope he does well in Q School. 

    Is the Williams vs Mario match still going on?

  4. Saturday session should be good. Women’s and youth final should be close. Hoping Keane Barry wins as he’s a very exciting prospect. Just needs to slow it down just that little bit. Expect Suzuki to win as well. 

    Final has to be Williams vs Mitchell. And for everyone saying it’s Williams year, I can’t see past Mitchell losing to anyone.  Has looked the more convincing winner throughout. 

  5. 4 hours ago, deathrides said:

    Knocked out lewis and Anderson a few years ago didn't he.

    John Part too. Couple of last 16 appearances as well. Unlucky not to make the quarters one year. With the UK open and it’s no seeding drawing system, he’s always going to get a good run especially coming up against some of the shit tour card holders. 

  6. Greaves vs De Graaf was enjoyable. Played at a good pace. De Graaf took out a nice 126 to win a set with Greaves on 58 I think. Caller was terrible though. Greaves hit 80 with a 42, 20 and 18 and it took far longer than it should’ve for her to count it up. 

    That’s the sort of game, and probably the Suzuki vs Anastasia game later on where the women’s quarters should be first to 3 sets. But then you get Turner vs Hammond and that’s more than enough with first to two. 

  7. Sky surely can’t hire Laura Turner again for commentary and punditry. I hadn’t seen her play but thought she might be decent. First outing the other day was bad, but this afternoons was dreadful. 61 average. In the first throw of the entire game, she put it over the double 1. Corrine Hammond beat her in a 43 leg match winning on double 1. Real dog and duck stuff there. 

    Jim Williams as the man tipped to win it doesn’t look likely the way he’s playing and looks like he’s gonna have a panic attack at any moment. I fear the weirdo farmer Scott Mitchell might win come Sunday before the trophy gets repossessed straight away by Paul Bohill in a Cant Pay, We’ll Take It Away crossover to cover Des Jacklins mounting debts. 

  8. John Rawling is a vanity searcher. Good thing I didn’t call him a shit commentator like I’ve thought of him the past two darts events


    21 minutes ago, PowerButchi said:


    That’s terrible. Imagine seeing a potential £50,000 winning prize reduced by £27,000. Less than Fallon got for going out in the third round. 

  9. Paula Jacklin - fucking hell. Took a life time to get on stage as she was soaking it all in and shaking hands and kissing everyone like she’s the MVG of women’s darts. She miraculously hits a 180 at one point, but fails to get a shot at double in a 6-0 thrashing and she also tripped up walking back from retrieving her darts. Averaged 62. Diabolical stuff.

  10. Martin Adams did an interview last year where he commented on Bennett’s attitude and being a very sore loser. I think he bit his tongue and probably had more to say.

    We have a 16 year old in our dart team as he’s the captains son. He plays county youth and frequently comes across Leighton. He said what you see is what you get. Unlikable and mouthy. Pisses everyone off. Partly, you can’t blame him for being cocky. All that talent at his age and making money. At the same time, someone needs to have a word because he’s alienating himself from a lot of people with his behaviour. 

  11. 2 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    Missed a 9 darter by about 4mm.


    There was a few close chances of one at the PDC worlds this year, Darren Webster in particular, but it would’ve been hilarious if the BDO had got one over the PDC considering the difference in talent and what we’ve seen so far. Paul Hogan to win it all. 

  12. Ha! No I don’t think he is.

    Crowd is a lot better tonight. And while not really loud, it’s probably the most active bunch they’ve had in since Saturday. Especially giving a lot of love to Wolfie. 

  13. 1 hour ago, TildeGuy~! said:

    Bit of a nothing show The Dash but sets up possible New Beginning Matches

    Isn’t that the point of new year dash. Who remembers the matches? Everyone remembers the angles to set up the new beginning matches. 

  14. Happy Feet is the unofficial nickname of dancing twat Dimitri Van den Bergh on the darts forum. Both have shite walk on music too. 

    Decent standard of match so far for the BDO this game. Was expecting it to be terrible. 

  15. Deta Hedman and Laura Turner averaging 64.15 and 64.57 respectively in a painful game to watch this evening. I should try and recruit them for my team as I averaged 63.66 over two legs the other week for a pub in Isleworth and I think they’d fit right in with us. There was probably more people watching my match than what was in the indigo tonight. 

    A few of the BDO big names are on tomorrow evening. Their main selling point for tomorrow afternoons session of torture is BDO number 1 Wesley Harms. Harms and his big chain had one good match at the GsoD back in November where he averaged well but still lost and he was mostly terrible in his other two matches. I honestly don’t know how they’re going to get fans in for tomorrow afternoon and would be surprised if there’s more than 50. People book time off work for PDC worlds afternoons, but no ones thinking “best throw a sickie and get down the indigo, David Cameron is facing Nick Fullwell”

  16. And Jim got away with it. Those tiebreaker legs, he struggled to hit a treble and was just getting down with a score of 60. Which is good for a pub level, not for someone who’s tipped to win this and is going to Q School afterwards. He was also hitting 41s and 43s and it’s just so hard to watch. 

    John Gwynne is the only commentator who isn’t irritating. With John Rawling being the absolute worst whenever he’s doing darts. 

  17. That’s the celebrity doubles World Cup in Germany yesterday where her partner was ex footballer Luca Toni. He couldn’t take out a checkout of 7 and they then lost and were knocked out. 

    What a ride she’s been on since beating Ted and Mensur. 

  18. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2020/01/04/players-lied-trying-get-quid-says-tony-martin-bdo-womens-world-championship-prize-money-fundraiser-12000655/amp/

    Tony Martin talking about the prize money fiasco and trying to raise funds for the women’s prize money. I enjoyed this quote;

    “Players have been told by the chairman [Des Jacklin] that tickets have started being sold for 2021, but half of them don’t believe it”

    More than half of them shouldn’t believe him after this years turnout so far. The fact the audience seems to be plunged into darkness  when play starts to hide the low attendance says it all. Its been mostly a shit show today. Scores and graphics all over the place. Some awful averages. And Paul Nicholson trying his best bullshit to sound like he’s enjoying it - “105 averages and 85% checkouts bore me”.

    Only player who actually had a good throwing action was Beau Greaves. She turns 16 next week and will be competing at Q School as she’ll be eligible by then. She’ll get better competition and experience in that than the BDO worlds. And possibly coming in with a lot of confidence if she gets far/wins it.  

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