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Posts posted by TheBurningRed

  1. 26 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

    Going back to the richochet being an arrogant prick in real life. I think he is actuslly just dumb as fuck. His podcast with Colt all but confirmed this, I mean if you do a podcast with Cabana and sound like the dumb one you really are stupid. 

    I think Ricochet and Ospreay share the same brain cell.

  2. 7 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    This is quite a WWE run.


    EC3 told this story on a highspots interview. The guy barely showed up for training and when he did, he didn’t care. From what I remember, he wanted the $60,000 plus a contract without the non compete clause. Which he got because they really wanted that nickname for the one Undertaker match. He played them well. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

    I really don't know much about epilepsy - is there anything that can cause it [flashing lights?]? I am assuming he was otherwise okay afterwards?

    As someone with epilepsy, the doctors thought my first seizure was brought on by the heat as it was during the summer. But they’ve all been sleep seizures. I have pressure behind my eyes that pushes onto my brain and causes them. However, I’ve had a few stressed induced ones as an adult. A whole number of things can cause them. 

    Fun fact, my second or third seizure was at about 6am after Vengeance 2001 had finished. Being taken into the hospital, I asked my mum if she recorded it for me. The paramedic heard me and said “we’ve just watched that at the hospital. Chris Jericho is undisputed champion”. I was both pissed off Jericho won and the fact this fucker spoiled it for me. 

  4. Anyone feel free to add me - 8496 7127 4955

    I do my best to send gifts daily. Will hit people up when it’s time to be come ultra and best friends so you can stick a lucky egg on and get double xp

  5. Still in desperate need for a shiny Bulbasaur. Only community day shiny I haven’t got as I missed the last one. And the search for a better shiny Larvitar continues. 

  6. I love Bob Mortimer. He never fails to make me laugh. The Jordan Henderson song from one of the last shows they did had me howling as the kids say these days. The Peter Beardsley stuff is the best for me. This mad world he’s dreamt up where Peter has a shackled life because of his over bearing wife and a son who doesn’t want to know him is wonderful stuff. 

    Got to give some love to Andy Dawson and the Jeremy Corbyn stuff that he done in the earlier shows.

    Does anyone remember the game show Bob hosted called 29 Minutes of Fame back in the mid 2000s? It’s been a long time since I saw any, but I remember Bob was hilarious on that also. 

  7. Seth turning on the Shield. I was watching live and was just about to go to bed, but stayed around for the Shield segment. That moment woke me up. What was great was when Seth lined the chair up and a man in the audience screamed no. Just like The Undertaker losing the streak, I sat there as a man in my mid-twenties shaking my head in shock because I bought in to the drama of this soap opera about fake fights. 

    Jeff Hardy finally winning the world title. Just a great moment that he deserved. Especially after the fuck up of Survivor Series the month before with the “stairwell attack” and taking him out of the match. Great reaction from the crowd as they wanted it so much. 

  8. 1 hour ago, bigfoote said:

    On a similar topic: Are the Singhs still alive?

    I believe Sunil Singh took the brunt of it. He got dropped on his neck two or three times. One of the times, Brock was looking down at him like he knew he fucked him up. Those boys need a pay rise or a bonus from the bumps they’ve taken the past couple of years. Remember Randy Orton chucking one of them on the announce table last year and how dangerous it looked. 

  9. 55 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

    & Titus Worldwide

    I’ve got some bad news for you mate. But they broke up. And Crews is having a very average singles return with one win in 3 on tv. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

    It happened! 2015, I think. That Survivor Series where they thought ISIS might attack them. Del Rio was in the tournament, and the final might have been Ambrose vs. Reigns. No recollection of the fourth person in it on the night, nor anyone who lost a qualifier before Survivor Series. Reigns won then Sheamus cashed in MITB. They swapped the title back and forth a couple of times - this was during the 'Vince is out to get Reigns' period- and Roman had to defend it in the 2016 Rumble where AJ Styles debuted. Triple H won the Rumble and the title then Roman won at back at WrestleMania.

    I'm impressed I remember any of it, to be honest! Most of this decade's a blur of not-much-happening-here for me.

    It was Roman vs Del Rio and Dean vs Kevin Owens as the semi finals at Survivor Series. I remember the Roman vs Dean match was shorter than anticipated, but good for the time it got. 

    As for the qualifiers before Survivor Series, I recall both Kalisto and Tyler Breeze being involved. 

  11. 16 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    I always think it's gonna be strange in a few years when all these people have photos of their babies/toddlers and they're all fucking Snapchat filters. But I saw the worst thing today. A young woman has, sadly, gone missing.And the two photos used to spread the word around Facebook are one that looks like a massive airbrush and another where she's a cat with glasses on. Jesus.

    There was a photo going round a couple of years ago where a guy did the face swap Snapchat filter on his grandad at the open casket. That’s the generation that’s coming up. 

  12. 10 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Bands that have the letter in V in place of other letters in their name.

    Chvrches? Landmvrks? 

    PVRIS are another band that does this. They changed their name from Paris for legal reasons apparently. I like them a lot, so it doesn’t bother me. But they do get shit from non fans for their “stupid spelling of Paris”. And also, people seeing the name and pronouncing the V. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    "Country mile" is a 19th century idiom. It refers to how distance can be deceptively longer on a winding country road when compared to straight roads in cities, so it takes longer to travel a country mile than a city mile. 

    Today I Learned... thank you. It is still overused a lot to the point it became irritating. 


    3 minutes ago, Gus Mears said:

    Irritating things that football pundits and commentators say requires its own thread. Every time I have to hear that gormless twat Phil Neville say some combination of "sensational", "absolutely", "unbelievable" and "incredible", I'm yearning for the muffled embrace of permanent deafness. 

    The way Gary Neville says comfortable. He pronounces it like there’s an A in between M and F. 

  14. 1 hour ago, The Dart said:

    One of the guys in that battle royal was (apparently) Flash Flanagan!  Finally makes his main roster debut after 22 years in OVW.

    There’s a twitter page called the local competitor and they name the jobbers that appear on raw/smackers/nxt. It was someone called Roy Flash Gordon not Flash Flanagan. 

  15. 35 minutes ago, Dagr81 said:

    Haskins Edwards was hamstrung by stupid booking of Edwards not taking the contract when he could have and the tables not giving way, leaving the table bumps just to look awkward.

    You mean Eddie Dennis vs Mark Andrews. Haskins faced Riddle. 

    Whos Edwards?

  16. Lea Walker somehow became friends with my old classmate, despite being about 20 years older than her. They used to pre drink and post photos on Facebook. Fun fact about my classmate, she was the daughter of serial killer Levi Bellfield

    Also, I can never forget one of Victors greatest lines - “’I’m going to get ill if you keep giving me cold showers, I’ve already got the sniffles".

  17. Marcus from BB 10 goes to my local rock club. He usually stands against the wall staring at everybody. He’s an odd guy.

    Best and most memorable Celebrity one for me is the one with Pete Burns. His constant shit stirring was great and he made Jodie Marsh cry. And he upset Traci Bingham for no reason other than to get his kicks. Plus there’s the great fight night episode with him, George Galloway and Dennis Rodman vs Preston, Chantelle and Michael Barrymore. It’s 30 plus minutes of arguing and bitchiness. Fantastic television. 

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