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Posts posted by DavidB6937

  1. I definitely watch when I've got time. Always watch the bigger events. I think they've got a good bunch down there. Will be interesting to see who gets the post Mania call ups. There's a few that haven't got much left to do in NXT like Melo that you'd assume would be pretty set.

  2. I really want him to leave AEW. Not only because he's overexposed completely but because I want to see him worm his way back into WWE and see what BS he spins. He'll make CM Punk look like the most honest guy in the world.

  3. You have to believe the upturn in quality in WWE and consistency has meant a lot of fans who may have abandoned ship for AEW haven't. Its very difficult to say how much crossover there is but people only have so much money. And if there's a choice it'd be a lot easier if one of them was shit. But with both delivering hot products right now it's probably not surprising the bigger name would win out in many areas.

  4. 7 hours ago, Browser Brady said:

    If you like Married at First Sight then you’ll enjoy the current series of the Australian version.  It’s got it all.

    I'm a couple of episodes behind but it's always entertaining. Pure chaos. I love how I forget the happier couples are even there because they barely get any screen time. Jack has such a punchable smirk. Sadly he has played Tori so well. Tim is deeply self loathing and unhinged. Just saw Ben be an absolute twat. So much drama everywhere and not even from who I thought. I had Lauren down as the most annoying one at the start. And then the new frat boy. But they've been surprisingly alright.

  5. 43 minutes ago, Scratch said:

    The other half of their target audience, the really young kids, probably don’t care about who wins and how they got there, so I suspect they’ll keep it as it is. That said, I’ll always remember the names Phil Norman and Eunice Huthart. No 10-year-old kid will give a fuck about Finlay Anderson though.

    I definitely felt this way but my two daughters remembered all the contestants and who they beat and what they did. So clearly they made an impression somewhere.

  6. Plus he's got a reality show with Bianca. He's doing alright. It's a shame he's stuck in the shit right now but yeah I'm not sure where he'd fit in anywhere else either. A solo midcard run with the US title wouldn't be a terrible first step.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Jazzy G said:

    Apparently the losing finalists picked up injuries during the final. You can see one of them twisting their ankle during The Edge. If they'd been at 100% throughout I don't think it'd been as close as it was. That short filming schedule didn't do anybody any favours. Hopefully they take a little more time to film the second series. Rumour has it there's a celebrity christmas special coming as well. Who would be good on that? Do they trot out some of the older Gladiators for a crack?

    Make Barney do it. I wanna see him destroyed in every way possible.

  8. 13 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

    I read that Barney's job is as an actor so thought that maybe he just isn't very comfortable with the presenting side of things yet. Then I caught a bit of his acting in Casualty and confirm he's more wooden than a Giant Redwood tree. Zero skills of any kind and a complete charisma vacuum.

    I read some headline suggesting people wanted Barney to be the new Charlie. He'll be lucky to get that long in minutes let alone years.

  9. Well the second series has been confirmed so that's good.

    And got to watch the final live with the kids so that was a nice experience even though neither of my picks won.

    Loved this too.



  10. 8 hours ago, Fog Dude said:

    What made you think that? It's generally late March or early April so that would've made it the latest one ever, topping only 37. That one was held on the 10th & 11th of April because they wanted to delay it as long as possible until enough Covid restrictions had been lifted to actually get a crowd in. 

    Because I have absolutely no perception of time around this time of year. It's a mad rush of Mothers Day, two family birthdays, Easter and the kids school holidays and tax year end at work. So Mania's date does come a little way down the list for me.

  11. Mercedes and Jade are two entirely different beasts. And you can't discount the change in scenery for both as a big reason why they can be presented as big deals and feel fresh. WWE are doing a great job with Jade but there's a lot more opportunities there. If she'd stayed with AEW they couldn't have really done the same.

  12. I'm a big Pat fan. I love the genuine enthusiasm and that he has a really great time out there. I love that he brings the best out of Michael Cole and they obviously enjoy working together too. I can see why he'd irritate some people but just to have a natural fun feeling to commentary really adds to the product for me.

  13. 32 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    To be fair, wrestling is full of big stars who don't 'comeback' well.

    Cena has been very good at it, Austin was hit and miss, The Rock has been all over the place... I think there's a middle ground between a tribute to the good ol' days and being the biggest star on earth.

    That said, I'm not sure it's all The Rock's fault. I just think he's such a fucking massive star, with more natural presence and charisma than every other big star in wrestling combined, that its very hard to not swallow everything around him and make them disappear in comparison. I'm not a huge fan, as discussed, but I think he either turns it on and he outshines everyone or he half arses it and it comes across like a cheap tribute. I don't think he's capable of anything else.

    I think if we've got him back, we'd all rather he put in a decent shift. I don't think it's an ego thing or deciding he has to be the biggest star. I think he's just putting the work in. He has mostly come across as a guy that respects the business and I think business is at the forefront of the decisions especially now with his position. I'm sure he thinks everyone will come out better at the end. And while we don't know the longer term plan, I highly doubt he's gone in there to bury Roman deliberately and put himself ahead.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    That said, and as great as that segment was, it does feel that The Rock has decided he needs to be the top guy in WWE and that’s pushed people out the way and I’ll be honest, not keen on that aspect of it. Makes for great TV I know, but I just don’t like collateral left in his wake. 

    And yet you got people moaning about him turning up and doing a half arsed tribute act. So he can't win really.

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