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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. Not seen the last of Mojo (sadly) as he has done two matches at tonight's tapings (a rematch from Takeover and one against Tyler Breeze).


    It's just great to see KENTA in a WWE ring. Wrestlemania is just over 6 months away, so I reckon the plan is to have him work NXT until then and then maybe debut him on the post-Mania RAW

  2. Tremendous show. Personally I thought this was the best of the NXT live specials Only poor part was Dempsey/Rawley which they may as well have not even bothered with as no one seemed better off coming out of it and Rawley again fails to even come close to anything worthy of time. I've had pisses that lasted longer than that match. Complete waste of time on two people who arenot going to go anywhere

    Everything else delivered and never dropped below being very enjoyable. The crowd wasn't as annoying as normal, they were still annoying, but not as much as the weekly shows, they only chanted for CM Punk once


    KENTA's name change seems a bit random as they spend the rest of the time referring to as KENTA. Seems daft to then change the name, unless it's at his request


    Can't spoiler tag as I'm on mobile, but if you don't to see the potential spoiler scroll past the following photo














































    Devitt, Steen and KENTA are the new kliq

  4. Ebb, you have missed that when i mentioned it yesterday.


    I still haven't got around to listening to the new Opeth album, but I've said before that not too concerned about its direction so long as it isn't some kind of random dramatic change. They are at that stage in their career were they should be able to make the album they want to make without bowing to fan pressure and simply put out similar sounding albums over and over.

    Mikael has gone on record and said that he isn't interested in doing death metal at the moment, so people can't complain when they don't get that. He has made it abundantly clear that that isn't the sound he wants to do right now.

    So long as there isn't some kind of weird mishmash of genres like on the last Morbid Angel album, the fans won't have much to worry about.


    As for their Bloodstock set, the spot they have will give them about an hour for a set, so with 12 albums to choose from, you will get a good variety. Last time I saw them (2012) it was a decent varied set

  5. When I read the description of it, it sounded like a carbon copy of Limitless from a couple of years back. I'm off work tomorrow so might try it seen as I have a Cineworld unlimited card.


    Saw Before I Go To Sleep last night as the wife wanted to see because she's read the book. Nicole Kidman, Colin Firth and Mark Strong are all decent enough with what they had to work with, but it was a tad predictable

  6. So, I've just watched the final season of King of the Hill again and was again blown away by the totally perfect series finale. I decided I'd look around the internet for reviews and most were favourable, but I found one that bitched and moaned about it only being half an hour long and with no real major happenings, when he said a good finale should have been an hour long with a major development. Fucking cunt totally doesn't fucking get King of the Hill and shouldn't be allowed to watch TV.


    Here's a link to the finale for those who've yet to see it.


    King.of.the.Hill.S13E20.HDTV.XviD-NoTV.avi - 175.0 MB

    Is that the one titled 'The Honeymooners'? And if so, is that the one that's classed as the finale because the last half dozen episodes were broadcast really far apart (KOTH season by season, with air dates http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_King_of_the_Hill_episodes) as the final episode broadcast as new was 'Just Another Manic Kahn-day'


    I found a torrent a few months back were each episode was 40MB with no drop in quality at all, made it great to fit each season onto one disc

  7. I assume there will be some non-tournament matches on there. I have a version of the show (somewhere in my loft) and I seem to recall Dan Severn defending the NWA World title, which I don't think was on any commercial release of KOTD95 before but I could be wrong.


    It just says never before seen matches and interviews, so it's probably just some grainy looking outakes which probably won't add much if you already have it

  8. Is NXT on the Network commercial-free? I.E. a full hour of footage?


    The showing on Sky this week definitely seemed tight for time what with the 4 showcase matches for the NXT title match competitors, the divas match AND the tag finals.


    Could explain why a skit was cut.

    Apart from the odd WWE video promo, it is ad free and runs more or less 60 minutes. I'm assuming SKY Sports would have proper ad breaks so would cut the run time down to about 45 minutes. So it's probably just a case of being cut for time

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