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Sergio Mendacious

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Posts posted by Sergio Mendacious

  1. Even him against Orton at Night of Champions seems like a match I don't want to see yet. It seems too soon.


    He should be feuding with them the whole time now, but there should be diversions. He should have mad obstacles in his way, and overcome them.

  2. You watched Dredd yesterday Devon, do you think it would've been much better if you'd seen Karl Urban's face? Even if it wasn't based on anything I'd think that was an interesting choice to make for a lead character.


    I don't think it would have made any difference to the film at all so there would be no reason to do it. That's not my point, though!


    What I get from this is that one day, a comic book adaptation pissed in Devon Gladstone's tea.

  3. Dredd's face has NEVER been seen in the comics, so as soon as you do that, you're moving away from the mythology.


    No strictly true - in "Tales of the Dead Man", Dredd's face is in plain view. It's just conveniently burnt off.


    And I see both of your points - of course an adaptation doesn't have to kow-tow to its source, I have no problem with that. I'm a big fan of Superman, but I'm not some twat who wouldn't be open to seeing a movie where he was portrayed as wildly different in powers, appearance, etc. I also think that it's a weird way to go about using a property, though - there's a lot of things that make sense to change in Dredd's mythology, but the facelessness seems like a ridiculous thing to sacrifice if you're making a Judge Dredd movie. As a movie about Judge Dredd, Dredd fails far more than the Stallone version, but in maintaining that grim "I am the law" facade (as well as just being an eons better movie), it's a winner.

  4. I really enjoyed the new Dredd movie, but more just on its own terms as an excellent action film. I agree with the Total Package in a sense, as the Dredd comic book may have a grim (if sometimes sarcastically amusing) central character, but he's surrounded by a whole gaggle of comic relief characters, and a lot of absurdity. Stallone's movie went too far one way, and the new one went too far the other.

  5. I'm still watching True Blood, and I'm not really sure why - habit, I think. I don't remember ever dumping a show that I've watched for that long, so I'm going to see it through to the end. It's a step down, though - Sunday night is pizza night in our house, and at one point we were watching Game of Thrones followed by Mad Men - the low point was definitely waiting for anything else to come on along with True Blood, but now it's going to be Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, and Total Divas.

  6. My grandparents bought a static caravan down there when I was about 18 months old, in Ingoldmells, and I would think that I probably spent about 250 weekends there in the first 12 years of my life. They basically lived there weekends between March and October, and I spent a lot of those weekends with them.

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