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Sergio Mendacious

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Posts posted by Sergio Mendacious

  1. I don't know if I have the right or the wrong mindset for this type of game - I watched my wife playing it firstly, and in the very early mission where you chase the gang member on the bike to repo it for Simeon, she went on many long, meandering but fun looking chases that took about an hour, all told. Me, I just hopped the fence and shot him before he got 10 yards. And took a photo of it.

  2. A great candid interview with the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase on the MLW.com podcast. He's a good bloke. He tells a funny little story of Linda McMahon phoning him thinking he'd nicked the Million Dollar belt. It was in a safe for years, yet they didn't know where it was. Amazing considering how organized their warehouse is, yet nobody knew where the safe was that held the Million Dollar title. Its valued at $40,000, so you'd think it would have been more of an important thing to know the location of over "box of Hacksaws planks of wood" that you see in the warehouse.


    They really missed the boat on selling Hacksaw souvenir planks of wood. They should have a wrestler who always used a clothes pin on his nose, or has a pen for a foreign object, or tags with a slice of bread. Dirt cheap merch - it's a license to print money.

  3. Bought it yesterday, as an early birthday present for the mrs. Haven't played it myself yet, but I've watched her, and I do love the moments when the perfect song comes on - If You Leave Me Now, by Chicago, right in the middle of an insane car chase - was a perfect moment.

  4. I did my update last night - it was a nightmare, as I only had 1gb left, so I archived a lot of my photos to iPhoto, and was more selective about the music I had on the device, along with killing a bunch of apps that I either never used, or were in specific groups (like apps for visiting the UK). The nightmare came in following advice to restore the existing OS, in order to clear the "other" memory section. Took forever - DLing ios7 was a 20 minute experience in comparison, but I was sat around for hours waiting for the final ios6 to restore.


    I'm happy with lots of the features that previous ios were lacking - I have lots of use for being able to quickly turn wifi on and off, and the other quick access is cool. I'm looking forward to the radio features. I personally think the new interface is fuck fugly, but ymmv.

  5. I love how they toy with us - the whole "Skyler and Walt are struggling over the knife, which is sticking straight up in the air in front of a distraught and genetically prone to instability Jr." thing had me screaming "NO! NO! BREAKFAST BOY!" at the TV.

  6. On July 1, 2013, Alejandro Franqui, the president of a promotion named Perfect Stars Wrestling (PSW) announced that its first show would serve as a homage to Los Boricuas. The event was scheluded for August 24, 2013, and would also support SER de Puerto Rico, a non-profit organization. This was followed by a series of skits where Savio Vega started recruiting the members of Los Boricuas. On the first, released on July 6, 2013, where he visited a surprised Castillo at a gym, remembering some of their time at WWF. The second aired two days later, depicting him confirming Castillo to Franqui and contacting a similarly surprised Estrada trough Skype, who also confirmed his presence. This marked Estrada's first wrestling-related appearance in years and his return to Puerto Rico in a decade. The final segment was published on July 9, 2013, instead featuring P
  7. I was outside of a building last night that announced on a banner, "Coming Soon: Museo el Boricua del Barrio" [note: approximate reference, should have taken a photo] - I asked the wife, who studied Spanish, what Boricua meant, and she told me "beautiful". Knew straight away she was wrong.




    Savio really found his metier there.


    An extended history of Dinos sightings and stories from late history.


    Nice, this looks interesting--


    All Credits to Restoring Genesis Ministries.


    Oh. I'll pass.


    Restoring Genesis are a 'Creation Science' ministry. Creationists love to latch on to any and all mentions of modern-day dinosaurs, and they'll treat every single one as absolute cast-iron fact. Obviously-faked pictures of Nessie? Why, indisputable evidence that the Earth is only 10,000 years old! A lot of the many, many books or videos pushing literal creationism will have chapters or sections devoted entirely to stuff like Mokele Mbembe or Loch Ness. I read one once, a book disputing evolution, that had a whole chapter about dragon folklore worldwide proving that dinosaurs were running rampant a few hundred years ago. FUCK YOU, DARWIN!


    In further "Creation Science" news. I love these lads, they're so dedicated to forcing this lunacy on the whole USA by default and the profit motive.

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