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Sergio Mendacious

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Posts posted by Sergio Mendacious

  1. Is it actually Ryback's fault all of this though? Obviously he's no super worker but I think he's done good with what they've given him. WWE are to blame for fucking him up, they've booked him like total shit. They could have been making tons of cash with Ryback. I don't think he could ever hold his own as a full time main eventer but you got a guy who could easily hover around the midcard and sell shit loads of t-shirts.


    He could have worked at improving in the ring, but aside from that, I'm with you. He seemed pretty over despite running with the multi-jobber squashes for too long, but since then they've booked him about as badly as possible over and over, steamrolled any attempts at fixing their handiwork quite quickly, and now he's just fodder.

  2. That's a bit harsh. I reckon he should be kept on salary until the day he dies for the way he's killed his body for them. The reason he is always injured is because they always needed him and always rushed him back because they cant get new acts over to a level where they could use him sparingly. If they'd have taken care of him better, he'd not be in the condition he currently is.


    Its a sad state of affairs that he's still more over that most of the roster, some 11 years after his debut.


    It's going to be a real bollocks of a day when Rey just falls apart like a shattered vase in the ring, or Cena's arm falls off. They're probably waiting for technological advances that let them put the working parts of those two lads together, and sell the rest to superfans for meat.

  3. I have very effectively filtered out the malcontents from my facebook. However, I'm staying with my parents for a short while, and I've been doing some tech support for them. That's led to contact with my mum's facebook. It's like ground zero for everything in this thread. It's horrible.

  4. 2poyw6u.jpg

    Fuck me, that's one of the worst things I've seen in wrestling. Don't even know where to begin. I'm guessing one is Davey Richards, how about the other? Silly cunts.


    It was his tag team partner in the Silly Cunts, Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards.


    I enjoyed HHH patting the midget.



  5. Paranormal Activity 3. I thought the bit

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Between the start and the end, and including them.


    [close spoiler]

    ");document.close(); was a let down.


    I haven't even seen the first one yet. I'm not sure I care enough about them to even bother with that much.


    I think I've seen them all at the pictures, and yet I think they're all shite. I have a history of that, letting people convince me to go see films that I don't have any hope of liking. I went to see the first three Pirates of the Caribbean movies with different people each time, and they were all wank (the third one was on a special level of shite, though).

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