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Accident Prone

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  1. Don't want to plug up the Covers thread with more Trusty Chords covers, but yeah - it's popular. I've covered it in gigs a couple of times too!

    Here's my performance of it - nowhere near Hause's or Koehler's, and I hit a couple of bum notes, but I always enjoy singing it.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carbomb


      Hahaha, thanks! I'm learning to play guitar right now, but making very little progress. I make excuses, but I need to make time to practice properly.

      Good thing about this track is that the chords are relatively easy, and there's not too much variation. It's a good one to start with.

    3. Accident Prone

      Accident Prone

      That's good to know. Don't fancy jumping into anything to complex. Luckily, most of the songs I would want to play are pop-punk/90's emo covers so there shouldn't be too much difficulty with chords and the like.

    4. Carbomb


      Well, when you get round to covering some Screeching Weasel, hit me up with a link!

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