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Posts posted by Grecian

  1. It's a stunning game to look at, I just found it dull as hell to travel around. When I have to travel on horseback for ten minutes to get from one mission to the next, then go back to base-camp for the next one with no fast-travel... I lost interest rather quickly. I've been playing Horizon Chase Turbo, which has been oodles more fun.

  2. As my wife suffers from polycystic ovaries, when we were trying for our first baby, I had to produce a sample to make sure 'there's nothing wrong with your pipes'. I'm quite shy and walking into that clinic on my own and being escorted straight through to a room on my own to have a one-in-a-bed romp was just mortifying. I did get a couple of nods of sympathy from the other guys in there who'd presumably had to do the same thing.

    And I got the 'leave yourself alone' talk too.

  3. 1 minute ago, Shy Dad said:

    Just been offered a conditional place on my PGCE as long as I complete a compulsory top up of my subject this summer. 

    Beyond buzzing, thought I'd fucked everything up but the power of just not giving up and cutting negative people out has turned my life around for the best. 

    Potentially a Wolverhampton PGCE student come September now. 

    Great news mate! Well done! 

  4. Match of the Year:

    Bryan vs Kofi at Mania. Having loved the New Day for years, and Kofi for even longer, being there in person to see him win the big one was awesome. He'd earned it with some blistering performances in the run-up and he's held the belt longer than I thought he would - I genuinely thought he'd win at Mania, then lose it back to Bryan at the next PPV. A special mention for Bryan too, echoing the comments from @Supremo above. Bryan played his role perfectly.

    Worst match:

    Goldberg vs Taker, but I'm assuming this is a given. What should have been a 5 minute sprint through big spots and a three count turned into a very genuine fear one of them would die.

    Moment of the Year:

    Honourable mentions first: I've mentioned it a couple of times, but the Iiconics winning the women's tag titles at Mania, and just seeing how much it meant to them was something special. I always love it when winning a title clearly means so much to someone, and they got me. Kofi winning the title too was great, anything R-Truth and Drake Maverick are doing with the 24/7 title. But my vote goes to the debut of the Firefly Funhouse - just for the initial 'what in the blue hell...?' followed by 'This could be awesome' and now spotting the backstage cameos of his various characters. I openly admit it's likely to go to hell when he sets foot in the ring, but the build-up has been great.

    Worst wrestler:

    Shane McMahon. Not because he's been the worst, but at the age of 49, a part-time, non-wrestler should not be enjoying the push he's currently receiving.

  5. 4 hours ago, PunkStep said:

    I'd say Chapter 3. Chapter 1 is very brief to get you used to the controls, chapter 2 gets you used to the gameplay and different things you can do. It really kicks in from chapter 3.

    Cheers - I'll give it a little more time, but it's bloody hard going when you're this bored as a cowboy!

  6. Finally got this for my birthday a couple of months back. Installed it once I'd finally finished with Assassins Creed Odyssey, and I'm in the second chapter.

    When does it get good? I'm finding it tedious as hell so far. The time taken to get from one to mission to another is really annoying. Why can't I run through the camp? Don't get me wrong, it's a gorgeous looking game, but dear Lord, I get bored as hell playing it.

  7. I'll echo what others have said, everyone worries that they'll be a shit parent. Basically, as long as your child is fed, clothed and happy, you're doing fine. 

    Money wise, you'll be fine. You'll find you cut down on stuff (you'll be too knackered to go out, for starters, we ditched Sky TV, that kind of thing). Don't buy everything new, we bought bags of clothes at boot sales for very little money, all kids do for the first few months is feed and sleep. 

    Everything you're feeling is something everyone goes through. But the moment you hold your child for the first time? That moment is pure fucking magic. 

  8. If you don't count the TNA World Title and are talking WWE only, I'd add Drew Mcintyre. I thought he was nailed on to win MITB at Mania 26 that went to Swagger then he just dropped down the card until he was released. Since returning, he looks like a beast, works at the top end of the card but I can't remember him having many one-on-one world title matches. Before Kofi-Mania started, I wanted Rollins to go for Bryan at Mania after winning the Rumble, Drew vs Brock on the Raw side would have been a new match, two massive guys clobbering each other, and I'd buy Drew beating him too.


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