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Posts posted by Grecian

  1. Having decided that it's time for a new job, I've applied for a few over the past few weeks and found out this morning that I've got my first external interview in over 10 years. I don't really want the job (it's a two hour commute each way, and over £800 a month on train fares until I pass my driving test), so I'm going in with the mindset that it's just practice and I don't care if it's offered me. That said, I'm keen not to look an utter gimp - so: any tips for someone who's not been interviewed for a very long time?

  2. Chewing gum in the ring.


    (a) Why do wrestlers do it? Unless you're going to swat it away Mr. P style, just brush your teeth before going through Gorilla is the better move surely?


    (b) How on earth do you wrestle while chewing gum? Whenever I get out of breath while chewing I end up chomping like a loon. Is that a class in NXT? Wrigley drills?


    Didn't Shawn used to spit his out when he took the first big punch to the face? Always made the selling of the blow look more impressive.


    Lots of sportsmen in America chew gum, especially in baseball. A lot of studies have shown that chewing gum helps with brain performance during sport, and also is a way of combating nervous energy (some people jog their legs, others fiddle with things, chewing is just another way of expending that energy to help focus on what you're doing).

  3. Watching Night of Champions 2015, and the goth fan who seems to be ringside a lot at the moment is there. Who is he? He's a dude with shoulder-length dark hair, tall, thin, and of the more recent PPVs, seems to have Ascension signs.


    If I had any kind of technical know-how, I'd post a picture!


    Wasn't quite sure where to post this, but here goes:


    Can anyone recommend a book that details an American police investigation? Need something for research for my MA...


    David Simons; Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets us fascinating but doesn't focus on one particular investigation.



    Perfect! Cheers!

  5. It comes recommended by a friend, so I'll give it a go, plus its fairly short so I don't mind the break after World Without End, which was very long.


    I've asked previously, but does anybody have any recommendations for books to read? (Any genre/type). I'm reading anything I can get my hands on really, and only have 2 or 3 books to read after this one.


    I'd massively recommend The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamad. A great book that's incredibly well written.


    Cheers for the recommendations chaps...any from the actual EC PPVs worth checking out?

    Personally I'd always recommend 2010 for the Raw one as a generally enjoyable match followed by a very enjoyable angle in regards to that title scene, plus the SmackDown one is also fantastic for setting the table for Mania 26.



    I'd add the Raw Chamber from No way Out 2008 (Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Michaels, Umaga, JBL and Jericho) as one that's worth watching.

  7. I'm seriously considering changing my job. I've been an administrator since leaving school and I'm really stuck in a rut. I'm looking at getting into a trade, specifically electrician. Where do I start? What are the job prospects like?


    Getting a recognised qualification would be the first step. Try your local college to see what they offer.

  8. The Bad;


    A cousin Ian. An utter cock of a man. He's about 10 years older than me, and bullied the shit out of me as a kid. He used to do sneaky things like stand beside me and pinch me in the back, that kind of stuff. He was still doing it when he was in his early 20s and being a complete dick. Then I hit a growth spurt, and got bigger than him, and he stopped. He then started doing the same to my young nephew until I told him to fuck off. A nasty bully, but only to kids.


    My Dad. Depending on how he's feeling, can either be the funniest chap in the room, or the most miserable, grumpy sod imaginable. Doesn't like anyone taking the piss out of him at all, doesn't like anyone trying to out-alpha-male him, but if he's in the mood, he's hilarious.


    No racist uncles, sadly.


    The good:


    My niece. She's 16, is a bit thick, but is incredibly funny without realising it. Told me about a year ago that her career ambitions were to be 'a professional animal toucher, you know, like stroking them and stuff without cleaning any of their shit up. Do zoo's have jobs like that?', and after I explained that zoo's preferred people who'd clean the animals, decided to be 'a professional drug dealer then'.

  9. She can't lose weight and date at the same time?


    I'm with the girl on this one. New relationship = evenings out, booze, shit food at the end of the night or cosy evenings in with chocolate, wine and popcorn. Easier to focus on the weightloss and eating the right food than having to explain to the new boyfriend, or making him eat cucumber whilst watching some God-awful rom-com.


    There's also the subconscious thinking that the new fella liked her at her old weight, so may sabotage her weightloss to prevent her losing more and then becoming more desirable to the rest of the male species.

  10. just played Journey. That's an hour or so of my life I'll never get back. What a load of twaddling shit. Some reviews called it life changing. Well, what a shitty life they must have.


    Thank God! I thought I was the only one to think this!

  11. Applied for about 20 colleges. Not one interview. I've got an HND already. Thought I'd try something different. I was willing to pay for the course. Not one interview. Do these fucking places run an agist policy or something? I'm 37. Thought it was a bit out of order. Even the college that I got the HND in didn't even give me an interview. I was applying for these courses in March \ April too.


    University admissions person here!


    When did you take your HND? Are the courses you're applying to related to it in any way? What sort of course are you applying for?

  12. Aye, it's a tricky one. The situation I'm in is that I've done my job for coming up to nine years, I still really enjoy what I do; it's just my boss is an utter bellend. it's not just me either, the rest of my team can't stand him, but he's arrogant enough to think everyone likes him and he's doing a good job. As tempting as it is to just walk out, officially i have to serve a two month notice period. What I do is fairly specialised (PGCE Secondary admissions) and although I am good at what i do, I know I'm not irreplaceable.


    It sucks, but I think I'm going to have to gut it out until he leaves or I retire!

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