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Posts posted by Lion_of_the_Midlands

  1. As an umpire myself Tom I can tell you that umpiring is like that everywhere. I genuinely despair at some of the umpires who stand around here. I thought the new version of the laws over the winter might encourage some of the worst umpires to pack in, but if you didn't know the old laws then not knowing the new ones isn't a problem. 

  2. Price should pack it in now. That was a scary KO. He was out on his feet from the previous punch and to be honest Povetkin could have knocked him down with a feather at that point. 


    To be fair to the ref in the main event all either of them did in close was hold. He split them up and got them boxing again. Perhaps he was over eager a couple of times but that's all. It certainly aided Joshua though. 

  3. As has already been said in this thread, Hearn is loveable slime. Bricktop, sorry I mean Warren is just slime. If whoever it was who shot him has used something other than a Luger the course of boxing history would have been different I'm sure. The problem is that as wrestling fans we all know that Luger never wins the big one when the chips are down. 

  4. Could be worse Dev, we could be cheating and still getting stuffed. As for the cheating Aussies, Warner and Smith have lost their IPL money as well. That's where it will really hurt them. Interesting to see that Warner won't be considered for the captaincy ever again if he plays and that Smith can't be captain for 2 years.  Warner was obviously the ring leader. 

  5. He is going to try and win Le Mans this year though and he drove in the Daytona 24 Hours with Phil Hanson and Lando Norris, so his ego is giving us some other great racing.  Keep an eye on Lando Norris though. He is the McLaren reserve driver, and has that great combination of driving talent, youth, and a rich dad. He will be driving for Carlin in the Formula 2 this year. 

  6. Alonso isn't at a bigger team because he would cost far too much and he isn't willing to take less money for a better drive. He also likes to be in charge of the whole team. Can't see Wolff, Horner, or Arrivabene allowing that. 

  7. I think that is a fair observation KC. That won't be remembered as one of the best races of the season at the end of the season but right now it's good to see the cars on the track. F1 is always about so much more than the on track action. The little battles, the luck, and the strategy are what makes it. Yesterday's race had all three of those ingredients. The main little battles of yesterday were Haas v their equipment, and Verstappen v The edge of grip. The luck was obvious, and the strategy was influenced by qualifying. The 2 Ferrari's were able to get the better of Hamilton because of Bottas's crash and subsequent grid position. F1 really is a team game and Bottas really let his team down yesterday. 

  8. I'm not saying the ECB are capable of doing the right thing Gus, there is no evidence of that at all, and as someone who has a few dealings with them let me tell you: Organisation of stuff and common sense are not their forte.


    If they changed it they would probably try to merge Yorkshire and Lancashire or something equally stupid. You are right about Somerset though. If they changed the system they'd probably base it on test grounds. 


    @Cod Eye All I can say is that having spoken to about half a dozen 1st Class umpires over the last year or so, the one thing they all agreed on was that there are far to many average players in the county game. They all said the level of competition needs to improve dramatically and that can't happen under the present system.

    As for getting kids playing, there is a lot of effort going into that. The All Stars initiative that a lot of clubs run is brilliant for getting younger kids involved. The problem is actually retaining them once they get to 14-18 years old. That is a problem a lot of sports have. 

  9. The TV contract will ensure 50 over cricket survives for the minute. T20 can be exciting, 50 overs can be exciting, but nothing is better than a close fought Test. As long as Test Match cricket survives who really cares about the pyjama wearers. 


    As for the Championship Gus, it is simple. There are far too many Counties. It's the tradition thing again. Australia produces top quality cheats, sorry cricketers with half a dozen state sides and really strong grade cricket. We should do the same. We have the ECB Premier League system in place now. Go with 8 counties and make minor counties and ECB Prems more competitive. 

  10. That is the way the ICC works Butch. The bigwigs that run it are the sort of nobs that would belong to a gentleman's club. They treat cricket in very much the same way as those clubs are run. Not keen on admitting brown faces and keen to restrict the membership so that their own nests remain fully feathered. 


    Anyway England lasted longer than expected today, the damage was all done on that first morning and they have effectively lost the match in 3 days. I was at a cricket dinner with Angus Fraser on Friday night. He doesn't expect to last much longer as a selector. 

  11. Actually it's really easy to tell with Kimi. No. Fucks. Given. Ever. 


    As for Hamilton and Vettel, it's early in the season, enjoy the childish banter. By the time we've got half way through and they've had a few clashes on the track they won't be speaking to each other except to call one another cheats and the atmosphere will be terrible. 

  12. Well I see that the British Ali v Frazier (Copyright Mick Henessey) Sam Sexton v Hughie Fury is going to have some competition for fight of the weekend as Vasyl Lomachenko is fighting Jorge Linares on May 12th. That could be a decent fight. 

  13. Today has been joyous in the SA v Aus test. The cheating Aussies get caught on camera tampering with the ball. Then they got caught on camera trying to hide the evidence. Then they lie to the umpires about it, then they admit that they planned it in advance. If Smith and Bancroft don't get bans then there is no justice. 

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