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Posts posted by mim731

  1. 1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

    Out of nowhere I've become a daily listener to the BBC World Service.

    I know that the BBC gets a ton of shit these days (and quite rightly in the past couple of weeks) but bloody hell, this is the absolute quality that they can and do put out every day.

    Over the last two hours, I've listened to programmes on Jason Arday, the youngest black person ever to have been given a professorship at Cambridge, something on Arthur Briggs who was a jazz trumpeter, something on a Vietnamese Navy Commander who retired to the States to become a manicurist, and now a discussion on AI and cyber psychology. Fantastic. 

    I usually just listen to music when I'm working from home, but the World Service has taken over most days.

    Long live the Beeb.

    I used to work for the World Service, and heartily agree. It's legitimately incredible the variety of content that they put out and the quality. Even just daily shows like Outlook and Witness History are always fascinating, let alone the flagship Tuesday and Wednesday documentaries. It's a tremendous service with some fantastic people working there. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Fanny Pack said:

    I just think Rhodes has still got a little bit of AEW stink on him

    This is even more of a reason why they almost certainly will put the belt on him. Sends a very clear message that anyone coming over from AEW can still go right to the top in WWE. Certainly makes it a more attractive prospect for an Omega to come in, or if they want to put an offer out for a return run for a Jericho or Moxley in the future (not saying they will, just using them as examples). 

  3. 6 hours ago, Supremo said:

    I also can’t believe Ronda Rousey was willing to show her face. What a fall from grace. Relegated to a nothing, get-everyone-a-payday, filler match. I’d be so embarrassed.

    I don't disagree at all, she's terrible, but isn't she working with some sort of arm injury? If so she's probably being chucked into the multi-woman thing to hide her limitations (specifically the current injury ones, you can't hide her just generally being a bit shit).

    Still though, the contrast between her two runs in WWE is staggering. It feels like she forgot everything that made her exciting the first time round and now is completely clueless. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Even as a self-confessed gullible mug who would welcome CM Punk back and can convince myself he’ll change his ways this time, him returning seems less likely than ever.

    If we’re to assume it’s still a binary choice between CM Punk or The Elite, the last few weeks of TV feels like the final nail in the coffin for moanin’ ol’ Phil. They’ve completely eclipsed him.

    100% agree with this. At this point, unless they can send him off to ROH and keep him totally separate from AEW (which I'm not necessarily against, let him have it has own personal kingdom), I don't know that there's a fit for him, especially if it is a choice between him and The Elite because they have more than proved their worth as of late.

    With "locker room leader" Jericho also seemingly not in favour of Punk coming back, and it possibly being a choice between Punk or The Bucks/Kenny/possibly Hangman it certainly looks like a pretty easy choice at the moment. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    Oh god, please let Danny Murphy and Jermaine Jenas appear and get vilified. I'd love to see their careers disappear. 

    With Jenas being all over The One Show too I could definitely see him towing the party line for the sake of his career. Gotta imagine Murphy, Micah Richards and anyone else with any sense will back Lineker. 

    It's weird, as an ex-BBC employee I'm normally pretty defensive of the people who work there because I know how hardworking and undervalued everyone is there (its the best job I've ever had), but it's hard to defend the BBC on this. 

  6. Ian Wright and Alan Shearer have both declined to appear on MOTD out of solidarity. Gotta imagine the other pundits will follow suit! 

  7. The end of Cool Runnings, when they finally cross the finish line and we get the big Disney-score key-change as Derice hugs Irv destroys me on every watch. Not a dry eye in the house. 

    In fact, the end of any Disney underdog sports movie where the ragtag-upstart-team triumphantly comes from behind to win the big game against the odds. It's stupid, and I know the formula off-by-heart, but something about the music cues and the nature of it reduces me to tears without fail.

  8. 17 hours ago, air_raid said:

    I dunno, I always thought the Jackhammer looked pretty powerful. One of the best ones he did was the smooth rotation with zero delay on Raven who was fairly average size, in winning the US title in one of the two contenders for "best five minute match of the 90s."

    I hope Owen vs Kid at LOTR 1994 is the other?

  9. On 2/24/2023 at 7:52 AM, Harry Wiseau said:

    On the subject of Tunnocks, if you leave a comment on their "Contact us" section of their website then you may receive something in the post in the following days. I left a message saying how I had a dream that I met Boyd Tunnock and he gave me a lift in his Land Rover, the following week a Tunnocks woolly hat arrived in the post. A few weeks later I sent one in for somebody at work saying how my Tea Cake while listening to Popmaster was the highlight of my day during lockdown - two boxes of Tea Cakes arrived in the post! Then just two weeks ago I did one for someone else at work telling them how I was impressed to see it's now 7 million caramels that are made and sold each week and I could remember when it was 5 million - he got a tea towel, little tray and a packet of dark chocolate Caramel wafers! 


    Just don't all do it at once as they might suspect something.

    Arrived yesterday, after I left some feedback. 


  10. What even is Bray Wyatt at this stage? If I tried to explain his character to someone, what is it? Even with the cult leader and the Firefly Funhouse/Fiend characters it was relatively straightforward to explain it, even with all the spooky bollocks.

    I don't know what this iteration is supposed to be, which feels like a pretty significant barrier to the audience investing in his in-ring encounters if it's wildly confusing as to who or what he's meant to be. 

  11. 1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

    I didn't manage to get tickets. Will chance it on Twickets the week leading up.

    I'm thinking the same, and will go to a watch party or a pub showing it worst case if not. Still hopeful of getting a MITB only ticket nearer the time, but not super fussed if I don't. They'll definitely be back for another PPV given the demand for this. 

  12. Just now, RedRooster said:

    It's wishful thinking, but I really hope they have a title cull before the end of the year. Ditch the All-Atlantic belt, ditch the trios belt, get rid of the FTW belt and maybe even unify the TBS and Women's World title. 

    I agree, although, it's not necessarily that there's too many belts for  me, it's that they all get defended in the same way. I think there are creative solutions to get around some of these belts without ditching them entirely or doing anything too drastic. 

    For a bit there it seemed like the All-Atlantic was going to be mostly defended outside AEW, which kinda makes sense. I love the idea of it being almost an excursion title, and you see highlights of it on a quick recap on Dynamite.  Would also give the company a more global feel without actually having to do much. Fuck it, put it on a Kip Sabian or someone who is equally doing fuck all else and have them defend it in DDT or on UK shows or in Mexico. 

    The Trios have a place, but could be used more sporadically, and intertwined into specific existing feuds a bit more rather than existing as an island (although that might be just because of who the title holder are). 

    The FTW belt should just not be defended as a normal belt and just exists as a prop that gets defended a couple of times a year at most. Or something that gets wheeled out when it makes sense to the story rather than an ever-present.  It shouldn't be a normal belt.

    Agree on unifying the two women's belts unless Cargill vacates or they start doing a better job with the division to an extent where they can justify a second belt.

    These are just off the top of my head, but there's loads of ways they could utilise the belts they have without having to get shot of them.  

  13. Good work @SuperBacon that looks delicious! 

    In terms of straightforward recipes, I quite like the BBC Good Food website as they give you a difficulty rating on the dish (ranging from "Easy" to "A Challenge", so you can get an idea ahead of time of it's going to be tricky, or not, but you can also save all the recipes you like in one place so you have a little resource/mini cook book of your own to go to. 

    I also like that they do recipe "collections" around a theme but also you can just search by name or keyword if you want something specific. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Healy52003 said:

    Spurs Stadium is free on the dates 


    1 hour ago, FUM said:

    It should probably have been in Spurs stadium but it won’t be moved now.

    Aside from the fact it's a logistical nightmare to get to WHL (as previously mentioned in this thread I believe), the unpredictable nature of British weather especially in terms of rain and the lack of a roof surely means they won't be running anywhere other than Cardiff for a stadium show. 

  15. These appear to be the combo prices for anyone interested. I'm going to risk waiting on individual MITB tickets, or go watch it in a bar I think rather than spend all that money to see nothing from the top tier.

    I don't much fancy 2 nights, and I suspect they'll do more PPVs here given the success of this and CATC. 

  16. 13 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Brock Lesnar giving Omos a German Suplex and an F5 will be worth the Wrestlemania purchase alone. Inspired pairing.

    Makes for a spectacular visual, and having Lesnar destroy Omos on a big stage is a nice way to start heating Lesnar back up for a feud with whoever the champion is (let's say Cody, or someone else who isn't Reigns) come Summerslam.

    It could also be a starting point for Omos' inevitable slide into the dreaded and terrible "failed-as-menacing-big-man-now-dances-like-an-idiot...HE'S FUN" gimmick that history suggests WWE will inevitable slot him into.  

  17. I do wonder if TK's announcement is something relatively major, and that's why the rest of the card is fairly lacklustre, so it's not overshadowed?

    I appreciate it'll probably not be, and it'll be that he's bought XPW or something, or AEW are getting a streaming service or something, but hopefully it's a big signing like Ibushi or Jay White, or a returning CM Punk or something similarly major because AEW could really use a shot in the arm at the moment just to get a bit more of a buzz going. 

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