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Posts posted by mim731

  1. I really thought u guys would like them!! I mean it's the nWo destroying stuff...and these are "adult Collectibles" not children's toys it says so on the box



    You are more misguided than anyone I've had the misfortune of interacting with on here. If you have nothing more interesting to add than these collective groan inducing videos, could you kindly jog onwards please.

  2. Ok maybe you guys will like this one better


    The nWo action figures destroy my figure collection with some really cool stop motion plus I get my ass kicked in walmart!





    And PS I always loved JBL the man is a wrestling GAWD !! Lol



    Stop hawking your god awful Youtube skits on here. They're neither funny, nor entertaining, and your mere presence on this forum is becoming tedious and unnecessary. And I'm being polite.

  3. I always mean to ask this but forget, on one of the early Smackdowns of 2000 was a cage match between the Outlaws and Hardys. Now, has my mind played a decade long trick on me or did Road Dogg perform a moonsault in said match by running up the three turnbuckles and jumping straight off? I ask cos I was amazed to be honest and haven't seen him do the same since or previous. Any footage?


    Searching for "outlaws hardy cage" on Youtube yielded this.




    Moonsault is at 3:10

  4. When they DID do that spot, in their next cage match, they had a gimmicked ring so that he took a bump into some padding - that suggests very strongly that the first one was a mistake.


    Or that it hurt a lot more than Foley thought it would, so the next time he did it there was stuff to break his fall.


    Read the last paragraph of page 198:


    Terry Funk's book

  5. someone told me the otherday that the first wrestlemania was shown on terresteral tv is this correct ?

    I read somewhere before that Britain first got to see Wrestlemania 1 and 2 on Sky Movies, just before Wrestlemania 3.



    I was under this impression also. A quick google has produced nothing concrete, I know even up to the very early 90's ppvs were still on sky movies as it was pre sky sports. I'd imagine this is a confusion between the wwf stuff that was on ITV sporadically during the dying days of world of sport.

  6. Sorry if this has been asked before, But when did taker turn back face during his big evil run? He was heel at mania x8 and i'm guessing he turned before the lesnar feud, but for the life of me i can't remember when or how.

    If i remeber rightly, he stayed heel past mania Helped hogan win the WWE title (sort of) at backlash, beat hogan at Judgment day, although went on to lose to The rock in a triple threat with Rock/Angle.


    He had those cracking matches with Jeff during that time, and again stayed heel for some time. He must have turned around summerslam-ish sort of time to start fueding with lesner by the time unforgivene rolled around.


    Hope that helps!



    Wasn't it just a fairly gradual turn? He was still doing the same things just he was being cheered? I suppose the raising Hardy's hand after that ladder match could be construed as a pretty face-like move, even though he was still ostensibly a heel.

  7. Also im not sure people have mentioned, these video's they have been showing for the past week have been very elaborate. This isn't some Jericho Save Us quality graphics, this is borderline big budget promo's. The question is whould they do this if it was simply just the Undertaker? I can count off the top of my head five or six "returns" Taker has made over the years and never have they been this elaborate with his return. Come to think of it they have never made a promo or vignette this eleborate for anyone ever!



    Elaborate? Its some rain, a house, and a man walking? It's hardly Inception is it?

  8. It's all a swerve. It's this man:





    never thought about this, could be, I would mark out either way if its stinger or savage, however think about it, do you think Sting's gimic could work in a PG enviroment?



    You mean the way his gimmick worked in a PG environment in WCW for the majority of his career, a gimmick that has barely changed since then? Yes, I think he'd be fine.

  9. At the ec ppv for the smackdown ec main event, taker is left in the ring with edge when the lights go out for a min or 2 then the lights come back on and taker is laying out cold, edge covers 1-2-3 and still champion, next night on raw bigity bam the promo airs and the lights go out, a rope drops from ceeling and its..............................




    I doubt they'll do the rope from the ceiling ( a certain Owen hart incident/Martha Hart lawsuit would likely put paid to that), but the lights off and appearing, maybe. I'm so sure I'm going to be disappointed by this, I hope I'm wrong, but somehow I can;t see them making this happen!

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