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Posts posted by WWFChilli

  1. He may not have had 100% stinkers but his overall performance is far from great. Like someone else said, he does his moves like a five year old. Even Bret Hart said in an interview that Cena's in ring ability is limited. Obviously wrestlers like Edge can carry someone like Cena but it doesn't really mean Cena is of the same ability as someone like Edge. Hogan was limited too in the 80's but his good guy gimmick was right from the time and he also appeared vunerable at times. Later with Hart, Austin and the Rock you had some really stellar matches and stinkers were a rarity,though mostly with Hart who sometimed had an opponent he could not carry such as Backlund. These faces were also constantly cheered, which is the whole point of being a face. Cena's defence is that people boo him because he appeals to children but really I think a lot of children probably boo him too. Him gimmick is so cringworthy and at times offense and homophobic. It really it such a wonder he became as big as he was. I will admit I stopped watching wrestling around 2004 when I felt it was getting a little stale, plus I did have not have access to SKY. When I started watching it again I was amazed Cena was the top face because I remember him being crap. I watched his DVD's and mataches and my opinion hasn't changed. Fin knows wrestling inside out and he has to be honest with his criticism. It is the same with people who cannot understand why the last few series of a comedy show like Red Dwarf were being criticsed. It was because they are not all that good. Someone has to stand up for quality and it will do the WWE no favours for praise to be lavished on Cena constantly. Just because T shirts sell does not mean the product is quality. As for who I would have as the top face. Not my problem. I am not a booker or writer. But the WWE should have a policy of Cena being replaced as top face at the earliest opporunity. They kept trying to replace Hart when he was top face and he was actually a stellar wrestler. I can only assume the WWE are just too lazy to do anything now.


    1) That's absolute bollocks and physically impossible.


    2) Mania 11 sucked yes but the Survivor Series '94 match was a gem and Backlund was a talent himself to not be needed carrying.


    3) He better criticize Edge & Christian's new barnets then.


    4) A Fatwa?


    5) They wanted to see who could draw more than Hart, Hart wasn't too good of a draw but his replacements turned out not to be either. Nothing to do with him being a cracking hand in the ring or anything.


    6) The last line. If so they deserve to go out of business. But what you said isn't true either.

  2. Powerslam is correct to criticise Cena. He is the worst top babyface in pro wrestling history. His wrestling skills are even more limited than Hogan on a bad day, his gimmick is childish and tacky and his personality is one dimensonial. He only became top face because Austin quit due to injuries, the Rock went to hollywood and the one guy they were banking on (Brock Lensar) got fed up of the business. The sooner the already too long "Cena era" is over the better.


    Agree with most of this, it's cliche to say but I've not enjoyed Cena since 2004. His entire character makes me cringe. Crazy to think he's been on top for 7 years now. But they've built him up for so long and now we're stuck with him for the time being, and he's the best of a bad bunch as there's nobody to really replace him as the ultra-top dog right now. I've actually got a couple of mates who gave up watching WWE a few years back largely because they couldn't stand seeing John Cena in such a prominent position on a weekly basis, and are tuning in to Mania just to see him get his arse kicked (which shows that the Rock-Cena feud is drawing outside interest I guess). I can certainly accept that outside the ring Cena's a lovely guy though and it's really commendable to see him doing the Make A Wish stuff to the extent he does.


    I'm not stuck, I like Cena. No problem with him at all. I want a wrestler who looks like a star and carries themselves like one. Cena is a star and if they're buying into him then more power to him. Not his fault.

  3. I'm working my way through the Columbo Cigar Boxset. Every episode. Only up to season 3 at the moment. Anyone else own this?


    I don't own it, but every episode before the revival I've ever seen is great. Especially rewarding is if you watch each show from the position of rooting for the villain, and then treat the show as an ever more claustrophobic horror, where the incompetent smelly investigator begins to stalk your man, leading to confession or humiliation.


    I'm nowhere near the revival yet (Season 8 onwards) but there are some good episodes in that section as well. Harder to come across them but there are some nuggets there. The last episode I finished was the Johnny Cash episode which is wonderful seeing Peter Falk and Johnny Cash acting together. To use wrestling terms, Falk does a wonderful job carrying Cash. Johnny himself is great in it too. The best villain so far is Jack Cassidy.


    What's the preferred Columbo type killer then. The total bastard or the sympathetic 'I understand why you did it' killer?

  4. From the Observer update:


    --On Twitter, you can buy what is called a Promoted Tweet where you pay Twitter so that if someone searches for a specific item, your Twitter account will always be the first result. TNA this week bought the following terms: WWE, Wrestlemania, Wrestling, C.M. Punk, John Cena, The Rock, HHH, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Kane, Randy Orton and Sheamus.


    That's actually quite smart, can only one person buy a promotional tweet?

  5. I cant be the only person who loves 94-95 WWF. I just loved it. Probably because it was around the time we got Sky and I could watch it regularly, but the colour was just blinding. Everyone looked young and the wrestlers seemed faster. Hogan and Warrior were gone, but I was drinking the koolaid that they were past it and the New Generation was the next big thing. Good era. I dont care if it was so bad for business it nearly killed the company.


    Too right. If there was a two-three year period where somebody could show me absolutely any footage from the era and I'd DEFINITELY enjoy it, I'd pick 94-96 WWF every day of the week. Like you, couldn't give a fuck how shite it was for business. Blinding matches, blinding colours, Bret, Shawn, Razor and Diesel up your arse and shitloads of Vince on commentary. I mean, fucking loads. Virtually all the PPVs, and most of the telly. Can't get enough of it.


    Now Im trying to catch up one the stuff I missed like Challenge 94


    Was it Challenge that used to rock that incredible multi neon entrance set? The one they used at Mania 8.

  6. Whatever happened to Chris Walker and what was he all about?!


    I'm still watching Prime Time 92 and in the space of 6 weeks he's gone from pulverising Kato and looking like he might be a star to jobbing to the fucking Warlord of all people. Was he just a failed experiment or is there more to it?


    I think he was from the GWF as 'Conan' Chris Walker, he ended up doing house show spots in late '91 to early '92 and I assume he was under contract because he did a couple of PPV dark matches as well. He might have been a victim of the drug testing that WWF started around then, or he might have just left the business, I can't find much about him after Sid mullered him.


    EDIT: Turns out he runs a bar in Tampa apparently. Florida is awesome for wrestlers, even shitty obscure ones like Chris Walker. Thinking about it Walker looked like a cross between Kerry Von Erich and fitness expert/infomercial mullet god Tony Little.

  7. I will give the crazy homophobe props for this lovely little Back to the Future related dig at a fellow X-Factor winner though


    steve brookstein ‏ @stevebrookstein


    "Hey Alexandra, it's your cousin Marvin....Marvin Burke. You know that mediocre generic sound you've been looking for, well listen to this!

    That would be funny, but....you know..... it's Steve Brookstein.


    I'd take Brookstein over Leon fucking Jackson.

  8. I've never heard of Chemtrails. Care to enlighten me?

    Basically the idea that condensation trails left by planes are in fact the government either controlling the weather, or testing biological or chemical warfare.


    Fucking hell, people actually believe that. That's superb.

  9. Heenanforpresident has been taken down by "the man". A sad day. All the shoot interviews are still up if your history as the links, though. Which means it'll be back eventually.


    GOD FUCKING DAMNIT... In fairness he wasn't going to last too long, he should have mentioned more 'muscle bears' in his clips to throw off the beacon.

  10. Vince McMahon, Barry O, Superstar Graham, Bruno Sammartino, Herb Meltzer and Pro Bullshitter Murray Hodgson appear on Donahue in 1992 to discuss the WWF sex scandal -


    The woman at the end is right, if there's Child Abuse how can you not come forward and say you saw it? Wrestlers are weird.


    IIRC didn't it turn out Murray was a full on con man. Did he ever make an on screen appearances. He seems the type who would have eventually ended up doing time for something.

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