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Posts posted by WWFChilli

  1. The missus and me watched LA Confidential over the weekend. Cracking film and for a first time viewer a bloody rollercoaster ride. All the lead roles are performed brilliantly and the story has some terrific twists to it. Glad I watched it. For tommorow I shall be going through the Psycho boxset. We all know how good Psycho is, but the sequels are questionable. Still I enjoy them for something to pass the time. I actually really enjoyed Psycho II the first time I watched it, even though a sequel to Psycho seems pretty unnecessary.

  2. What happened to that wrestling show that featured the likes of MVP and Chris Masters under different gimmicks? MVP was supposedly going to be a Chono rip-off and Masters was called something like Concrete.Is it no longer happening?

    IIRC they filmed a pilot or the standard 13 episode pilot series, though when it's airing is another story.
  3. Why did Hulk Hogan leave wwe in 2003? I know he left in 02 cos of his mania 18 payoff was low or something, but he just vanished mid Mr America and didnt appear again til 2005.Was around the same time in 03 as 02 so was his mania 19 payoff shit aswell?

    You sort of have it the wrong way around.Hogan was in WWE from January-August 2002. He didn't come back until January 2003. He was scheduled back sooner than January as he lobbied to be the one to defeat Brock Lesnar and take the WWE Undisputed Title apparently (which is why Hogan let Lesnar fucking maul him on that August Smackdown match). He left WWE again in June 2003 during his Mr. America gimmick because he wasn't happy with his Wrestlemania XIX payoff, which I think was around $150,000. Quite low for a Hogan payoff and so he believed as well. Don't think Hogan ever worked as a regular after that in WWE and just stuck to his special appearances.
  4. My sister is watching this new show called '2 Broke Girls' on Channel 4 and oddly enough original Saturday Night Live castmember Garrett Morris is in it, and I shouted out 'GARRETT MORRIS' for no apparent reason.


    Surely it was because you recognised him. Or are you telling us about an amazing coincidence?


    Yeah it was, I just never assumed I would randomly shout out 'Garrett Morris'

  5. The rumour is that Chili Dog has made it unbearable. I can only speak for the time he wouldn't shut the fuck up about his sketch comedy which was, indeed, unbearable.


    The last time I was in there about 80% of the posts were by him. Which is too much even from somebody who is good.


    To be fair this was a combination of people asking me questions and BiffingtonClyro asking me about his comedy writing. Nothing to do with any of my own work so Sev crossed wires a bit there. You can just tell me to shut up I'm rabbiting on lads, no problem there.

  6. I'm considering watching the Paranormal Activities series after much cajoling from my girlfriend. Is it worth watching or should I make up some bollocks to pass on the opportunity. A good few people in work said it was the scariest film ever (though these were all girls and curious 'Inbetweeners is the funniest movie ever' types).


    I also didn't know until coming into this thread there was a Scream 4. Fucking hell! Scream 3 was one of the most unnecessary sequels ever produced. It was like they were going the opposite way of Scary Movie and trying to make some confusing, serious parody of the first film. Woeful.


    I also bought the French Connection today, Sunday night sorted with that one I hope.

  7. Bit of a random question.


    I was watching the Tagged Classics version of Wrestlemania 2 with a friend last night. Now my friend has a problem, he never shuts up, so I didn't hear half of the commentary, most of the promos, or anything else for that matter.



    Right at the start of the DVD, the Wrestlemania 2 logo comes up, and a voice says "Wrestlemania 2", and then something else, before it cuts to the first match. What does it actually say?


    I'm presuming it was Bigger, Better, Badder, but it didn't sound like it.




    It goes "Wrestlemania 2. What the world has come to", followed by a sweet bit of sax from the Jim Johnson Six.

  8. I didn't state he criticised. I'm saying he should have added it was smart business (it was and he is smart enough to know so) as knowing his history for being a vocal Cena/Cena related critic, it is a case of his silence screaming.


    Ai, fair do's then CiderBag. I look forward to his Mania review. I might even make a drinking game out of it.

  9. I can't fucking wait to hear Fin Martin's reaction to Shaemus vs. Bryan at WM. It's going to be hilarious. Did he tweet anything about it?

    I just checked, and his post-WrestleMania tweet was "As expected, a new Cena T-shirt design was unveiled last night."


    He should acknowledge it as smart business...


    In fairness I know Fin's a twat but he doesn't actually criticize anything with that tweet. I also assume some text him this as he was probably too drunk and in complete hysterics after Bryan got mullered. Fin will call that a waste probably and some sort of in-joke from Vince. FIN KNOWZZZZZ!!!

  10. Absolutely blinding film, and just leaves me disappointed that George Kennedy was frequently left to redeem utter shite b-movies, because he's fantastic in that movie. Newman is Newman, which is basically a mark of quality.


    Yeah, Kennedy was just that bloke in the Naked Gun movies until seeing this, his role as Dragline is just brilliant.


    Tomorrow it's 'Animal House' with the missus. I'm really hoping this film isn't a disappointment. A few friends have spoke highly of it.

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